Old Time Rock and Roll

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Ava was getting Marks bag ready as she was about to head out to Work as she saw Jackson watching her from the kitchen table. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Ava asks him as she turns to face him as he smiles at her.

Jackson walks over to Ava as he places his hand on her growing bump as he leaned in and kisses her as she kisses him back. "You know i love some of your pregnancy hormones." Jackson says to her as Ava shook her head laughing know exactly what he was on about.

"Well I don't think it'll be happening for a while after these two arrive because I think having three children is lot different to just Mark." Ava says to him as she pecks his lips before going to fasten Mark into his car seat.
Ava was checking on her patients as the silver flood had come in. "Excuse me, sweetheart." Abe said as Ava turned to him with a smile on her face.

"Oh. It's Dr. sweetheart. But what can I do for you?" Ava asks him with a small smile on her face as she stood beside him.

"Well, my lady friend, Gabby margraff, they said they were taking her for a p.T. Or something or... Or a p.P.?" Abe says to her as Ava looks at him.

"A C.T.?" She questions him trying to figure out what he was talking about.

"That's the ticket.Oh, boy. You know, I haven't seen her since, but I-i...And I-i-i-i-i don't want to be a bother, but nobody's said anything." He says to Ava as she smiles at him before checking her tablet.

"Okay, well, hold on. Let me see. Um... Oh, yeah. Okay, so according to this, she's still in C.T." Ava says to him as she sees relief in his face.

"Okay.Oh, okay, good, good." Ava says as Ava smiles at him.

"Great. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Ava asks him as he looks back at her.

"Y-you got jell-o here, right?" He asks Ava as she smiles at his request as nods her head.

"We do. Indeed." Ava tells him as she smiles at him still.
"I thought the point of a singles cruise was to meet other singles." Ava says to abe as they sat eating jello.

"Exactly.Where do you think I met Gabby?Five years ago almost to the day." Abe says as Ava looks at him in surprise.

"Really?" She says to him with a small smile plastered on her face.

"Mm. Absotively.I didn't even want to go. But my sister wouldn't get off my back. "Go out, meet people. Don't just sit at home in that chair."" Abe says as Ava looks at him.

"Mm-hmm. It's a nice chair?" She asks him as he smiles back at her.

"The best. Oh, you press a button and your feet go up. And there's a... There's a warmer in the seat.
And... and... and a little cubby for the remote." Abe tells Ava as she smiles at him.

"Sounds like a dream." Ava says to him.

"Now I'm living a new dream. I got the chair. I got the girl.Here, but let me show you something." Abe says as he pulls out a ring and shows Ava.

"Oh, Abe, this is all too sudden. I barely know you. I just met you. And my husband is around here somewhere and these two belong to him." Ava says as she points at her bump which was becoming more noticeable.

"You know, you're a wise ass. But I... but I like that." Abe says as he chuckles at her as Ava looks at the ring.

"Mm. It's beautiful." Ava tells him as he smiles up at her.

"Gabby's beautiful.I was gonna propose on the boat.
On the third night, there's this big dance in the main dining room.Huge ice sculptures and a dance band and everything. That's where I first saw her. Whoa. The dress she was wearing. I got so dizzy, I-i just had to sit down.I closed my eyes for a second, and when I opened them..." Abe was telling her as her pager went off.

"Oh, gosh dang it. Abe, I'm so sorry. Duty calls." Ava says to him as she looks at her phone.

"Oh, you kidding? Go. You got more important things to do than to listen to my stories." Abe says to her as Ava shakes her head at him.

"I am getting the rest of that story.I will be back a.S.A.P." Ava tells him as he smiles at her.

"Bring another jell-o with you." Abe says to her as she nods.

"Oh, okay. Um, wait, hold on. Raspberry or lime?" She asks him as his smile grows slightly.

"Surprise me." He says to her as Ava smiles back at him.

"Okay." She nods as she goes to answer her pager.
"Hey. Hey, hey.Abraham." Ava says as she checks abes pulse as she turns to the nurse. "Hey, who was monitoring this man?" Ava says as the nurse looks at her.

"I checked him five minutes ago.He was fine." The nurse says to Ava as she looks down at him a sad smile on her face.

"Oh, Abe." She said as she held his hand.
"Hey, hunt, um, I need to find a patient... Gabby margraff." Ava asks him as he looks at her.

"Oh, she's in surgery with grey and Pierce.What do you need?" Owen asks her as Ava looks at the floor and then back at him.

"I need to tell her her boyfriend's dead. He coded in the hallway." Ava tells him as he looks at her.

"Well, how did he..." he asks her as Ava cuts him off.

"I mean, he's 90. Could've been a stroke or an m.I. He just fell asleep and..." she says to him as he looks at her.

"Shepherd, I'm sorry. We'll take care of it, okay?" Owen says to her as Ava nods as she goes to the supply closet as she sits on one of the chairs as her emotions and hormones take over as she begins to cry.
"oh, god.What happened?" Jackson says as he saw Ava with tear stained cheeks as he pulled a chair and sat next to her.

"Nothing.Nothing. I'm fine." Ava says as she wipes her eyes as Jackson takes her hand.

"What happened?" Jackson asks her as she looks at him.

"I don't know. I don't even know why I'm crying.He wasn't... He wasn't even my patient.He wasn't even a-a trauma or Ortho. He was 90." Ava says to him as he looks at her confused.

"Who was 90?" Jackson asks her.

"Abe.He was... In love.He met the love of his life when he was 85, and he was gonna propose to her.But he died." Ava says as she rests her head again Jackson.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Jackson says as he runs his hand up and down her back.

"God, I felt like I could talk to him forever. It was like for a moment I forgot everything all the bad things that have happened over the last few years. The plane crash, Mark and Lexie dying. The power cut thinking you were going to die. Or the accident when Mark was born or Derek dying for moment not of it happened." Ava says with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Hey its okay I know your hurting sweetheart but look at everything that's happened we got married we have a beautiful little boy and two more babies on the way. We lost so much but we also gained so much I know it hurts but it's okay to let it out I'm here." Jackson says as he wraps his arms around her.
A/N- Hey guys for the Aurora Karev story I want to know should Jackson be with Lexie first or should I build up his relationship with Aurora through season 7 and get them together?

Also another chapter of autumn Montgomery is uploaded Aurora Karev will be out next week at some point.

Thank you x

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