034: The Snow Ball

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A Month Later

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A Month Later...

'Since the release of the incendiary tape, the once quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana, has spent time in a place it never expected. The national spotlight. Under mounting pressures, several high- ranking members from the U.S department of Energy have admitted involvement in the death and cover up of Hawkins resident Barbara Holland who died due to exposure to an experimental chemical asphxiant, which had leaked from the grounds of the lab. We sent our own April Kline to Hawkins to speak to residents, residents who told us they thought they lived in a safe town. The kind of town where, they say, nothing ever happens.'

"You look beautiful, Harps."  Blakeley tells her younger sister.
It was the Hawkin's Middle School Snow Ball and Blakeley just finished helping Harper get ready.
"Thanks B." Harper says.
"You sure you don't mind coming along? I know you were planning on having a date with Steve." Harper questions.
"And miss my sister's first dance with someone. No way. Anyway who's the lucky guy?" Blakeley asks.
"I um... I was actually thinking of asking Max." Harper admits, avoiding eye contact with her sister.
"But... Max is a girl." Blakeley says slightly confused.
"B...." Harper trails off.
"Yeah?" Blakeley asks.
"I like Max the same way that you like Steve." Harper admits.
"Oh my..." Blakeley says, hugging Harper. "I'm so proud of you."
Harper smiles hugging her sister tighter.
"Thank you." Harper says.
"You're my little sister. I'm proud of you all the time." Blakeley says, as the two girls pull apart. "Come on, let's get you to the dance."
Harper smiles, taking her sisters hand, which she extended out. They walk down and Kathrine gets a few photos before they leave.


Steve had dropped Dustin off at the dance. While he was waiting to make sure the kid got in okay, Steve saw Blakeley stood with Nancy. Blakeley's blonde hair was wavy and naturally fell over her shoulders perfectly. Her makeup was perfect. Even though Steve always said she didn't need makeup, Blakeley never believed him. The girls dress was a navy blue, one strap with a slit down one leg. Steve smiles as he looks at her, only falling more and more in love with her. Steve decides to drive away before she saw him.

Blakeley and Nancy were at the drinks table talking when Dustin walks by.
"Hey Blake, hey Nance." Dustin says.
"Hey, Dusty." Blakeley teases, using the nickname she knew he hated.
"What's in this?" A kid asks coming over.
"Pure fuel." Nancy responds.
The kid takes a cup and walks away. Blakeley smiles as she catches Nancy and Johnathan, who was the designated photographer, looking at each other smiling,

Harper was sat with the group as Dustin walks over, him being the last one to arrive.
"Holy shit, what happened to you?" Mike asks.
"What do you mean 'What happened'?" Dustin asks.
"What?" Mike asks.
"Dude." Lucas says.
"You hair." Max says trying not to laugh.
"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Harper asks, jokingly checking.
"What do you mean 'What's wrong'?" Dustin asks, worriedly. "There's no bird nesting in there. Okay? I worked hard."
"Don't tell me you actually toke Steve's advice." Harper says. Dustin gives her a look. "Oh my god, you did."
The group laugh as a slow song comes on.
"Max, should we be the odd balls and dance?" Harper asks.
"Aww, so sweet. I would love to be an odd ball with you." Max says.
Harper and Max grab each others hands before going onto the dance floor.
To not pull attention towards themselves, instead of slow dancing like others they decide to dance like best friends would would to a slow song. Even though they both wished they could more.

Blakeley smiles seeing her sister and Max happy together. Her smile drops however when she sees Dustin stood alone.
"I'll be right back." Blakeley tells Nancy, who nods. Blakeley walks over to Dustin who was now sat down. "Hey."
"Hey." Dustin says wiping the stray tears off his face.
Blakeley smiles slightly holding her hand out to him.
"Wanna dance?" Blakeley asks.
"What?" Dustin asks confused.
"Come on, let's go." Blakeley says, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor.
Dustin stands in the middle of the floor looking around.
"Here." Blakeley says, placing his hands on her waist before putting her's on his shoulder. "Closer." Dustin moves closer. "A little closer. Okay. Now feel the music. The rhythm. Start to move to it. Yeah, there."
"Good?" Dustin asks, as they start to dance to the music.
"That's good. Yeah." Blakeley says.
"You know. Out of all my sisters friends, you're my favourite. You've always been my favourite." Blakeley tells him.
"Really?" Dustin asks.
"Yeah." Blakeley says, before looking over at a group of girl who were staring at them. "Girls this age are dumb. But give them a few years, and they'll wise up. And uh, you're gonna drive them nuts."
"You think so?" Dustin asks.
"Oh, I know so." Blakeley tells him.
They both laugh as they continue to dance.

Max having had enough of pretending, kisses Harper. The girls look at each other shocked yet happy.
Blakeley spots this and smiles before turning back to Dustin.
"Someone's here for you." Dustin says, Blakeley looks behind her to see Steve. "Go talk to him."
Blakeley smiles before leaving Dustin and walking over to Steve.
"Hey." Blakeley says.
"Hey." Steve replies, before grabbing Blakeley's hand and pulling her out of the gym.
"What are you doing here?" Blakeley asks. "I saw you outside, then you pulled away. I thought you left."
"I changed my mind. I couldn't wait to see you tomorrow." Steve says stepping closer to her.
Blakeley looks at him and smiles, before sighing and leaning over.
"I can't wait for tomorrow. I can't believe it's gonna be our one year already." Blakeley says.
"It's gone by so fast. But I wouldn't of wanted to go through it or anything we've gone through with anyone else." Steve says.
"Same." Blakeley smiles, before leaning in and kissing him.
This year had been a crazy one, but Blakeley wouldn't change it for the world.

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