054: Firework Pain

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The group were hid behind the car in the mall

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The group were hid behind the car in the mall. All of a sudden Eleven, Max and Mike take of running. They run until Eleven trips over something metal getting the monsters attention.
"Shit." Blakeley says, getting her gun ready to shoot.
"What are you doing?" Nancy asks.
"What does it look like?" Blakeley replies.
Lucas then gets his sling shot ready.
"What are you doing?" Nancy repeats to him.
"Don't worry." Lucas tells her,
Lucas stands up using the sling shot to hit a balloon. He ducks down behind the car again just as the monster looks in their direction.
"Go, go, go, go, go, go." Johnathan shouts before all of them but Blakeley run.
"B, come on!" Nancy whisper shouts.
"Go, I'll go get El, Max and Mike." Blakeley tells her. "Wait Nance."
Nancy turns around and Blakeley throws her her second gun.
Nancy catches it before following Johnathan, Will and Lucas.

Nancy, Johnathan, Will and Lucas run out. The two younger boys get in the car as Johnathan puts the cable in the car. They hear Billy's car reve.
"Get the car started, go!" Nancy tells Johnthan.
Nancy cocks the gun aiming it towards Billy as Johnathan gets in the car. Billy starts driving towards the group as Johnathan continues to struggle to get the car started. Nancy shoots at Billy but he continues to get close. Right before Billy could hit Nancy and the car Steve and Robin come and ram into the side of Billy's car, spinning it off to the side.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks Robin, as the front part of Billy's car catches fire.
"Ask me tomorrow." Robin says.
The monster then snarls, appearing on the roof of the mall.
"Get in!" Nancy tells Steve and Robin, as they pull up in the car beside them.
Steve and Robin quickly get in the back.
"Where's Blakeley? Where's El, Mike and Max?" Steve asks.
"They're still in the mall. We got to keep this thing from going back until Blakeley can get them out of there at least." Lucas tells them.
"Shit." Steve says, as him and Robin look back at the monster following them.

Blakeley leads the kids out of the mall only to come face to face with Billy getting out of his burning car.
"Shit." Max says.
"Go, go, go, go, go." Blakeley tells the three kids before they rush back into the mall.

"It's turning around!" Steve warns, seeing the monster turning around.
"What?" Nancy asks.
"It's turning around." Steve repeats.
"Maybe we wore it out." Lucas says.
"I don't think so, hold on." Johnathan tells them.
Johnathan turns the car around heading back to the mall.

Blakeley, Eleven, Max and Mike try to get through a door. They were in the back corridors of the mall.
"Billy." Max says.
Blakeley turns to see Max stood in the middle of the corridor.
"Max." Blakeley warns, slowly walking over to her.
"Billy, you don't have to do this." Max tells him. "Billy, you're name is Billy Hargrove. You live on 4819 Cherry Lane, Billy, please, I'm Max. I'm your-"
Billy punches Max causing Blakeley to rush towards Billy as Mike and Eleven rush to Max.
Blakeley stands in front of Billy pointing her gun at him.
"I'm not afraid to shoot you, Billy." Blakeley warns.
Billy knocks the gun out of Blakeley's hand pushing her into the wall. She hits her head watching as Billy walks up to her.
"You haven't changed one bit. You're still a bitch." Billy tells her, walking towards her.
Mike goes to tackle Billy but Billy knocks him into the wall, causing him to fall to the floor. Eleven tries to do the same but Billy grabs her head knocking it into the wall, knocking her out.
"Asshole." Blakeley mutters, before kicking Billy in the stomach.
Blakeley goes to kick him again, but Billy blocks it, using his other hand to wrap around her neck. Blakeley grabs Billy's hand gasping for air. Billy holds her up for a few minutes before harshly throwing her into the wall. Blakeley struggles to get up as she watches Billy pick Eleven up over his shoulder and walk away.

Blakeley manages to get up and grab her gun. She looks back at Max and Mike who were both unconscious. Knowing they would be safer there she leaves them and heads in the same direction as Billy did. As she gets to the man area of the mall she sees the monster slowly making it's way towards El, who was on the floor trying to back away, as Billy stood there very still. The monster opens it's mouth. Blakeley gets ready to shoot but just as she was about to a firework goes off.
"Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas shouts from the floor above.
The group continue to throw fireworks, but that doesn't stop the monster from walking towards El.
"Shit." Blakeley says, before shooting the monster multiple times.
The monster spots Blakeley and turns his path towards her.
"Hey, Asshole. Over here!" Steve shouts, throwing a firework at the monster, to try and distract it from his girlfriend.
The group continue throwing fireworks at the monster, as Blakeley notices Billy feeling all the pain the monster was.
Blakeley quickly runs up the steps the the floor above running over to Steve and Robin.
"Guys, stop!" Blakeley tells them, grabbing both their arms.
"Why?" Robin asks.
"All the pain the monsters feeling Billy's feeling to." Blakeley tells them.
"So?" Steve asks.
"So none of this is Billy's fault and he doesn't deserve this." Blakeley responds. "I got an idea, and you have to trust me."
"Blakeley, this is the only way to stop this thing." Will says, from his spot near them.
"Fine, continue going, but I'm doing my plan." Blakeley says.
"B." Steve says, grabbing Blakeley's arm before she could run off. "Promise you'll come back to me."
"I promise." Blakeley says.
She quickly kisses Steve before running away from him.

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