073: Communicate Through Different Worlds

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"Couldn't we have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy

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"Couldn't we have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy." Robin asks.
"I think we're getting close we're almost out of here, don't worry." Blakeley tells her.
Blakeley, Nancy, Robin and Skylar were walking ahead of Eddie and Steve.
"Eddie. Eddie. Hey, man. Uh... listen, I just, uh... I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there." Steve tells Eddie.
"Shit. You saved your own ass, man." Eddie replies. "I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there."
"Ozzy?" Steve asks.
"When you took a bite out of that bat. Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath?" Eddie says. "He bit a bat's head off onstage."
"I don't-" Steve starts.
"You know? Doesn't matter." Eddie says.
"No." Steve says.
"It's very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying." Eddie tells him.
"Thanks." Steve says.
"Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact." Eddie tells him.
"Henderson said that?" Steve asks.
"Oh yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude." Eddie tells him. "Like, you have no idea. It's kinda annoying, to be honest. I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve. I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine. Still super jealous as hell, by the way."
"Great." Steve says, laughing.
"Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh... normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week."
"Give yourself a break, man." Steve tells him, hitting his arm as they stop walking.
"See? The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came straight in after you. Now, I was to ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But Hayes right there, she didn't waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in." Eddie explains, causing Steve to look at Blakeley sadly. "Now, I don't know what happened between you two, but if I were you. I'd get her back. 'Cause that, was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen."
Steve continues to look at Blakeley until there was another earthquake. Blakeley was holding onto a tree until she runs off.
"Blakeley! Where are you going? Blakeley!" Robin shouts.
Blakeley continues to run, the others following.
"Blakeley!" Skylar shouts, as they catch up to her.
They all stood there looking at the Hayes house.
"Come on." Blakeley says, before they start walking towards the house.


The younger teens, their parents, and the police were relocated to the Hayes house as Holly had gone to sleep at the Wheeler's. Ted and Karen stayed behind but asked to be called if there was any update on Nancy. Dustin was trying to get a hold of Blakeley, Steve, Nancy, Robin and Eddie over the radio, completely unaware they were in the Upside Down. Harper had gone to the shops to get some food, when she got back Jonah was sat on the porch.
"Take those stupid things off." Jonah tells her.
Harper sighs, taking her headphones off.
"What?" Harper asks.
"Where's your sister?" Jonah asks.
"How am I suppose to know, I'm stuck here." Harper says.
"You were with her right?" Jonah asks.
"Until the police wrongfully arrested us, yeah." Harper says.
"You aren't arrested. They just wanted to ask you lot a couple questions about what you were doing by a lake that someone was just murdered." Jonah says.
"As said, we went for a walk. That's all." Harper says. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going inside."

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