When It Hurts So Bad

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Ava set Marks breakfast on the table as she felt a small pain in her stomach but didn't think anything of it as Jackson walked into the room. "So turns out my mom is coming into town and to the hospital." Jackson says as he sat beside Mark.

"Great now I'm in for the lecture from Catherine Avery how I should be taking it easy and I shouldn't be working even though I got it all from you." Ava says as she looks at Jackson.

"Ava why are so intent on working till these babies drop out of you." Jackson says to her as Ava looks at him.

"Because last time I was so bored and then I'm stepping away for a few months so I'm making the most of time for adult conversation and doing what I love before my life is filled with our babies again." Ava says as he shakes his head laughing as he picks Mark up to get his shoes on so they can leave.
Ava had continued to feel some Braxton Hicks contractions which she felt was nothing just the same few she has been having the past couple of weeks.

Ava got onto the lift as she was heading to check on one of her Ortho patient as she sees Jo as she smiles at her.

The lift suddenly stopped as the light went out making the two girls look at each other as the lights came back on because of the back up generator the lift still didn't move.

Ava pressed the buttons trying to get the lift to move which didn't work as she exchanged a look with Jo. "We're stuck in here." Ava says to her as she presses the emergency button until she feels a twitch in her stomach as pain displays on her face as Jo looks at the attending.

"Are you okay Dr Shepherd-Avery?" Jo asks her as Ava holds her bump waiting for the pain to pass as she nods her head as she sits down on the floor.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Do you have your phone on you Wilson?" Ava says as Jo pulls out her phone from her pocket as she looks at Ava.

"Call Alex tell him we're stuck and he needs to get someone to come fix it." Ava says as she breaths through the pain as Jo tries to call Alex but struggles as she has no signal.

"Dr Shepherd there is no signal." Jo says as Ava looks at her pulling out her own phone as she sees she doesn't have any signal either.

"Well isn't that great." Ava snaps growing frustrated as Jo tries to press the emergency button again but no one answers as Ava stands up as puddle of water surrounds her.

"Shit." Ava mumbles as Jo looks at the floor and then back at Ava.

"Did your-" Jo asks her as Ava looks up at her.

"Yeah my water just broke and we're stuck in this damn elevator with no way out and no help." Ava says as she hold her stomach as she feels another contraction.
The girls had been in the elevator well over two hours and Ava's contractions were getting closer as she sat on the floor in pain with each contraction as Jo was trying to a signal on their phones.

"How are you doing Dr Shepherd?" Jo says looking at the Avery woman who looks up at her.

"Call me Ava we've known each other long enough." Ava groans to her as Jo nods at her as she continues to try to get a signal.
Jo had finally managed to get a signal on her phone as she rang Alex putting the phone on speaker as Alex answered it. "Hey can I call you back just I'm with mer she's going through this thing." Alex says as Ava shakes her head furiously at Jo.

"No Alex we're stuck in the elevator and we can't get out-" Jo was cut off as Ava let out a loud groan the pain becoming more intense.

"Jo are you okay?Who's that?" Alex asks with concern in his voice.

"It's Dr Shepherd I mean Ava I think she's in labour her water broke and her contractions are getting closer together we need help." Jo tells him.

"I'm on my way I'll call Bailey and get her to get someone to come deal with the lift and Arizona she'll be able to talk you through it." Alex says as Jo looks at her phone confused.

"What are you talking about Alex?" Jo says to him as Ava looks up at Jo.

"He means your going to have to deliver these babies they'll be here before anyone can get that door open. And Alex tell Jackson I should've just listened to him." Ava groans as the phone cut out again as Jo rushed over to Ava to check on her.
Ava sat exhausted as she was now fully dilated and there had been no improvement on the elevator and they couldn't get another signal.

"I feel like I need to push." Ava groaned resting her head against the wall as Jo looked at her.

"You just hold they'll get these door open and then Arizona will be here and you'll be fine." Jo says as Ava looks at her.

"Wilson that's not happening you can do this. I need your help here." Ava says to her as Jo looks at Ava not seeing an attending in her anymore but as a patient who needed her help.

"Okay I've got this." Jo says as she checked on the babies as she looked up at Ava. "Ava when ever your ready you need to push just listen to your body okay." Jo says as Ava nodded at her.
Ava had been pushing for a while and was becoming increasingly tired as she looked at Jo. "Hey your doing great." Jo encouraged her as Ava nodded and began pushing again as Jo looked up at her a small smile on her face. "I can see the head."

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