You're Going To Need Someone On Your Side

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Ava stood beside Alex as he was checking over the twins as they had just turned 6 weeks old."Everything looks good and they both in great health so now what about you? How are you doing?" Alex says to her as Ava looks at him.

"I'm fine it's just hard with a toddler and two babies with Jackson back at work I've got all three of them sometimes." Ava says to him as she picks up Daisy who had become fussy and rocks her.

"Is Mark still going to the daycare?" Alex asks her as Ava looks up at him.

"Yeah he goes most of the time Jackson is at work but he stays home a couple days a week and when Jackson's off." Ava says as Alex nods at her as he picks up Harry as the little boy smiles at him as Alex pulls a face.

"Hey the kids smiling at me." Alex says as Ava looks at her son with a huge smile on her face.

"That's his first proper smile and that's none of my children smiled at me first Mark and Daisy were both with Jackson and now Harry with you. All I did was carry them for 8 and 9 months." Ava says as she smiles as her and Alex laugh.

"So what's the plan for the Avery twins today?" Alex asks placing Harry into the stroller as Ava does the same with Daisy.

"Not much we're going to go see Mark while I'm here and then meet Jackson for some lunch if he doesn't have a surgery and then it'll be time for their nap." Ava says as she looks over at Alex. "I love the newborn stage and the little baby stage but I'm in need of an adult conversation sometimes beside Jackson." Ava says as Alex smiles at her.

"Well I don't mind coming to see these two once in a while i mean someone has to teach them how to be fun." Alex says as Ava pushes him.

"Hey I'm fun how else would I put up with you all these years." Ava says to him as he rolls his eyes at her.
Ava was sat in the attending's lounge feeding Harry as Daisy was sleeping her stroller. Callie walked in as she smiled at Ava who returned it. "Hey how are these two doing?" Callie says as she looks at Daisy sleeping in the stroller.

"They are both thriving according to their check up this morning." Ava says as she strokes Harry's cheek.

"And how are you doing?" Callie says as Ava looks up at her as she sits on the arm of the chair.

"Yeah I'm good just very tired they like to take it in turns to wake up on a night and with Jackson back at work it's just taking time to adjust again." Ava says as Callie looks at her.

"I need to ask you a favour.. Arizona and I are going to court for custody of Sofia and I was hoping you'd take the stand?" Callie asks as Ava looks at her.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that." Ava says as Callie looks at her.

"Why not? Your Sofia's godmother and what about Mark? He'd want you to do this for his daughter." Callie says as Ava shook her head growing frustrated.

"Exactly I'm her godmother I can't take either of your sides. And don't you dare bring mark into this or tell me what he'd want. You were his best friend but i was like his sister and you know what he'd hate this. He'd think your being selfish this is Sofia's home where her family is." Ava snaps at her as Callie walks out of the room not wanting to talk to the shepherd surgeon anymore.
Ava sat with Jackson as the twins were in their stroller as he was talking to her but Ava wasn't really paying to much attention until Jackson caressed her cheek as she turned to look at him falling out of her daze.

"Hey are you alright?" Jackson says concerned for his wife as she smiles at his holding his hand that's on her cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine." Ava says to him as Jackson studies her face.

"No your not I can tell when you lying now talk to me.  Is the twins? Are things too much for you? Am I not helping enough when I can?" Jackson questions her as Ava smiles at him.

"Everything is great with the twins and you are perfect and I love you." Ava says as Jackson pecks her lips.

"I love you too so what's really bothering you?" Jackson says to her as she looks at him.

"Callie asked me to testify for her in the custody case." Ava tells him as he looks at her.

"And what did you say?" Jackson says as he continues to eat his lunch.

"I said I couldn't do it. I'm Sofias godmother and I have great relationships with Callie and Arizona but then she went and tried to use Mark as a way to get time me on her side. It's just so frustrating he'd hate this. And Sofia's home is here in Seattle and her family is here. I just think it's really selfish what she's doing it's not for Sofia it's for her and Penny." Ava says as Jackson looks at her.

"But everyone has a right to their own happiness and maybe Callie's is with Penny in New York and you love New York your whole family is there." Jackson says to her.

"I understand that and I'm happy for her of course I am but this whole case what if I wanted to just take our kids to live in New York with some guy I'd been with less than a year if we weren't happily married?" Ava says to him as he looks at her.

"Okay well I wouldn't let you take them and I wouldn't let you be with someone else you married me Dr Shepherd-Avery and this is forever." Jackson says making Ava smile as she leans over and kisses him.
A/N- Should Ava end up picking a side and take the stand or remain as she is and not take any side?
Also I was team Arizona through this whole custody battle I just felt Callie was thinking more about herself and Penny then she was about what was best for her daughter where as Arizona wanted what was best for Sofia and to be a good mom. Who's side was you on?

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