083: Two Days Later

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Two days later

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Two days later...

After the events two days ago, the whole dynamic of the group changed.
No one really talked about the events. They couldn't. One of their friends had died while another was in critical condition, nearing death slowly more and more each day.
Jonah didn't want to come to terms with what happened. He couldn't believe he couldn't see what was going on with the group sooner. He blamed himself, because if he did see what was going on, Blakeley would possible be okay. He didn't know what he was going to tell Kathrine when she got back from Russia.
Harper had broken up with Max saying that she needed to be alone to deal with her sister being in such bad shape. Harper was heart broken, not only because she broke up with her girlfriend but because of the fact she could lose her sister.
Steve hadn't uttered a single word the past two days. He hadn't seen the group a Single time since the events. He spent nearly every second of every day either at the hospital or in his room either crying or trying to fall asleep, he hoped he would wake up and this all be a nightmare. But it wasn't... it was real life.


"It's been less then 48 hours since a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the quaint town of Hawkins, 80 miles outside of Indiana, in an event that seismologists are calling 'a natural disaster of near- unprecedented scale.'  The death toll now stands at 22. But with hundreds more filling Roane County hospitals and many more still missing. Official expect those numbers to rise. This is only the latest tragedy to befall this once safe town. Most recently a string of high school students were killed in a series of ritualistic murders which have been linked to a local satanic cult known as 'Hellfire'. Eddie Munson the leader of this cult is the prime suspect in the murders, has been missing since the earthquake and is presumed dead. But this offers little comfort to the people of Hawkins, who are scared, angry and searching for answers. Why their town? What have they done to deserve so much suffering? A growing chorus believe the two recent tragedies are linked, claiming the Munson murders opened a doorway between worlds. Doorway they say, into hell itself."


Robin went over to Steve's and dragged him out the house. They were all at the Wheeler's help, filling the cars with boxes of stuff to go to the charity event that was happening for those effected when the gates to the Upside Down opened up. There had been no change so far to the status of the gates, which the group only hoped meant that Vecna didn't actually succeed in his plan. But even still, there was smoke all over Hawkins and loads of the town residents were being evacuated.
Mrs Wheeler walks out with a box of stuff and hands it to Nancy,  before noticing a pizza van pulling up.
"Someone order a pizza?" Mrs Wheeler asks.
"Pizza?" Dustin questions, as they all look to see the pizza van as well.
Whoever was driving honks the horn. Then they see Eleven, Mike, Will, Jonathan and someone else climb out of the van.
They group all run to each other and hug.
"Where's Harper?" Will asks Dustin and Max.
"She's at the hospital." Dustin says.
"Was she hurt?" Eleven asks.
"No, no, she's... oh god." Max says. "You don't know."


Harper was at the hospital with Jonah, they were visiting Blakeley, who had been left in a coma after her fight with Vecna. The two were sat on either side of the bed. They were taking turns reading one of Blakeley's favourite books to her. Harper was reading when the door opened. They look up to see the group walking in, including Eleven, Mike, Will and Johnathan.
"Oh my god. We've been calling you guys like crazy." Harper says, walking over and hugging Mike and Will.
"We know." Will says.
"We came as soon as we heard." Mike says.
The three of them then pull apart. Harper spots Eleven. The two girls let out small sobs as they hug.
"I'm so sorry." Eleven says.
The group then all look at Blakeley. Eleven, Mike, Will, Johnathan and Harper walk closer, while the others stay back to give the four people who hadn't had anytime with Blakeley yet, some time.
"Do they know... when she will wake?" Eleven asks.
"No. They say she might not." Harper says.
"Her heart stopped for over a minute." Max says, causing them to look back at her. "She died. I- I mean, clinically, but then she came back."
"The doctors don't know how. They say it's a miracle." Lucas says.
Eleven slowly walks over sitting on the edge of the bed. Eleven reaches over and grabs Blakeley's hands. Both of the blondes legs and arms were in casts due to her bones breaking. She was also on a neck brace with loads of wires attached to her.
"I'm here, Blakeley." Eleven says quietly.


Steve stayed with Blakeley, Robin, Dustin, Erica, Lucas and Max went to the school for the drop in that was being held, while all the others went to Hopper's old cabin.
Harper and Jonah get out of Jonah's car while the others get out of the pizza van. They walk into the cabin to find it a complete disaster and a hole in the roof.
"I get we gotta hide super-girl and all but this isn't exactly the fortress of solitude, man. It's more like a fortress of grogginess." The guy Harper now knew to be Argyle says.
"Come on, guys, seriously. I've seen Mikes room look worse then this." Nancy says.
"Brutal dude." Argyle says.
"Ah see." Nancy says, turning on the tap then turning it off again. "Water still works."

Nancy had also found some cleaning supplies so they all got to work cleaning the cabin. While they were cleaning a car pulls up. They were worried when they realised it was a government car. But upon seeing Kathrine and Joyce get out of the car, they sigh in relief. Will and Johnathan run over to Joyce while Harper runs over to Kathrine.
"Mom!" Harper shouts, hugging her mother.
"Hey sweetheart." Kathrine says, hugging her daughter back.
Harper pulls away and goes to say something but cuts herself off when someone else gets out of the car.
"Hopper?" Harper says, shocked.
"Hey Harps." Hopper says.
Harper runs over and hugs Hopper.
"I- I can't believe it." Harper says. "H- How?"
"It's complicated." Hopper says.
Hopper then excuses himself to see Eleven. After Will and Johnathan pull away from Joyce, Harper walks over hugging her as well. Eleven and Hopper come out after a few minutes. All of a sudden thunder started to rumble, they all look up to see the clouds going darker and snow like particles start to fall from the sky.


Steve had been sat next to Blakeley quietly. He had been holding her hand the entire time.
"hey, B. It's me. Steve. I really miss you. I... I can't lose you. So, I need you to fight for me. Or if not for me, fight for Harper. Because she needs you." Steve says, finally speaking up, before sighing. "You remember that dream I told you about? About the Winnebago, seeing the country with six little nuggets? It's all true. Every last word. But I left one part out. It's the most important part. You were there. You've always been there, B. So I need you. I don't want to raise those six little nuggets with anyone else. Also I need you or else I wouldn't be able to deal with those dipshits that your sister calls her friends."
Steve goes to continue but cuts himself off when he sees the snow like particles through the window. He gets up and walks over to get a closer look. He then looks back at Blakeley spotting the letter Blakeley wrote to him, on the table beside the blondes bed.


Harper was walking through the woods with Kathrine, Jonah, Eleven, Hopper, Nancy, Mike, Johnathan, Will and Joyce. They find a clearing, Harper and Eleven walk further ahead while the others stay back. They notice that the grass and plants up to a point were all dead. They each take a flower into their hands. They share a look before both standing up and looking ahead of them. That's when they see the smoke and fires around Hawkin's getting worse. As well as red lighting amongst the smoke. That's when they knew...
They had lost. The Upside Down was officially coming into Hawkins.

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