You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

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Ava was making Mark smile as she got him changed for the day as Jackson walked into the Nursery. "You still sure you want to come back to work today?" Jackson asks her as she turns to see him in the doorway.

"If I don't come back today then I'm not sure I'll be coming back to work because this face is too adorable." Ava says smiling as she picks up Mark as she hands him to Jackson as she kisses his cheek and then kisses Jackson.

"The non-fraternisation policy is being announced this morning Owens called for a meeting." Jackson tells his wife as he follows her downstairs as she puts things into Marks diaper bag.

"Lucky for you your an already married man." Ava says looking at him as he uses one of his arms to grab her waist as holds Mark in his other as he pulls her to him and kisses her as she kisses him back.

"Very lucky and a very happily married man with a gorgeous wife and an adorable baby." He says to her as she smiles at him.

"And very handsome man at that" Ava says to him as she gets the last of Marks things as Jackson puts him in his car seat.
The Avery couple dropped Mark off at Daycare as they change into their scrubs before heading to the meeting Owen had arranged.

"I miss our baby." Ava says looking at her husband as he gives her a soft smile before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his side.

"We can go see him whenever we want and he'll be fine in the daycare now just stop worrying because he's going to be completely fine." Jackson says as they walk over to the other board members .

"First day back how you feeling?" Callie asks Ava as she looks up at her.

"Like I want to go home and be with my baby again why do they have to get so big so fast." Ava says as Callie nods.

"I asked the same thing I mean Sofia just getting so big and she's just like a small person now." Callie tells her as Ava smiles at the mention of her goddaughter.

"Thank you all for coming." Owen says as they all turn their attention to him. "I know you're all busy,
so this won't take long.The board has just approved
a new non-fraternization policy.This hospital has to be a safe work environment where our focus remains clearly on providing the best patient care possible.
Moving forward, all relationships with co-workers
will be discouraged. And all relationships between
superiors and subordinates is strictly prohibited.You will all receive a copy of the new rules. Your supervisors will arrange meetings to go over the details.And that's it. Let's get back to work." Owen tells them as Ava kisses Jackson quickly before she joins Alex.
"What do we got?" Ava asks the paramedics as she looks at the patient.

"Lisa Campbell, 32,found in apartment trash chute.Compactor tore her leg up pretty good before it jammed.Lost a lot of blood in the field,but vitals are stable." The paramedic tells Ava as she gives them a confused look.

"Why was she in a trash..." Ava asks them as she gets cut off.

"Foraging for food, probably." They say as they shrug their shoulders.

"How many times do I have to tell you?I'm not homeless. I don't forage.I have a PhD." Lisa tells them.

"On my count. One, two, three.Okay, start her on one gram of cefazolin.We need to clean this out. Page plastics." Ava tells them as she smiles at her patient.

"I'll do it." One of the nurse say as Ava nods her head in appreciation.

"All right, Lisa,Is there anyone you'd like for us to call?" Ava asks her as she checks over her.

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