053: Ignition

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Blakeley follows Steve out the mall, Robin, Dustin and Erica following along with her

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Blakeley follows Steve out the mall, Robin, Dustin and Erica following along with her.
"Oh, man, this... this is what I'm talking about." Steve says, seeing the car Hopper had giving him the keys to.
"'Toddfather'?" Robin asks seeing the number plate.
"Oh, screw Todd. Steve's her daddy now." Steve says.
"Did you just talk about you're self in the third person?" Blakeley asks, as Robin, Erica and Dustin all get in the car.
"Did he just call himself daddy?" Erica asks.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Steve asks, Blakeley.
Steve, Robin, Erica and Dustin her going up to Dustins Cerebro while Blakeley stayed back at the mall with the others.
"I'll be okay. Are you sure you'll be okay?" Blakeley asks.
"As long as you're okay, I'll be okay." Steve tells her.
Blakeley smiles at him before placing a hand on his shoulder and kissing him.
"Be careful." Blakeley tells him.
"I will, you be careful to." Steve says.
"Of course I will be, when am I not." Blakeley jokes.
Steve laughs before getting into the car.
"Okay, where are we going?" Steve asks.
"Weathertop." Dustin answers.
"Be safe, guys!" Blakeley tells them.
Blakeley watches them before walking back into the mall.

"Are you sure you want to do this Jonah? You've never done anything like this before." Blakeley says, walking over to her moms boyfriend.
"I knew what I signed myself up to when I became apart of this family." Jonah tells her.
"Just don't get yourself killed, okay? I already lost my dad, I can't lose the person who has become like a father figure to me as well." Blakeley says, causing Jonah to smile slightly.
"I will make sure both me and your mother come back to you and then the three of us can go look for Harper, I promise." Jonah says. "But you've also got to promise not to get yourself killed."
"I promise." Blakeley says laughing lightly.
"Hey. We should probably go." Mike tells the group.
Kathrine walks over giving her daughter a tight hug.
"I know what you're like, sweetheart. Just promise me you'll be okay." Kathrine tells her.
"I promise." Blakeley responds.
Kathrine kisses her daughters head before Blakeley walks over to Nancy, Johnathan, El, Max, Lucas, Mike and Will.
"Blakeley." The blonde turns around at Hopper's voice.
The others walk ahead as Hopper walks up to her.
"Yeah, Hop?" Blakeley asks.
"Kid, you are one of the bravest people I know. And to be honest... that really scared me." Hopper admits.
"Thanks, I guess." Blakeley says.
"Be careful, don't let any of the kids get hurt but especially don't get yourself hurt or killed. We all know what you're like. Harper's gonna need you the most when she comes back." Hopper tells her.
"I'll be careful. I promise." Blakeley tells him.
The blonde gives him a small smile before going to catch up with the group.

They group walk out to the car, all getting in. Nancy goes to start it but it doesn't start.
"Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas asks.
"Yes, I'm sure it's fine." Nancy says.
"Did you leave the lights on?" Will asks.
"No." Nancy answers.
"Do we have gas?" Lucas asks.
"Yes!" Nancy shouts.
"Okay, okay. Everyone chill out." Blakeley says.
Blakeley, Johnathan and Nancy get out and open the hood.
"What the hell? The ignition cables gone." Johnathan says.
They then here another car reve causing them to turn around and see Billy. They quickly get the kids before running back into the mall.

"Scoop Troop do you copy. I repeat, Scoop Troop do you copy? We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation. Scoop Troop, do you copy? Billy had found us. He has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. Repeat: he has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall." Mike says into his walkie talkie, trying to get hold of Steve, Dustin, Robin and Erica.
Max and Will watch as Blakeley grabs her gun from her bag, cocking it.
"You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" Max asks.
"This is just a precaution, okay?" Blakeley tells her.
"Not just against Billy. If he knows we're here so does the mind flayer." Will points out.
"No, chance that thing will drive, right?" Nancy jokes, as her and Johnathan walk over, looking at the over turned car.
"We don't need it to drive. We just need the ignition cable." Johnathan says.
The group tried to turn the car over but failed.
"Let me try." El says.
"El." Mike sighs.
"I can do it." El says.
Everyone steps behind Eleven before she uses her powers to turn the car back over, but it doesn't work.

The group eventually get the car turned over and start trying to get the hood open. Johnathan gets the cable as there was a loud pounding sound on the roof. They all look up to see the monster.
"Go!" Blakeley screams.
They all run out of the mall just as the monster comes through the roof.


Steve, Dustin, Robin and Erica were on top of the hill, waiting for Murray to contact them again.
"Scoops troop, this is... hm... Bald Eagle. I've reached another junction." Murray tells them.
"This is what?" Dustin asks.
"The fourth junction." Erica says.
"All right, so if memory serves, this is right after the 'My Little Pony' thesis." Dustin says.
"We went left, so he has to go..." Erica starts.
"Right." Both Dustin and Erica say together.
"Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right!" Dustin tells him.
"Roger that, flying right." Murray replies, before going off the line.
"What's the 'My Little Pony' thesis?" Robin asks.
"Don't get him started." Erica says, as Steve notices something in the distance.
"Get him started?" Robin asks. "Just tell me--"
"Hey, guys?" Steve says, cutting Robin off.
Roin, Dustin and Erica join Steve at the edge of the hill seeing the lights of the mall flickering.
"Shit." Dustin mutters.
"Blakeley." Steve whispers, to himself.
The group rush back to the radio.
"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!" Dustin asks. "Griswald family, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop. Do you-"
Dustin get's cut off by a monster growlling and roaring.
"Shit." Steve says.
"Griswald Family, this is Scoop Troop, please confirm your safety. Are you en route to Bad Eagle's nest?" Dustin shouts into the radio.
Steve gets up and starts running off.
"Where are you going?" Erica asks.
"To get them the hell out of there." Steve shouts. "Stay here contact the others."
"Shit." Robin says, following Steve.
"Wait Robin!" Dustin says, causing Robin to stop. "Stay in touch."
"Got it." Robin says catching the radio that Dustin threw to her.
As soon as he got to the car Steve started to drive off meaning Robin had to dive into the car. The only thing running through Steve's mind in that moment was Blakeley.

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