All Of Me

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Ava finished up her make up while Jackson finished tying his bow tie. "The babysitter will be here soon. Wow very handsome." Ava says turning to look at Jackson.

He smiled leaning down and capturing her lips while she smiled back. "You look gorgeous." He said looking at her dress.

"Thank you." Ava said before the two went to check on the children and get them ready for the day.
Catherine looked at Jackson and Ava as they walked towards her. "I can't believe the two of you are leaving in a couple days." She said looking at the Avery couple.

"It's only California mom and we'll come visit. Your always welcome when we're settled." Jackson said looking at Catherine who hugged the both of them.

"I know but I don't know it just seems like your all grown up now." Catherine says to Jackson.

"Well that's what happens mom. Anyway we should head inside." Jackson says taking Ava's hand before they went to find their seats.
They finally arrived at the right spot for the wedding as Ava stood with Meredith. "Where is Alex?" Ava questioned Meredith who shrugged slightly.

"I don't know but the wedding will be starting soon." Meredith said while Ava looked around the scene her eyes landing on Jackson. He was stood talking with April and Matthew.

"So your really leaving?" Meredith said to Ava while she turned to look at her. Ava sent her a sad smile before nodding her head.

"Yeah I guess I am. But I'm really going to miss it here. Even with all the bad that's happened there's been a hell of a lot of good too." Ava says looking around at all her friends and family.

"Go get them Ava. Derek would be so proud of you." Meredith said causing Ava to smile and hug her. Meredith returned the hug before Ava went to find Jackson.
Ava looked at Deluca as he made his speech before turning to Jackson. She quickly walked forward taking the microphone from Deluca. "Thank you Deluca." Ava said taking away the microphone.

Meredith took Andrew for a walk before Ava looked around at everyone who was watching her. Ava handed the microphone back to the wedding planner.

The wedding planner had then had an allergic reaction to shrimp as Jackson and Ava hurried over to help her. They had managed to help her and get her back after she stopped breathing.

Jackson had chose to make sure she was okay before everyone else had headed to the Ferry Boat. Ava couldn't help the smile on her face as she looked out at Seattle. This place had been her home for years her whole life had began here.

She met the love of her life here and where she met her friends who became her family. It's where she became the surgeon she was today. It held memories of everyone she had lost and everyone who had moved on. She had her children here and she had raised them here. Seattle was her home and she knew that but sometimes you grow up. And growing up sometimes means leaving home to find the next adventure.

Memories flooded over her from when she stood in the exact spot with her brother years ago. A time when she felt lost and was trying to figure out her life. She knew that version of herself would be proud of how far she had come. In despite of all the loss and suffering she had endured. The sun would rise again. She had to keep going and she had to remain strong no matter what.

Ava imagined Mark, Lexie and Derek all watching over her right now. She imagined them to be looking out for her and everyone they cared about. All she could hope was that they'd be proud. And deep down she knew they were.

Her mind drifted to Jackson he had saved her in more way then he would ever know. The love the two of them had was something rare and pure. Ava would always love him above anything else and she knew his love for her was eternal.

She thought about Meredith and Alex. They were her family in more ways then one. She had no idea what she would do without them but they'd always be there for her she knew that. Meredith was the strongest person she knew and she was also an amazing mother and surgeon. Alex he was the best friend anyone could have. He was loyal and kind. His heart was always in the right place he just sometimes didn't think through things.

Zola,Sofia ,Bailey and Ellis. Her nieces and nephews were the constant reminders of her brothers seeing them in their children. She was proud of each and everyone of them. Ava couldn't wait to see the people they would become and the extraordinary things they would do.

Mark then came into her mind. Becoming a mother was the best thing to happen to her. She loved her children with everything she had and would do anything for them. Mark is the funniest little boy she knew but he also had Jackson's big heart. Daisy was super sweet and sassy which reminded her of Jackson. And Harry he was the kindest little boy she knew and he was so loveable. He was like Derek but also like her.Leaving would be hard but it was their next adventure.

Ava was pulled from her thoughts by Maggie as they watched Meredith marry Jo and Alex. Ava stood smiling at her friends seeing them happy. She smiled at Amelia who was happier then she had been in a long time.
A/N- One more chapter and this book will officially be complete. It kind of bittersweet I started writing this book as an outlet for everything I felt and it helped in so many ways. Now I've got two other books that I'm going to be focusing on and so many more ideas.

I've loved writing this book for the past two years and it just felt time to finish it. I wanted to give Ava's story closure and I hope I've done that. I want to say thank you to everyone for reading. Love you all🤍

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