065: Letters

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Blakeley had quickly gone to get a drink from town

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Blakeley had quickly gone to get a drink from town. While she was on the way back to the Byer's house she saw Officer Callahan, who she had become really close with through her close relationship with Hopper.
"Well, if it isn't Blakeley Hayes." Officer Callahan says.
"Hey." Blakeley says, smiling.
Officer Callahan comes over and the two hug.
"How have you been? How's college been treating you?" Officer Callahan asks, as they pull away from the hug.
"Oh, it's been going amazing." Blakeley says. "Honestly one of the best experiences of my life."
"College will do that." Officer Callahan says, causing the two to laugh. "It's weird not having you come down to the police station everyday with coffee's and donuts."
"Trust me, I miss doing it." Blakeley says.
"How are you, after the mall fire? I know it left you in a really bad way." Officer Callahan asks.
"I'm a lot better. Wouldn't even know I died for five minutes if you looked at me." Blakeley says, with a laugh causing Callahan to laugh as well.
"That's great. Honestly, all of us at the station were worried about you and roating for you to get better." Callahan tells her.
"Really?" Blakeley asks.
"Of course. Who else would bring us coffees?" Callahan asks.
"Wow. That's so nice." Blakeley says.
All of a sudden Blakeley lets out a groan of pain as she gets a splitting headache.
"Are you okay?" Callahan asks.
"Yeah, just a headache." Blakeley says, placing her hand on her head. "I'm gonna go home a rest."
"Well, it's nice to see you again." Officer Callahan says.
"Nice seeing you again to." Blakeley says.
The two hug a final time before going their separate ways.

Blakeley was sat with Harper, Steve, Lucas and Dustin while they watched Max writing.
Blakeley hadn't told the group about the headache. Why would she? To worry them more? They were already worried enough about Max. She couldn't add to their worry.
"I know you guys are staring at me." Max says.
"What, sorry?"  Steve says.
"You said you needed something?" Lucas asks.
"Just hanging out." Blakeley says.
"How you think your eyes boring into the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna, I don't know." Max says, walking up to the group who were awkwardly avoiding looking at her. "You can look at me now."
"Thank you." Harper says.
"Sorry." Dustin says.
Max then hands them each a letter, and hands Harper ones to give to Mike, Eleven and Will.
"What are you doing? No, don't." Max says, as they go to open the letters. "That's not for now. Don't open it now."
Don't... okay." Dustin says.
"I'm sorry, what is this?" Blakeley asks.
"It's um... It's a fail safe. For after. If things don't work out."
"Wait, whoa. Max, things are gonna work out." Harper says, refusing to believe she could lose her girlfriend.
"No! No I don't need you to reassure me and tell me it's all gonna work out. People have been telling me that my entire life and it's almost never true. It's never true. I mean, of course this asshole curses me. Should've seen it coming." Max says, before grabbing the radio. "If we go to East Hawkins will this reach Pennhurst?"
"Of course. Yeah." Dustin says.
"Why are we talking about East Hawkins?" Steve asks.
Max gives the group a look.
"No." Blakeley says, catching on instantly.  "No. No!"

"Max, Max. Seriously." Steve says, as the group follow Max to Steve's car. "Seriously, I'm not driving you anywhere."
"Steve, if you think I'm going to spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler's basement, then you're out of your mind." Max tells him. "So either take me where I need to go or tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor. And if I live to see another day, Steve, I swear to god, I will prosecute." Max then tries to open the door but it was locked. "Open the door."
"Uh, no." Steve says.
"I know a good lawyer." Max says, causing Blakeley and Harper to laugh slightly.
Steve shakes his head in disbelief as he gets his keys out.
"Henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst." Steve tells Dustin.
The group all get into the car. As Blakeley was about to get in she freezes, hearing the clock chiming.
"B, you getting in or what?" Harper asks.
The chiming stops and Blakeley snaps back into reality, getting into the passenger seat of Steve's car.

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