Chapter 18: Group

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"Hey, guys

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"Hey, guys." Harper says, as her and Steve walk into the living room where they were all sat.
"Hey, what's up? You guys seem nervous." Max asks.
"We found this in Blakeley's bedside draw." Harper says, holding up the letter.
"What is it?" Johnathan asks.
"It's a letter to all of us." Steve says.
Kathrine holds her hand out for the letter, and Harper hands it to her as she sits back down. Kathrine sighs as Steve also sits down, before she opens the envelope.


Dear Everyone,
There's so much I wish I could say to you all as a group. You all saved my life in more ways then any of you will ever know. You guys are all my life savers. I don't know who I would be or where I would be without you. I love you all more then you'll ever know. Now, I don't know what any of you will be feeling right now. Because if you are reading this that means I'm gone, and someone went into my room and found this. My only wish is that no matter what, my wish is that you are all there for each other. That's my wish as a group. But I do have individual wishes for all of you.

Hopper- That you are alive. That's my wish. But if you are and you come back to find me gone. I wish that you won't let this effect you. I wish that you continue to be the best father to El.

Joyce- I wish that you really are able to move on from this life and move out of Hawkins, because I know that's all you want.

Erica- I wish that you get to grow up in a normal world and not a world where your consistently in fear of all this Upside Down business.

Lucas- I wish that you become the person you have always been meant to be. I know you are a bit confused about who you are meant to be at the moment but I know you will find your way.

Will- I wish that you stop seeing yourself as the boy who got trapped in the Upside Down. Because you are truly more then just that.

Mike- I wish that you finally find your voice and speak up for what you believe in, no matter what it is.

Dustin- I wish that you don't stop being the person who you are, no matter what the bullies say. You are amazing.

Max- I wish that you never forget where you came from. (In many different ways)

Eleven- I wish that you don't let your past define you. You are so much more then the physco girl with powers.

Eddie- I wish that you stop doubting yourself. You are amazing now matter what anyone says.

Johnathan- I wish that you don't stop taking photographers. You could really go far.

Robin- I wish that you don't stop annoying Steve for me. I also hope that you don't hide yourself for much longer. People will accept you. I promise.

Nancy- I wish that you find a new best friend. Don't replace me, but find someone to be by your side now that I can't.

Jonah- I wish that you one day with propose to my mother. I wish I could be there, but I still hope you will propose one day.

Mom- I wish that you don't let this change you. It's a big change in your life, but that doesn't mean it has to change you.

Harper- I wish that you will forever be you. You the most amazing person I know. No matter what you always will be. I wish that you will forever see me as my sister.

Steve- I wish that you move on and find someone to love again. I hurt you. I wish you find someone who will never hurt you the way that I hurt you.

Since the beginning of all of this Vecna crap, a part of me has always known it will be me to go. I'm sorry for not telling any of you. I love you all so much that it hurts to leave you. But, I know it's for the best. Please, do not let this separate you. Stick by each other. Please, live life like I'm still there. Memories are what hold us together when someone is gone. Don't let memories go.
Love you all.
Forever and always,
Blakeley <3


"She knew it was going to be her all along." Lucas says, breaking the silence that had consumed the room.
"That's Blakeley for you. Always keeping things to herself." Harper says.
"Eddie, didn't even get to read his letter." Dustin says.
"Where is his?" Robin asks.
"I gave it to him before the battle." Nancy says.
"I miss her, more then anything. She's my rock. My lifeline." Steve admits.
"it's going to be a hard road. It's going to take a lot of energy to get through this. But..." Joyce says looking around the group. "We'll do it together. And will end this once and for all."
"For Blakeley." Robin says, standing up.
"For Blakeley!" They all repeat, also standing up.
The group all hug each other for a little while. Blakeley may not be there in person. But she was there in all of their hearts. Forever and always.



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