I Feel The Earth Move

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Ava walks downstairs as she hears music playing in the kitchen as she sees Jackson dancing with Mark as she rests against the door frame watching them with a small smile on her face as she tries not to laugh.

"So this is what the Avery boys do when I'm not around. You have dance parties in our kitchen?" Ava says as Jackson turns around as he smiles at her.

"Ahh my beautiful wife." Jackson says as he kisses Ava as she takes Mark from him.

"Okay Mark why is your daddy acting all crazy?" Ava says as Jackson sets down there breakfast on the table and looks at her.

"Well I have Warren on my services so who knows maybe the plastic posses are expanding." Jackson says as Ava puts Mark in his high chair as she smiles at the name Mark had given them.

"Ahh the Plastic Posses now that seems like a lifetime ago." Ava says as Jackson smiles at her knowing she was thinking about Mark.

"He was a great mentor and I want to pass on to someone. Maybe one day it'll be Mark or any of our other future children." Jackson says as Ava smiles at him.

"Keep dreaming Avery we'll be having Ortho gods and goddesses and trauma soldiers." Ava says with a playful smile on her lips.

"We have three kids we can have one in each field?" Jackson says as Ava looks at him laughing.

"Ahh I see what you did there and we'll leave it up to them to decide what they want to be." Ava says as Jackson agrees with her.

"Of course and we'll be proud of them no matter what they do in their lives." Jackson says as Ava nods agreeing with him.
Ava was rushing around the E.R with April as the we're trying to see as many patients as they could after the earthquake.

Ava answers the phone as it starts to ring beside her. "Grey Sloan Emergency." Ava says down the phone.

"Is this the hospital? I need help." A little girl says to her.

"Well, you need to hang up and call 911." Ava tells the girl.

"I tried. It was busy.My mom fell off a chair.She's not moving.I don't know what to do. What do I do?" The girl says to Ava sounding scared.

"Your what? Your mom?How old are you?" Ava asks her hearing a young girls voice.

"I'm 11." The girl replies to her as Ava lets out a small sigh.

"Where are you?" Ava asks the girl growing concerned for her.

"Our cabin. I don't know.The power's out. Please help." The girl says as Ava struggles to head over the phone.

"All right, it's all right. Just hang on.Somebody, Kepner, get on with 911 and get them to trace the call
on line three right now.It's a kid with her injured mom in the mountains somewhere." Ava says as she calls out to April who nods in her direction.

"Are you still there?" The young girl asks worriedly down the phone.

"I'm here. I'm right here.What's your name?" Ava asks the young girl.

"Ruby." The girls says to Ava.

"Ruby, I'm Ava." Ava tells her.

"Are you a doctor? Can you help?" Ruby asks Ava worriedly as Ava smiles slightly.

"I can. I'm right here, and I'm going to help you." Ava tries to reassure her.

"We were making S'mores.She was getting hot chocolate from the cabinet.She was standing on the chair, and then everything was shaking.Then she fell. Now she's on the floor." Ruby says to Ava.

"She's on the floor. Is she awake?" Ava questions little girl down the phone.

"No. What do I do?" Ruby says to Ava as she lets out another sigh.
Ava struggles to hear Ruby on the phone as she shouts at the E.R to quieten down as she moved to a phone that was more quiet and continues to help Ruby as Amelia and Owen have joined her.

"Dr Shepherd-Avery your needed in trauma one they have a dislocated knee and other injuries." The nurse says to Ava as she nods turning back to the phone.

"Hey Ruby someone else needs my help but I've got two really good doctors beside me who are going to help you and your mom okay?" Ava says to her down the phone.

"No please don't go." Ruby says as Ava looks at Owen and Amelia.

"Ruby your a very brave girl and your going to do this and we're still be here my sister is here and she's a doctor too she'll help you until I can come back okay?" Ava says as Amelia and Owen give her a small smile.

"Okay." Ruby says in a shakey voice as Ava smiles and nods.

"Okay that's great Ruby. This is Owen and Amelia they'll help you okay whatever you need I'm going to go and help someone else but I'll be back as soon as I can." Ava says as she goes to trauma room.
Ava walked into the E.R as she had just finished her surgery on her patient. Ava looked around as she saw a young girl sat on one of the gurneys.

Ava walked over to the little girl as she looked up at Ava as she gave her a small smile before sitting beside her. "Is your mom or dad around here?" Ava asks her.

"My moms been taken to surgery.I'm Ruby." The girl said as Ava nodded her head.

"We spoke on the phone. I'm Ava or Dr Shepherd-Avery. I heard you did a great job with your mom I'm sure she'll be just fine we have the best doctors working to make her better." Ava tells her as Ruby hugs her.

Ava hugs the little girl back as she sees Jackson stood watching her. "Do you think I hurt her when I did what they told me to do?" Ruby asks looking up at Ava as she smiles at her.

"No I think you may have saved her life. Your mom will be very proud once she hears what you did to save her life." Ava says as Owen walked over to them.

"Ruby your mom is going to be just fine." Owen says smiling at them as Ruby smiles back.

"Told you everything would be okay why don't you go with Owen and see your mom." Ava says as Owen takes Ruby to see her mom as Jackson walks over and engulfs Ava in a hug.

"Hard day?" Jackson asks as Ava mumbles resting her head against his chest as he kisses her head. "Let's go get our boy and go home." Jackson says as he took her hand.
A/N- Hey so I've decided to begin the story with Addisons sister with Mark as her love interest but then maybe introduce a new one later on. I will still write the other Jackson Avery one maybe once I've finished this book or when I've got a few chapter done of my next book. I would like to know what specialty you'd like her to be in?

I was thinking she could be in Callie and Baileys year and maybe brought into during the Merger or maybe when Addison brother is in the hospital. What do you think?

Also with Mark being the love interest someone suggested them possibly having a child maybe that could be an idea or they have one later on if you wanted and should Mark still have Sofia with Callie I think it could make a good storyline but I want to include anything you guys want to read.

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