True colours

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"What do we have?" Bailey asks as she walks into the trauma room.

"BP's 95 palp.Somnolent, but responsive to painful stimuli.Stats are 92 with 100 percent oxygen.On my count, one, two, three." Ava says as they move the patient.

"It's an MVC?" Bailey asks her.

"Sort of.Two people in one car drove off a cliff on admiral way." Ava tells her.

"Do we have a name?" Bailey asks her.

"Haven't seen an ID yet." Ava tells her as she continues to work on the woman.

"They didn't find a purse?" Bailey says with a questioning look.

"They didn't even find a blouse.She came in dressed like this." Ava says showing Bailey.

"Why are people driving around with no clothes on?" Bailey asks her as Ava shrugs her shoulders.

"Passenger's next door.Maybe he knows." Ava says to her as Bailey nods as she heads next door.
"Lower extremity deformity with a large hematoma.
Can't find a pedal pulse." Ava says to Maggie and Bailey.

"Trauma panel,type and cross her eight." Bailey says as to Ava as she nods.

"I hope the sex was good." Maggie says to her.

"Is sex in a car ever that good?All those windows..." April says as she walks in as Ava shrugs at her as all three surgeons look at her.

"Hey. Miss.Hey, you're okay.You're at Grey-Sloan memorial.I do need you to keep still though, okay?" Bailey says to her.

"Abdomen's very distended.Bring me the ultrasound now." Bailey says to the nurse.

"Is he alive?" Alison says to them.

"Can you tell us your name?" Ava asks her.

"Alison.Please,is he... he alive?" Alison asks as she begins coughing up blood.

"Oh, oh!Rapid intubationOh, okay. Okay. Okay.
I need 7-0 ET tube." Maggie tells them as they work quickly.

"She has a lot of blood in her abdomen.Alison, we're gonna take you up to the O.R. now." Bailey says to the patient.

"Pressure's dropped, 70 over 40!She's bleeding out." Ava says to Bailey.

"Hang blood on the infuser and prep her for reboa catheter." Bailey tells them.
"Oh, hey, is she awake?" Jackson asks looking at his wife and Maggie.

"Not yet.How is her boyfriend, husband, driving instructor?" Maggie asks them.

"Definitely not husband." Arizona says as she walks past.

"Dr. Pierce repaired an aortic injury, but she's not
out of anesthesia yet." Deluca says to the others. "Why not husband?" He asks.

"'Cause car sex is only for when it's new." Arizona says to them.

"Or it could be cheating." Jackson says as Ava looks at him.

"Or why do it?Someone is always uncomfortable
with the gearshifts and the consoles.And just limbs, everywhere." Maggie says to them as Ava looks at her husband.

"Who've you been cheating on me with?" She asks Jackson as he looks at her as she was smiling at him.

"Yeah you know the car seats in the back for our kids are really killing my game." Jackson says to her sarcastically as she smiles at him.

"Keith was asking about her as soon as he woke up." Steph says to them.

"Keith?" Andrew asks her.

"Yeah, the copilot." Steph says as he nods at her.

"She did the same thing.She asked about him first, too." Maggie says to them. "They're in love.That figures." Maggie says to them.

""That figures"?What do you mean?" Jackson asks her.

"Well, two people who are in love would want to go to a beautiful place to share their love.It figures that they would wind up bleeding in the bottom of a canyon." Maggie tells them.

"Wow.That's so cynical." Arizona says to her.

"That's what happened!" Maggie says as others laugh slightly.

"Keith wants to be here when she wakes up, okay?
But Grey wants him immobile for 24 hours."Steph says to them.

"Guys, maybe it wasn't love, all right?" Jackson says to them.

"Dr. Avery." A nurse called out.

"It's not romance we're talking about here.It was emergency sex,and they were just too damn horny
to remember the parking brake." Jackson says to them.

"That's super cynical." Arizona says to them.

"What is wrong with you people?" Eliza says to them.

"Seriously.Wow." Arizona says walking away with Eliza.

"You should let him come see her.You should figure it out." Deluca says to them.

"Why? Because prince charming's kiss is gonna wake her up?Prince charming has a grade-three liver lac
that could kill him if he moves." Steph says to them.

"Cynic!Cynic!" Jackson and Maggie say to her.

"That's not... whatever." Steph says as Ava laughs as she quickly kisses Jackson as she heads down to the E.R.
Ava was checking on one of her patient as an ambulance came in. "16 year old female. She was intubated at the scene possible internal bleeding and possible broken femur." The paramedic told her as she nodded.

"Yeah take her to trauma 1. Someone paged Dr Walker please." Ava says as she follows the paramedics in.

Ava was checking over the patient as Mason walked in and looks at her. "We need to get to the O.R. now she's bleeding out." Ava says to him as he nods as the prepare her for transport.
Ava was quickly packing the patient as all the monitors went off as she looked as the screen. "She losing too much blood." She says looking at Mason.

"Let's hang another unit and let's find the source of this bleeding." He says as Ava looks at the patient as Mason was suctioning.

All their phones went off as one of the nurses checked them. "We're in lockdown. Code orange." The nurse says as Ava looks at Mason.

"Staff member is in danger." Ava says to him as he nods. "Alright let's no panic we've got a patient open right now we need to focus on that and wait for anything further." Ava calls out to them as they all nod at her.
Suddenly the room begins to shake as the sound of an explosion fills the room as Mason and Ava cover the patient as they look at each other wondering what was going on.

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