009: Another Side Of You

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Nancy had to go home, so Johnathan went back to Blakeley's with the blonde to keep her company after what had happened

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Nancy had to go home, so Johnathan went back to Blakeley's with the blonde to keep her company after what had happened. While in the shower Blakeley got flashbacks to what had happened. She pushed them away and finished her shower.
When Blakeley had walked back into her room she saw Johnathan laying a sleeping bag on the floor.
"Better?" Johnathan asks seeing Blakeley still slightly shaking.
"Yeah." Blakeley replies.
"Is this okay? Uh, I found it in the closest. You're mom said I could stay." Johnathan says. "I can go home. I just figured..."
"Yeah, no, I..." Blakeley says. "I could really use the company. I don't want to be alone. Do you?"
"No, uh... no." Johnathan says.
They both lay down remaining silent.
"Can you just come up here?" Blakeley asks.
"What?" Johnathan asks.
"I mean, I know you like Nancy, so I don't mean anything by it, but, I just..." Blakeley says cutting herself off as she slowly sits up.
"Yeah." Johnathan says standing up and walking to stand in front of her.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Johnathan asks.
Blakeley shakes her head looking up at him.
"Not one bit. At least not right now." Blakeley says.
Johnathan nods before going round to the other side of the bed laying down, as Blakeley does the same.
"Do you want the lights off or..." Johnathan says.
"On." Blakeley whispers.
"Yeah." Johnathan agrees.
"It's been twice I've now been that close to it." Blakeley whispers.
"It won't get to you again, I promise." Johnathan says.
"Why are you being so nice to me? I've been so awful to you." Blakeley asks.
"I saw a different side to you today." Johnathan says.
"Really?" Blakeley asks quietly.
"Really." Johnathan confirms. "You know, it... it can't get us in here."
"You don't know that." Blakeley says.
Johnathan turns on his side. They both lay awake for a little while before Johnathan eventually falls asleep.


The next day Johnathan wakes up and hears paper rustling. He looks beside him to see Blakeley sat up.
"Hey." Johnathan says.
"Hey." Blakeley replies.
"Couldn't sleep?" Johnathan asks.
Blakeley shakes her head.
"Every time I close my eyes I just... keep seeing that... thing." Blakeley says. "Wherever I was, that place, I think that it lives there. It was feeding there. Feeding on that deer. That means that if... if Will and Barbara... if it got me when it got Barb..."
"Hey. My mom said she talked to Will. If he's alive there's a chance Barbara is to. And the thing didn't get you. You're okay." Johnathan tells her.
"So that means that they're trapped... in that place." Blakeley says looking at him. "We have to find it again."
"You want to go back out there?" Johnathan asks.
"No. But what other choice do we have?" Blakeley asks. "Wait... What if we don't have to. When I saw it, it was feeding on that deer. Meaning it's... it's a predator, right?"
"Right." Johnathan says.
"It seems to hunt at night, like a... lion or coyote." Blakeley says. "But it doesn't hunt in packs like them. It's always alone, like... a bear. And remember at Steve's when Barb cut herself? And then last night, the deer..."
"It was bleeding too." Johnathan says.
"One second." Blakeley says before flipping the book she was reading and pointing to a part. "Sharks can detect blood in one part per million. That's one drop of blood in a million, and they can smell it from a quarter mile away."
"So your saying it can detect blood?" Johnathan asks.
"It's just a theory." Blakeley says.
"We can test it." Johnathan says. "But if it works..."
"At least we'll know it's coming." Blakeley says.
The door knob then rattles causing them both to look towards it.
"Honey, are you up?" Kathrine asks.
"Yeah. I'm... I'm getting dressed." Blakeley replies.
"Is Johnathan still here?" Kathrine asks.
"Uhm... yeah, he's in the bathroom." Blakeley says.
"I, uh, made some blueberry pancakes." Kathrine says.
"Okay, we'll be down in a second." Blakeley says.
They hear Kathrine walk away.
"Your mom doesn't knock?" Johnathan asks.
"Why do you think I locked the door." Blakeley says with a laugh.
"Do you always lock it?" Johnathan questions.
"No." Blakeley answers.
"Anyway are we going to get ready and go down? Blueberry pancakes our my favourite." Blakeley says causing Johnathan to chuckle slightly.
"Why can I actually see that?" Johnathan asks.
"Listen, we'll get ready, go downstairs and have pancakes then go talk to Nancy." Blakeley tells him.
"Sounds like a plan." Johnathan agrees.

After getting ready they head downstairs for breakfast.
"Morning mom, morning Harps." Blakeley says as her and Johnathan sit down at the table.
"Morning Miss Turner, Morning Harper." Johnathan says.
"Oh sweetheart, please call me Kathrine. No need for formality here." Kathrine tells him.
"Okay." Johnathan says.
"So anyone got any plans for today?" Kathrine asks.
"Me and Johnathan are going to hangout with Nancy." Blakeley says.
"Could you drop Harper off at Lucial's on your way to meet her?" Kathrine asks.
"Yeah sure." Blakeley says before looking at her sister. "Lucial lives a few doors down from Nance, right?"
"Yeah." Harper says taking a bite of her pancakes.
"I didn't know you two were such good friends." Kathrine says, gesturing between her oldest daughter and Johnathan.
"We didn't really talk until a couple days ago." Johnathan says.
"But we hit it off pretty much straight away, right?" Blakeley adds, looking at Johnathan on the last part.
"Right." Johnathan agrees.
"Well, I'm happy that you are spending less time with that Steve kid and Carol and Tommy H." Kathrine says.
"Mom, they're still my friends." Blakeley sighs.
"I know. I just don't like them." Kathrine says.
Blakeley rolls her eyes before looking at Johnathan and mouthing 'Sorry.' Which he replies mouthing 'It's okay.'
Blakeley felt so uncomfortable after that. She couldn't wait to get out of the house and get the plan started. She wasn't looking forward to seeing this monster again, but she had to help get Will and Barb back, because she felt partially responsible for Barb.

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