012: Do You Copy

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Steve was sat on the boot of his car when Tommy and Carol come out of the shop

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Steve was sat on the boot of his car when Tommy and Carol come out of the shop. Tommy hands Steve a can of cola and some aspirin.
"You owe me $1.20." Tommy says as Steve takes the asprin. "Don't worry, he'll need more then aspirin when we're done with him."
"yeah, if the creep ever gets out." Carol says, as Steve puts the cold can onto the spot around his eye, which was badly bruised. "The cops should just lock him up forever. Did you see the look on his face?"
"He probably had the same look whenever he killed his brother, right?" Tommy asks hitting Steve's shoulder.
"Oh God, I just got an image of him making that face while he and Blakeley are screwing." Carol says.
"Carol, for once in your life, shit you're damn mouth." Steve tells her.
"What?" Carol asks.
"Hey, what's your problem, man?" Tommy asks.
"You're both assholes. That's my problem." Steve says.
"Are you serious, man?" Tommy asks.
"yeah I'm serious." Steve replies getting off the boot of the car. "You shouldn't have done that."
"Done what?" Tommy asks.
"You know what." Steve says walking towards the car door.
"You mean call her out for what she really is?" Tommy asks. "Oh that's funny because I don't remember you asking me to stop."
"I should've put that spray paint down your throat." Steve says.
"What the hell, Steve?" Carol asks.
"You know, neither of you ever cared about her. You never liked her. Because she's not miserable like you two." Steve says.
"You know, I remember her coming here all depressed and we helped her." Tommy says.
"Yeah, you used the fact she was depressed about her parents splitting up to worm your way into her life so you guys could create another version of yourselves." Steve says. "You used her. She use to actually care about other people."
"The slut with a heart of gold." Carol says.
"I told you to watch your mouth!" Steve shouts at her.
"Hey!" Tommy shouts pushing Steve against his car. "I don't know what's gotten into you, man, but you don't talk to her that way."
"Get out of my face." Steve tells him pushing him.
"Or what?" Tommy asks pinning Steve to the car. "You're gonna fight me now, too? You're gonna fight me now, too? Because you couldn't take Johnathan Byers... So I wouldn't recommend that."
Tommy lets Steve go and Steve opens the car door.
"Let me get the door for you, buddy." Tommy says pushing Steve to sit down by his shoulder, then slamming the door closed. Steve starts the car and backs up. "That's right, run away, Stevie boy. Run away! Just like you always do! That's Nancy and Blakeley turning you into a little pussy!"


Nancy, had snuck back to the police station to stay with Johnathan. When Hopper, Joyce and Johnathan went to take her home, there were people from Hawkins lab there. Nancy called Blakeley freaking out, leading the the blonde heading straight over, surprisingly, her mom was with them when she got there.
"I have to go home." Nancy says.
"No, you can't." Hopper tells her.
"My mom... my dad are there." Nancy says.
"They're gonna be okay." Kathrine reassures her daughters best friend.
Nancy then starts to walk towards the house.
"Nance, wait." Blakeley says rushing to grab her arm stopping her from walking.
"Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. Listen to me." Hopper says, grabbing Nancy's arm before Blakeley could.
"Let go of me." Nancy shotus as Blakeley stands beside Hopper.
"The last thing in the world we need is them knowing you're mixed up in all of this." Hopper tells Nancy.
"Mike is over there." Nancy says.
"Nance, they haven't found him." Blakeley reassures her.
"Not yet at least." Hopper says, pointing to a helicopter in the sky.
"For Mike?" Nancy asks.
"Get in the car." Hopper says.
Blakeley, Johnathan and Nancy were in the back, Joyce and Hopper in the front while Kathrine went to her car, as she was going home to keep an eye on Harper.
"It's gonna be okay." Blakeley reassures Nancy.
"Look, we need to find them before they do." Hopper says. "Do you have any idea were they may have gone?"
"No, I don't." Nancy says.
"I need you to think." Hopper tells her.
"I don't know. We haven't talked a lot." Nancy says. "I mean, lately..."
"Is there any place that your parents don't know about that he might go?" Joyce starts.
"I dont know." Nancy says.
"I might." Johnathan says.
"What?" Hopper asks.
"I don't know where he is, but I think I know how to ask him." Johnathan says.
"How?" Blakeley asks.
"Will's radio, he used to communicate with them." Johnathan says.

They drive over the the Byers house. They all walk in, Nancy and Blakeley stopping for a moment when they see how wrecked the place was. They all go to Will's room and look for the radio until Joyce finds it under the bed. Joyce hands the radio to Nancy.
"Mike? Are you there? Mike?" Nancy says. "Mike, it's me Nancy. Mike, are you there? Mike, we need you to answer. This is an emergency, Mike. Do you copy? Mike, do you copy? I need you to answer. We need to know if you're there mike."
Hopper then takes the radio.
"Listen, kid, this is the chief. If you're there, pick up." Hopper says. "We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl. We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over."
When there was no response, Hopper sighs and puts the walkie talkie on the side.
"Anybody have any other ideas?" Blakeley asks.
"Yeah, I copy." Mike says over the radio. "It's Mike. I'm here. We're here."


Steve headed towards the movie theater were he saw a guy cleaning off the spray paint.
"Need a hand?" Steve asks.
"Did you have something to do with this?" He guy asks looking at him.
"I just... I wanna help." Steve says.
They guy climbs down from the ladder as Steve that's off his jacket. The guy hands the cloth to Steve.
"All yours." The guys says.
Steve climbs up the ladder and gets to work.
He knew he had to make things right with Blakeley. Out of everyone, he couldn't lose her. After this was going and fixing things with Johnathan.

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