007: Not That Cold Hearted

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Blakeley arrives to the field she was meeting Johnathan and Nancy, to see Johnathan shooting at some cans, but not hitting the cans once

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Blakeley arrives to the field she was meeting Johnathan and Nancy, to see Johnathan shooting at some cans, but not hitting the cans once.
"You're suppose to hit the cans, right?" Blakeley asks.
"No, actually, you see the spaces in between the cans?" Johnathan replies. "I'm aiming for those."
"Ah, sure." Blakeley says.
"You ever shot a gun before?" Johnathan asks.
"Have you met my mom? She doesn't even like the idea that I hangout with Steve, Carol and Tommy, do you really think she'd let me shot a gun?" Blakeley replies.
"Yeah, I haven't shot one since I was ten. My dad took me hunting on my birthday. He made me kill a rabbit," Johnathan tells her.
"Oh, that's awful. A rabbit?" Blakeley asks.
"Yeah. I guess he thought it would make me into more of a man or something." Johnathan says. "I cried for a week."
"Jesus." Blakeley says.
"What? I'm a fan of Thumper." Johnathan says.
"I meant your dad, Johnathan. I'm not that cold hearted." Blakeley replies.
"I guess he and my mother loved each other at some point, but..." Johnathan starts.
"You weren't around for that part?" Blakeley finishes.
"Yeah, how'd you..." Johnathan starts.
"Never told my parents this but, for as long as I can remember I heard them fighting every night, after they thought I was asleep." Blakeley tells him.
"Oh." Johnathan says, as Blakeley holds her hand out for the gun. He hands it to her. "yeah, just point and shoot."
Blakeley shots hitting the can.
"Maybe I should take the gun and you take my bat." Blakeley says jokingly.
"Yeah, maybe." Johnathan says, also jokingly.
"If it makes you feel any better. I don't think my parents ever truly loved each other." Blakeley tells him. "My dad was rich so my mom must have married him for money. Brought one of the most expensive houses in our old city and started their nuclear family."
"Well, your mom must have some money of her own as you live in the most expensive house in Hawkins." Johnathan says.
"Yeah, her own money and child support as well. She gets a lot more then some as she has me and my sister." Blakeley says.
Nancy then arrives and they start their walk to find any clues.

Blakeley had been walking ahead of Nancy and Johnathan. She could hear them fighting until Johnathan walks past her and Nancy walks next to her.
"Everything okay?" Blakeley asks.
"It's fine." Nancy says.
"You sure?" Blakeley asks.
"Yep." Nancy replies.
"Okay." Blakeley says unconvinced.

It was getting dark and they still hadn't found anything. Nancy comes to a stop.
"What? Are you tired?" Johnathan asks.
"Shut up." Nancy tells him.
"Nance, what is it?" Blakeley asks.
"I heard something." Nancy says.
The all here whimpering and Blakeley walks towards the noise.
"Blakeley, are you crazy?" Johnathan asks.
"We want to find this thing right?" Blakeley replies. "Come on."
Johnathan and Nancy share a look before following her.
They walk until they find an injured deer.
"Oh my god." Nancy says as they all kneel down beside it.
"It's been hit by a car." Blakeley says.
"We can't just leave it." Nancy says.
Blakeley looks down at the gun in her hand before looking at Johnathan then back again. She shakingly hold up the gun.
"B..." Nancy starts.
"I'll do it." Johnathan says seeing Blakeley was struggling.
"I thought you said..." Blakeley starts.
"I'm not nine anymore." Johnathan says.
Blakeley hands him the gun slowly and they all stand up. Before Johnathan even had time to shot there was a bang and the deer disappeared.
"What was that?" Blakeley asks.
They continued to walk and there was blood splatted randomly on the ground.
"Where'd it go?" Nancy asks.
"I don't know." Johnathan says. "Do you see anymore blood?"
"No." Blakeley answers.
They all split up slightly to cover more ground. Blakeley was looking around when she heard dripping. She looked towards where the sound was coming from to see a hole at the bottom of the tree, something dripping down from the top of the hole. She bent down and shone her light on it to see some sort of weird gooey layer near the opening.
"Johnathan? Nancy?" Blakeley calls out but there was no reply.
Blakeley takes her bag off before slowly climbing through.

When she got through it looked like she was in some sort of weird ultimate dimension. The light started to flicker so she hit it, then heard growling. She turns to see a monster in front of her. She slowly walks back, but a twig snaps causing the monster to turn and roar at her. She lets out a scream.

Nancy and Johnathan heard the scream causing them to run towards where it came from.
"Blakeley!" Nancy shouts as they find her bag.
"Blakeley?" Johnathan calls out.
"Blakeley, where are you?" Nancy asks.
"Blakeley!" Johnathan shouts as they walk away from the tree, looking for her.
"Blakeley! Where are you!"

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