047: The File

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"I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is pretty impressive

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"I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is pretty impressive." Dustin says, as they were walking along the corridor.
"What are you talking about? It's a total fire hazard." Blakeley says.
"There's no stairs or exits. There's just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell." Steve adds.
"They're commies. You don't pay people, they cut corners." Erica says.
"To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking." Robin says. "Think about it. They developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo. It all comes into the mall like any other delivery. And then they load it onto those trucks and nobody's the wiser."
"You think they built this whole mall so they could transport that green poison?" Steve asks.
"I seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison." Dustin says. "It's gotta be more valuable like promethium or something."
"What the hell is promethium?" Erica asks.
"It's what Victor Stone's used to make Cyborgs bionic and cybernetic components." Robin says.
"Y'all are so nerdy, it makes me physically sick." Erica says.
"Don't lump me in with them." Blakeley says. "I'm not a nerd, all right?"
"Neither am I." Steve says.
"Why so sensitive, Hayes and Harrington?  Afraid of losing cool points to a ten year old child?" Robin asks.
"No. We're just saying we don't know jack shit about Prometheus." Steve says.
"Promethium." Dustin corrects. "Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure, but whatever. All I am saying is it's probably being used to make something."
"Or power something." Robin says.
"Like a nuclear weapon." Dustin says.
"Totally." Robin agrees.
"Walking towards a nuclear weapon. That's great." Blakeley says sarcastically. "That's be great."
"But if they're building something, why here?" Robin asks. "I mean, Hawkins' seriously. Of all places. At the very best we're a toilet stop on your way to Disney Land."
Robin and Erica continue walking as Blakeley, Steve and Dustin stop.
"You think the Russians know about..." Steve starts.
"They could." Blakeley says, knowing what he was talking about.
"So it's connected?" Steve asks.
"Maybe." Dustin. Answers.
"How?" Steve asks.
"I don't know. But it's..." Blakeley starts.
"Possible." The three of them say together.
"I'm sorry. Is there something you'd three like to share with the class?" Robin asks, as her and Erica look back at them.
They then hear a Russians over the radio. They all kneel on the floor to listen.
"A trip to China sounds nice. If you tread lightly..." Blakeley says in Russian. "It's the code."
"Wherever that broadcast is coming from..." Dustin starts.
"It's close." Robin finishes. "And if there's one thing we know about that signal..."
"It can reach the service." Dustin says.
Blakeley smirks looking up.
"Let's go." The blonde says.

"Okay, clear. Okay, let's go." Steve says as the group comes out from hiding.
"Okay,  that was a close one." Robin says.
"Too close." Dustin says.
"Relax." Steve tells them. "All right l, relax, nobody saw..."
As they turned the corner they saw a bunch of Russians walking around.
"Shit! Jesus." Blakeley says, as they all hide due to a Russian looking their way.
"Red Dawn." Dustin says.
"I saw it." Erica says. "First floor. Northwest."
"Saw what?" Steve asks.
"The comms room." Erica says.
"You saw the comms room?" Blakeley asks.
"Are you sure?" Dustin asks.
"Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there." Erica says.
"That could be a hundred different things." Robin says.
Blakeley looks at Steve, who was already looking at her.
"I'll take those odds." Blakeley tells him.
Steve sighs before they all look around the corner then hide again.
"Okay. We're gonna move fast,  we're gonna stay low. Okay?" Steve says.
"Okay." Robin says.

The group slowly made their way to the room. Steve catching the door just before it closed. They sneak in, only to turn around and see a Russian at the desk. He spots them, taking his headphones off and standing up. Blakeley spots him reaching for his gun.
"Tread lightly." Blakeley says in Russian.
"Who are you?" The guy asks in Russian.
"Silver cat... Silver cat." Blakeley says in Russian, gesturing to her herself then to the others.
"I don't understand." The Russian says.
"China?" Blakeley says in Russian.
The man scoffs, reaching for his gun again. Before he has chance to grab in Steve charges at him. Steve and the Russian fight until Steve knocks the Russian unconscious.
"Dude! You did it! You won a fight!" Dustin says.
Dustin then goes over to the Russian, getting his keycard.
"What are you doing?" Erica asks.
"Getting is our ticket out of here." Dustin says.
"You want to walk all the way back?" Erica asks.
"Well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe." Dustin says, sarcastically.
"Have a picnic? We came here for the radio." Erica says.
"This plan is way better. If I knew Steve could knock out a Russian, that would have been our plan in the first place." Dustin says.
Steve notices Blakeley slowly walking towards the controls.
"Babe, you okay?" Steve asks.
Blakeley uses the controls to zoom in on a file.
'Harper Hayes'
Dustin gasps upon seeing his best friends photo on the screen as Steve goes over wrapping an arm around his girlfriends shoulder, kissing the side of her head.
Blakeley looks down before looking back up at the screen.
"The Russians did have something to do with her disappearance. They traded her to Hawkins Lab for stuff they needed to build a machine." Blakeley says, reading off the screen.
"Hawkins Lab shut down last year." Dustin says.
"What machine?" Steve asks, the same time as Dustin.
"Guys, there's something up there." Robin says, coming back down from up the flight of stairs.
They walk up to find some sort of machine. But that wasn't the only thing.
"They're trying to open the gate." Blakeley says, as her, Steve and Dustin share a look.


All the while Blakeley, Steve, Dustin, Robin and Erica had been trapped in the Russian base, Nancy,  Johnathan and the kids had gone to Heathers house to find evidence as to what happened to Tom and Janice the night Max and Eleven found Billy at the house. Nancy remembered that Mrs Driscoll kept saying 'I have to go back. I have to go back.' So they planned on letting her. They went to the hospital to find Mrs Driscoll gone. Nancy and Johnathan were attacked by Tom, before Nancy killed him and he turned to goo.

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