059: Champion Game

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After the pep rally, Blakeley and Steve headed back to Steve's apartment

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After the pep rally, Blakeley and Steve headed back to Steve's apartment. While Blakeley was at college, Steve had decided to take a gap year, this led to his parents cutting him off, meaning he had to move out of the house and into a small apartment.
The couple were currently sat on the couch cuddling, as they watched a movie, Blakeley in one of Steve's hoodies which was a bit to big for her.
"What are you thinking about?" Steve asks, looking down at his girlfriend, who's head was in his lap, as he stroked her hair.
"Just about how crazy the past few years have been." Blakeley answers.
"Yeah, but it's all over now." Steve says.
"We have thought that multiple times, Steve, and it's always come back." Blakeley reminds him.
"Yeah, but it wont this time." Steve reassures her. "I promise. We can go back to our normal lives, or at least as normal as our lives can be now."
"Steve, I..." Blakeley says, cutting herself off as she sits up.
"Yeah, B?" Steve asks.
Blakeley wanted to tell him about her flashbacks, but she didn't know how to. She didn't want to worry him.
"I... I'm really hungry." Blakeley says, deciding against telling him the truth.
"You sure that's all?" Steve asks, sensing there was something his girlfriend wasn't telling him.
"I'm sure." Blakeley says.
"Okay, I'll go find you something to eat." Steve tells him.
Steve leans over and kisses her before standing up. Blakeley rests her elbow on the back of the couch, resting her head on her head, watching him leave. Once he was gone she looks away from the kitchen door placing a finger over her mouth as she gets lost in her thought. She knew she should tell Steve, Harper, her mom and Jonah about these flashbacks at least, she knew she should even tell all the friends. But she wasn't ready for the way they would start to treat her once they found out.


Blakeley was at 'Family Videos' with Steve, while Steve was working Blakeley was looking through the films. Steve had just got off the phone with Dustin before Blakeley walks up to him.
"What was that about?" Blakeley asks.
"Dustin was asking if I could miss our date tonight and play 'D&D' with his and Mike's campaign group." Steve says.
"I can imagine you plying 'D&D'." Blakeley says, leaning against the counter as Steve gives her an annoyed look.
Blakeley laughs seeing the look on his face.
"Shut up." Steve says.
"Blakeley!" The couple turn to see Keith. "Good to see you. You here to get a job?"
"Sorry, Keith, I'm only here visiting. Still going to college two hours away." Blakeley says.
"Oh too bad. If you worked here you would get loads of sales." Keith says, with a flirtatious smile.
"Okay, well, now that your here my shifts over. Thanks Keith, see you tomorrow." Steve says, walking around the counter.
Steve grabs Blakeley's hand dragging her out of the store.
"Woah, Mr Jealous." Blakeley jokes, as they get to Steve's car.
"Yeah, well not my fault you are the hottest girl in all of Hawkins, if not the world." Steve says.
Blakeley laughs, punching his shoulder before they get into the car.


Blakeley, Steve, Harper and Max were all sat together at the basketball game. Mike and Dustin were at their 'D&D' campaign. Lucas spots the four of them as he enters sending them a small wave as he follows the rest of his teammates out onto the floor. Soon, the band stops playing the music and the principal walks out on stage.
"Everyone now please rise for our national anthym." The principal says, before everyone stands up. "Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own, Tammy Tompson."
Steve and Blakeley look at each other, mouths falling open as they slowly clap. They then turn to Robin who had the same expression, as she stood with the rest of the band. Tammy then starts to sing.
"Told you, muppet." Steve whispers to Robin.
"Okay, yeah, she sounds like a muppet." Robin whispers back.
Vickie, who was stood beside Robin says something leading to a conversation between them. Blakeley and Steve smile at each other as they fist bump. Tammy then finishes singing and the game starts.

Lucas had made the winning shot just as the buzzer went, leading to Hawkins Tigers winning the championship game for the first time in 22 years. Everyone was pretty much on the top of the world. Little did anyone know, the next morning the head cheerleader, Chrissy Cunningham, would be found dead in Eddie Munson's trailer.

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