033: Closed Gate

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The group were now stood above a hole

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The group were now stood above a hole.
"You guys ready?" Blakeley asks.
"Ready." All the kids say.
"Light her up." Dustin says, as Steve grabs a lighter.
""We're in such deep shit." Steve says, glancing at Blakeley, who nods in agreement.
"Yep. We definitely are." Blakeley agrees.
Steve then throws the lighter causing the whole area in front of them to burst into flames.
"Go, go, go." Blakeley says, as they all take off running.
"Let's go. Let's go!" Steve shouts.
"Oh my God. Oh my God." Dustin says.
"Hey, this way!" Steve shouts.
They all run, but Mike trips.
"Mike!" Blakeley shouts, running back to Mike and the others continue to run ahead.
The others upon hear Blakeley call for Mike run back as well.
"Help! Help!" Mike shouts.
"Hold on." Steve tells him, as they see something wrapping itself around Mike's leg.
"Steve, pull him out!" Dustin shouts.
"Everybody back! Everybody back!" Blakeley tells them.
Blakeley starts shooting at the thing before it lets go.
"You good?" Lucas asks Mike.
"We gotta get out of here." Harper says.
They then hear a monster growling. They all turn and Blakeley points her gun at it.
"Dart." Dustin says, slowly walking towards it.
"What are you doing?" Mike asks.
"Dustin get back." Max tells him.
"Trust me, please." Dustin says, before kneeling down in front of Dart. "Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin, all right? You remember me? Will you let us past?" Dart snarls at him. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. I know it was a pretty douche thing to do. You hungry? yeah?"
"He's insane." Steve says.
"Shh." Blakeley tells him, still pointing her gun at Dart just in case.
"I got our favourite. See? Nougat." Dustin says, pulling the food out of his bag. Dustin unwraps it and puts it down, as Dart slowly walks forward. "Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right? Eat up, buddy. Come on Come on."
Dustin signals for the group to walk past, so they do.
"Dustin come on." Harper says as they all wait for him.
"Goodbye, buddy." Dustin says to Dart, before the group walk away.
"Let's go. Let's go." Steve says, before the tunnel starts to shake.
"Jesus." Harper says.
The then hear the monsters.
"What was that?" Max asks.
"They're coming." Mike says.
"Run! Run!" Blakeley shouts, before the group take off running.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Steve shouts. "Come on, guys. Move."
"There! There!" Lucas shouts, seeing the rope the used to climb down.
Steve helps all the kids up and it was just Blakeley and Steve.
"B, come on." Steve says holding his arms out, so he could help her up.
"You go first." Blakeley tells him.
"No way." Steve says.
"Steve, go." Blakeley tells him.
"Not without you." Steve tells her.
"I'll be right behind you, I promise." Blakeley says. "I'm the best person to go last in case they start climbing up the rope. I've come face to face with these things multiple times. I know what I'm doing."
"B..." Steve starts.
"Steve, go." Blakeley says, but Steve makes no attempts to move. The monsters get closer, causing Blakeley's head to snap in that direction, before turning back to Steve. "Go! Now!"
Steve reluctantly climbs up the rope.
"Blakeley, come on!" Mike says.
"Blake, grab my hand!" Steve shouts down to her.
Blakeley looks up at them, before seeing the shadow of the monsters appearing in the corner of her eyes.
"Blakeley!" Harper shouts, as she sees her sister not making any attempt to get out.
Instead Blakeley grabs her gun again and points it towards the direction the monsters where coming.
"Go!" Blakeley shouts up to the group. "I'll hold them back."
"Blakeley! Don't you dare do this!" Steve yells, tears coming to his eyes at the thought of losing Blakeley. "Get up here, now!"
The monsters then appear causing them all to scream louder. Blakeley stands there frozen, ready to expect her fate, but instead they all just run past her. As they run past, Blakeley turns to watch them. From up above the headlights of the car shine even brighter then they already are causing the others to cover their eyes.
"What the..." Steve starts.
"Eleven." Blakeley finishes.
The car lights dime again, before the group turns back to the hole.
"Blakeley!" Steve shouts.
"Yeah, I'm okay." Blakeley replies. "Watch out!"
The group step aside as Blakeley through her gun up to save her having to carry it while climbing.
"Come on." Harper calls to her sister.
"I'm coming." Blakeley replies, as she starts to climb the rope.
Once she was in arm's reach, Steve grabs Blakeley's hand pulling her up the rest of the way. As soon as Blakeley's feet touch the ground Steve pulls the blond into his arms.
"Don't ever do that to me again." Steve tells her, causing the girl to nod against his shoulder.
"I can't make any promises." Blakeley replies.
Steve lightly laughs. He pulls away, placing his hands on either side of her face.
"You're gonna be the death of me Blakeley Rose Hayes." Steve says, before pulling he face towards his so their lips meet.
"Gross." Harper says covering her eyes.
The other kids laugh as Steve and Blakeley pull apart staring into each others eyes. Blakeley then remembers something causing her to quickly snap out of her trance.
"Eleven." Blakeley says. "We need to get to the lab."
"Let's go." Max says before they all run back to the car.


When the group get to the lab, they see Hopper helping Eleven out.
"El!" Blakeley shouts running towards them.
"Blakeley!" Eleven replies, as the two girls hug tightly.
"Have you heard anything from the others?" Steve asks, as the others made their way over. "Is Will okay?"
"Yeah, Will's okay." Hopper says, as Blakeley and Eleven pull apart, and Mike and Eleven hug. Hopper sees the bruises and cuts all over Blakeley and Steve's faces. "What happened to you guys?"
"My step- brother happened." Max says.
"Is it over? Is the gate closed?" Lucas asks.
Hopper glances at Eleven who nods. They all sigh in relief. It was over. The gate was closed.

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