079: She's In

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Blakeley had her headphones on, listening to the music that was playing from them

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Blakeley had her headphones on, listening to the music that was playing from them. She was sat a little away from Max and Lucas but still saw the flashing light from Erica, who was still at the playground, signalling that it was time.
"Max." Blakeley says, taking her headphones off as she stands up.
"Yeah?" Max replies, taking her headphones off as she sits down.
Blakeley takes a sigh before looking directly at the girl.
"Whatever happens tonight... I need you to promise me something." Blakeley tells her.
"What is it?" Max asks.
"Look after, Harper. Take care of her, don't break her heart." Blakeley tells her. "She really likes you Max, actually she loves you. She's been through enough, and I'm not going to go down without a fight, but if anything does happen to me, I need you to know you won't give up on her. She'll block you out, possibly break up with you because of all the emotions she will feel, but I need to know that I can trust you to stick by her... when I can't."
"What makes you so sure he's going after you?" Max asks.
"That's not important right now." Blakeley says.
"Uhm... yes it is." Lucas says.
"Just promise me. Promise me you'll both be there for Harper, she'll need you guys more then ever if anything happens to me." Blakeley says. "She'll need all of you."
Max and Lucas share a look.
"We'll all need each other if anything happens to you." Lucas says. "But we promise, we'll be there for her. We all will be."
"Thank you." Blakeley says.
The blonde walks over and putting Max's headphones back over her head, she gives Max a reassuring nod when she sees the worried look on the girls face, she sends the same nod to Lucas before sitting down and closing her eyes, taking a deep breath.


"Blakeley and Max are moving into phase two. One of them will be distracting Vecna any minute." Erica tells the guys in the Upside Down.
"So far, so smooth." Robin says.
"Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet." Steve says.
Harper walks forward looking towards the house.
"Take the bait, you son of a bitch." Harper says.


Blakeley found where the light was the brightest.
"Hey. Asshole. I'm here. No more music. No more games." Blakeley says. "Can you hear me? What are you waiting for, huh? Come on, do you want me or not?"
The light that was on the table, that use to be the brightest, dimes, before the one Blakeley was holding becomes brighter. Blakeley, along with Max and Lucas follow the light up the stairs.
"I'm not sure about this." Max whispers to Lucas, her headphones still playing her music.
"Max. There's no changing Blakeley's mind." Lucas whispers back.
They come to a stop as the light glows even birghter before going dim again.
"What are you waiting for, Asshole. I'm right here." Blakeley says. "I know you can hear me. I know you can read my thoughts. Even the worse ones. Maybe mostly the worse ones."
Blakeley puts the lantern down, before taking her headphones and walkman off and putting it on the floor.
"B, what are you-" Max starts, but buts herself off as Blakeley sits down.
"I've thought about what you said. How I just stood there and let Barb die. And it makes me think back to 'Starcourt Mall' and how I could have done more. If I did... Billy Hargrove would still be here. And Max would still have her brother. There's so much more... my parents divorce, my dad kidnapping my sister and giving her powers. Wanting to kill my dad because of it. Breaking up with my boyfriend because of what I've been through instead of letting him help me, the um... the self harm. All the times I've nearly died or have died. The last one makes me think. I've died once already, what's one more time. Because... I just want you to take me away. I want you to make me disappear." Blakeley says.
"Is that... all true?" Lucas asks, causing the blonde to look to see Max now had her head phones around her neck, song still playing, and both of the younger teens had tears running down their cheeks.
"You wanted to kill your dad?" Max asks.
"What are you guys talking?" Blakeley asks.
"You ever want to do the same to us?" Lucas asks.
"No, never." Blakeley says standing up.
"Normal people don't fantasize about killing other people, Blakeley." Max said. "You realize that, right?"
"Guys, please." Blakeley says.
"We thought you were getting better. Becoming a better person. But you're not, are you?" Lucas asks. "You're sick."
"Lucas, you don't mean that." Blakeley says.
"Maybe it is good he takes you. Maybe it's for the best. In fact I'm glad it's going to be you. You will be the chosen one." Max says. "The fourth. The finale sacrifice."
"It's going to be you that breaks the world." Lucas and Max both say, Blakeley hears a hint of Vecna in their voices.
Blakeley starts backing up.
"Blakeley, where are you going? Don't be scared." Lucas says.
"Stay away from me." Blakeley says.
"Blakeley, I thought you said you were ready. Ready to disappear." Max says, Vecna's voice still looming, as Lucas and Max's eyes turn blue.
"I said stay away." Blakeley says swinging a glass bottle at the two.
Max ducks but it hits Lucas, as Blakeley takes off running.


"Blakeley's in, move into phase three." Erica says.
"Blakeley's in. Move into phase three." Robin repeats into the radio to Dustin and Eddie.
Harper tenses, hearing confirmation that it was her sister Vecna targeted.
"She's going to be okay." Nancy reassures the young girl, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Harper nods feeling a few tears come to her eyes, as she wraps her arms around Nancy's waist causing Nancy to wrap her arms around Harper's neck.
Nancy and Steve share a look, just as Harper starts quietly sobbing. Steve instantly goes over pulling Harper out of Nancy's arms and into his own.
"It's okay. I'm here. It's okay." Steve says, placing a hand on the back of Harper's head. "Blakeley's going to make it through. I promise."
The sound of the bats flying away causes the pair to pull away and look up.
"It's working. Let's go."

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