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3 months Later...
Ava was getting Mark ready as Jackson had already headed to the hospital as he had been called in for an emergency surgery. Ava's phone vibrated as she got a notification reminding her of her 16 week appointment.

Ava gave mark his breakfast as she kisses his forehead before sending a message to Jackson reminding him of their appointment.
Ava had dropped Mark at Daycare as she changed into her scrubs and headed down to the E.R. As she sat in one of the chairs at the desk resting her feet as she knew it wouldn't be long until some trauma would becoming in.

Ava had been suffering a lot more during this pregnancy then when she was pregnant with Mark as she had suffered from morning sickness quite badly at the start of the pregnancy. She was now suffering from backache and was becoming tired very easily.

"You're late." Mason says in an annoyed tone as Ava opened her once closed eyes as she looks over at Jo who had just arrived at the hospital.

"I know. I'm sorry. I got stuck behind a train that just stopped forever." Jo tells him as she talks to the attending's as Ava attention falls on Ben who was on the phone behind her.

"I'm sorry. You s... you said a crash? A pedestrian?T-two pedestrians?Two pedestrians were hit by a train?" Ben says as Ava looks at him wide eyed as everyone else was also listening now.

"What? Oh, my god." Everyone says as Ava sits up slightly as she looks at Ben.

"And they're alive?" She questions him having no idea if they were alive and if they were how they would be.

"Yeah, uh..Two girls were hit by a train on their way to school." Ben tells them as Ava meets Jackson's eye as he had just walked in hearing the news too.

"Kids. Um... Wow. They're just kids." Ben repeated as Ava remained glancing at Jackson a hand resting on her small bump that had started to form.
"Hang two units of "o" neg, check the pelvic binder,
and prep her for a rapid-sequence intubation." Owen calls out as Ava works on the Ortho parts checking over the girls leg.

"Any word on her name? Her parents?" Ava says to them as she looks around at all the staff.

"Uh, I don't think she had any I.D." Isaac says to her as Ava grows frustrated with the intern because of her hormones.

"did you look? Did you even check her bag?" Ava snaps at him as Meredith walks into the the room.

"Okay, where do you need me?" Meredith asks as Ava and Owen share a look as Ava turns to her sister in law.

"She needs an ex lap.One of her legs was ripped completely away from the other. She has a wishbone injury. The force of the train broke her pelvis  and split her insides apart. I'm gonna need to stabilize her pelvis and extremities, but not before you guys address her internal injuries." Ava says to them.

"Pupillary reflexes are sluggish.She's gonna need a head C.T. to rule out a traumatic brain injury." Amelia tells them as Ava nods her head listening to her sister.

"All right, you got a name for me yet?" Ava calls out to the intern as he looks at her.

"Uh, no, but I found some textbooks. Sophomore, junior, maybe.I'm guessing she's about 16 years old." Isaac says to Ava as she nods her head listening to him.

"Okay, hang on, hang on. Shh, quiet." Meredith says as the young girl had started to wake up.

"Mom.I want my mom." The girl managed to mumble to Meredith as Owen looked at the surgeon.

"Grey, we're gonna need to intubate. Okay. We don't have much time. Go ahead" Owen says as he moves out the way.
"good. You're here. She's got multiple complex injuries. She needs to go to the O.R. for a washout." Alex says as Ava enters Jess's trauma room noticing a marking on both of the girls arms.

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