040: Lost Sister

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Max and Eleven were at the cabin in El's room

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Max and Eleven were at the cabin in El's room. Max was dancing around to the music that was playing while Eleven was sat down on the bed looking through some of Max's magazines she had brought. While dancing Max sees Eleven looking at a page with a boy model on.
"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio." Max says, with a laugh, as she puts down the hairbrush she had been using as a microphone.
"Macchio?" Eleven asks, as Max sits down.
"Yeah, he's the karate kid." Max answers, before down a karate move. "He's so hot, right? I mean I'm into girls but I still think he's hot. I bet he's an amazing kisser to." Eleven gives her a look. "Hey, uh... is Mike a good kisser?"
"I don't know. He's my first boyfriend." Eleven tells her.
"Ex-boyfriend." Max corrects. "Hey, don't worry about it, okay? He'll come back to you in no time begging for forgiveness."

The girls continue to talk, as well as Eleven uses her powers to spy on the boys. They were laughing when they hear a car pull up. Knowing it was Hopper then turn the music up and lay on the floor with magazines in front of them. Hopper then burst through the door.
"Do you knock? Jeez." Max asks.
"Yeah, jeez." Eleven says.
"I'm sorry." Hopper says. "I thought, that, uh..."
"Mike's not here." Max tells him.
"Max wanted to have... a sleepover." Eleven tells Hopper. "Is that... okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Hopper says. "You're parents know about it?"
"Yep." Max says.
"Uh, yeah. It's cool. Yeah." Hopper says. "That's... that's really cool."
"Did you need something?" Max asks, after Hopper had been there for a little while.
"No. No. I'll... I'll go." Hopper says.
Hopper then leaves and the two girls turn to each other laughing.

The girls had used Eleven's powers on Billy. Eleven had seen Billy with someone he worked with at the pool. The girl was screaming, clearly terrified of something. Billy then turned towards Eleven, and he saw he had a stone cold on his face.
The two girls were in Eleven's room trying to figure out what to do, when their was a knock on the door and Hopper answered it to find Blakeley.
"Blakeley? What are you doing here?" Hopper asks.
"Are Max and Eleven here?" Blakeley asks.
"Yeah." Hopper answers, confused.
"Is Harper with them?" Blakeley questions.
"No." Hopper says, even more confused. "Why?"
"She didn't come home last night. We thought she stayed either here or Max's and all day we've been thinking she's been hanging out with them, but now we're worried." Blakeley says. "Can I talk to the girls?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course." Hopper says.
Hopper steps aside to let Blakeley in. The blonde steps into the house and walks to El's room knocking on the door.
"Yeah?" Blakeley hears Eleven call out.
Blakeley opens the door and walks in.
"Blakeley?" Max asks, as Blakeley closes the door behind her.
"Hey, have you guys seen Harper. She didn't come home last night." Blakeley tells them.
"No, she left us and told us she was going straight home." Max says.
"Have you heard from her at all in the last 24 hours?" Blakeley asks.
"No, as far as we knew she was at home and spending the day with you and your mom." Eleven says.
"Okay." Blakeley says, starting to pace, as she places her hand on her head. "Okay."
"What if it was Harper that Billy was with." Eleven asks, looking at Max.
"What are you talking about?" Blakeley asks, stopping pacing and placing her hand on her hips.
"We may or may not have used Eleven's powers to spy on Billy." Max says.
"Girls!" Blakley says shocked.
"We did it for fun, but then I saw him with a girl and she was screaming. A terrified scream. What if it was Harper?" Eleven asks.
"I don't even want to think about that." Max tells her.
"Okay. You girls go see if you can find Billy, I'll go see if I can find Harper. We'll call each other with any updates. Got it?" Blakeley says.
"Got it." Eleven says.
"Good." Blakeley says before leaving.


While Max and Eleven had gone to Max's house to look for Billy, Blakeley, who had been joined by Steve, was walking around town looking for Harper.
"Where could she be?" Blakeley asks clearly freaking out.
"Hey, she's okay. We'll find her, I promise." Steve reassures his girlfriend, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"I hope you're right 'cause I can't lose her." Blakeley says. "There's also still no update on Skylar."
Skylar the girl who Steve flirted with a few days ago, who happened to be Blakeley's best friend, disappeared the day after.
"They will be both be okay." Steve says, before stopping and turning Blakeley to look at him as he places his hands on her shoulders. "Look, why don't we go back to scoops and I can get you all the free ice cream you want."
"I'm not stopping until I find my sister." Blakeley says, walking away.
"B, that's not safe." Steve says, but Blakeley ignores him and continues walking. "Blakeley! Where are you going?" Steve sees Blakeley walking into the bar opposite the road, "God dammit."

Blakeley walks into the bar sitting at the counter.
"Whatever your strongest drink is please." Blakeley says pulling out her purse.
"Aren't you a bit young to be drinking?" The man behind the bar asks.
"As far as you or anyone in this bar is concerned I'm 22." Blakeley says putting the money on the counter. "So are you going to get me the drink or what?"
"No, he's not." Steve says, taking the money from the side before anyone else could grab it. "Sorry about this, B, let's go."
"No, my sister has gone missing and I want a drink. So you can either join me,  sit here and let me do it or go back to work."  Blakeley says, taking the money off Steve and handing it to the man, who starts to make her drink.
"We'll, I ain't letting you be alone in this state." Steve tells her,  as he sits down.
Steve wasn't sure if he was making the right decision letting Blakeley do this. But he knew once that girl had her mind set on something she wouldn't back down. So he knew he just had to be there to keep her safe and make sure she was okay.

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