The Girl With No Name

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Ava had just finished changing into her scrubs as Callie walked in holding another gift basket as she had already received two.

"Looks like Mayo are also trying to get you on side." Callie says to her as she hand the gift basket to Ava.

"Thank you Callie." Ava says to her as Jackson reads the card.

"How many is this now?" Jackson asks her.

"My third UCLA and New York Presbyterian have sent one while Cleveland, Hopkins and Tulane want me." She says to Jackson as Cristina walks in with a gift basket.

"Oh, this is getting ridiculous." April says as Ava chuckles and High gives Cristina.

"The N.I.H.?Since when does the N.I.H. bribe residents to come work for them?" Jackson asks her.

"Oh, they don't, except when you're me... a god." Cristina tells them as Ava smiles at her.

"Hey." Cristina says smacking Alex's hand away.

"Cookie's stale." Alex complains as he takes a bite as Jackson takes one and gives one to Ava.

"Aw, Karev.Is this hard for you,having to beg for interviews while some of us just sit back and get wooed?" Cristina teases him.

"No one is begging." Alex tells them as he puts on his lab coat.

"Oh, yeah, maybe you should.Maybe that way,you'd actually get an interview." April says joining in teasing Alex.

"Ha! I love mean Kepner." Cristina says.

"I got an interview." Alex lies to them as he speaks with his mouth full.

"Oh, really, where?" April asks him.

"At...places." Alex says to them. "Whatever! Look, this sucks, okay.I mean, we got boards in a couple of weeks and-and now they want us to
go on freakin' job interviews?There's only so much crap a guy can have thrown at him before he snaps." Alex says as Ava squeeze his shoulder as Hunt walks in.

"There's a trauma coming in on the roof.Kepner, Karev, come with me." Owen calls out to them.

"I gotta leave for my northwestern interview in an hour. I told you yesterday." April tells him as he looks at Ava who nods her head.

"Um, Avery?" He asks looking at Jackson.

"Sloan's got me all day, chief. Sorry." Jackson says.

"Meredith is free." Ava tells him as she heads out to find Callie.
Ava walks over to Derek as he finishes with his patients chart as Ava rests her head on the desk as he looks down at her.

"Are you okay?" Derek asks Ava as she looks up him.

"I don't know what do I've got so many offers from all different hospitals across the country and I don't know what to do. Mom can't stop telling me how proud she is and how she'd love to have her baby girl back New York." Ava tells her big brother as he hugs her.

"You've got to do what's right for you. Of course mom would love it but it's your life Ava only you can decided what's right for you. Haven't you spoken with Jackson about it?" Derek asks her.

"He's visiting UCLA but we agreed that we'd support each other no matter what we both chose." Ava tells Derek.

"I'm going to pick Zola up you want to come see her she loves her auntie Ava." Derek says Ava smiles at him.

"Yeah I'll meet you up there." She says as he walks off.
Ava was on her way up to the daycare as she saw Tucker stood on his own so she walks over to him.

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