Chapter 04: Lucas

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Dear Lucas,We may not be the closest out of everyone, but you still mean a lot to me

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Dear Lucas,
We may not be the closest out of everyone, but you still mean a lot to me. I'm so proud of you for what you have achieved. Especially this year. Who would have guessed you would ever be apart of Hawkins basketball team. Not me. I'm so proud to be able to call you my little 'brother'. Jason and the others in that group don't know what an amazing person they are missing out on being friends with. I hope that you go on and become the best basketball player of all of Indiana, because you deserve it. When I watched you get the winning shot I couldn't be prouder. You really have grown up so much since the little kid I met all those years ago. Out of all of us your most definitely the most sensible, even though we never listened to you. (Sorry about that). You're an amazing person, Lucas. Please don't let people like Jason change that. Keep being you because you're truly are incredible. Thank you for becoming one of the best little brother figures I could ask for. I have no idea what life without you would be like. Probably boring seeing how my life was like in Cali. Thank you again.
Blakeley <3


"Blakeley always knew what to say." Lucas admits, looking down at the letter.
"What do you mean?" Max asks. "I mean, we all know she does but where has that come from?"
"I never said, but I guess she saw that I was doubting myself while I was friends with Jason." Lucas says.
"I don't think you guys realised but Blakeley saw everything when it came to you kids. Every emotion, every problem, everything. Without you even telling her. She really cared about you all." Kathrine says, placing a hand on her younger daughters head stroking her hair. "But what she didn't know is how to admit any of it. She was scared to open up to people. If she opened up to you fully you are a very lucky person. I think we can blame me and her father for that."
"You can't blame yourself, mom. You can blame dad for abandoning us, but you can't blame yourself." Harper tells her mom, causing Kathrine to give her daughter a weak smile.
"Thanks sweetheart." Kathrine says, giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead.
"If we're all sharing memories with Blake, I guess I'll go." Lucas says, before looking down.


Harper Hayes had called her friends over without telling them why. They had come over expecting nothing bad. But when they found out it was to prank Harper's older sister Blakeley, they all became a little wary, as Blakeley could be a very scary person, even though they knew she would never do anything to them.
They were all setting up different aspects of the prank. Lucas was in the living room by himself.
"What do you think your doing?" Lucas jumps at the sound of Blakeley's voice.
He turns around from the fake computer he was destroying to look at her. When he saw her she was stood there with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Uh-" Lucas says, raising his hands up in defence. "This was not my idea."
"That's not what I asked." Blakeley says.
"Wait, what happened to your lip?" Lucas asks, seeing the cut on Blakeley's bottom lip.
"It's nothing. Now, tell me what you think you were doing." Blakeley says.
"Harper asked us all to come over. We didn't realise it was to pull a prank on you." Lucas explains.
"And you still stayed to help?" Blakeley asks, pretending to be angry.
"Uh-" Lucas starts.
"Lucas, I was messing with you." Blakeley tells him, laughing.
"Thank god." Lucas says, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Now, what do you say we go prank Harper back?" Blakeley asks, with a smirk.

"Did you really have to get my sister involved in all of this?" Lucas asks, walking up to Blakeley, you was sat on a counter in the food court of the mall.
"Aww, does someone care about his sister?" Blakeley teases.
"No. Just want to know why you involved her." Lucas says.
"Sure. Totally believe you, Lucas." Blakeley says sarcastically, as she jumps down from the counter.
"Will you answer my question if I admit I care about Erica?" Lucas asks.
"Maybe." Blakeley says.
Lucas sighs.
"Fine I care about her." Lucas says.
"Wasn't hard was it." Blakeley says, patting his shoulder before turning to walk away.
"Are you going to answer my question?" Lucas asks.
"Nope." Blakeley calls back.
Lucas laughs and shakes his head, knowing he should have known the blonde was going to do that.

Everyone who still lived in Hawkins were stood in the Hayes' front yard, saying goodbye to Blakeley who was leaving for college. Everyone was getting their own time with her and it was Lucas' turn.
"I remember when you were set on having a gap year." Lucas says.
"Well, recent events have made me realise i should really do something with my life." Blakeley says, causing Lucas to nod in agreement.
"I get that." Lucas says. "I just can't believe your really leaving."
"I'll be back though. Can't get rid of me that easier, Sinclair." Blakeley tells him.
"Thank god for that." Lucas says, causing Blakeley to let out a small laugh.
"I'll see you soon, okay?" Blakeley tells him.
"See you soon." Lucas replies.
The two then hug before Lucas walks away.

It was Lucas' first basketball game. He was stood at the side of the gym nervously. Blakeley noticed this and excused herself from Steve and went to talk to him.
"Excuse me boys. I need to talk to Lucas." Blakeley tells Jason and the other boys.
"Really? Why him. Wouldn't you rather talk to me?" Jason asks with a smirk.
"One, none of your business and two, I will never want to talk to you, even if we were the last two people on earth." Blakeley snaps back.
"Your talking to me now." Jason says.
"Yeah. Against my will." Blakeley says, before turning to Lucas. "Come on, Sinclair."
Lucas who had been staring at Blakeley in amazement for how she just talked to Jason,  was snapped back into reality by Blakeley grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the door of the gym.
"Be back in a minute." Lucas tells his teammates.
"Are you okay?" Blakeley asks Lucas, after she closed the doors to the gym.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Lucas asks, looking down the corridor they were stood in to avoid eye contact with Blakeley.
"You seem nervous." Blakeley says.
"I am a little." Lucas admits, finally looking at Blakeley.
"You'll be fine. Trust me. I've seen you practising, you're great." Blakeley reassures him.
"Thanks Blakeley." Lucas says.
"Of course. Now go out there and kill it." Blakeley says.
The two then walk back in. Lucas goes to join his team while Blakeley goes back to sit with Steve.



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