Take the lead

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Ava walks with Alex as they see Meredith and Cristina.

"Hey its going up now." Ava tells them as they all work to the O.R board as a Alex turns to Meredith.

"Hey, you heard about Zola?" Alex asks as Ava looks at Meredith too keen for an update on her niece.

"I haven't heard anything." Meredith tells them.

"And she's clipping her first aneurysm.Are you sure you don't want to start with something simpler?" Cristina asks her.

"Yeah, like juggling chain saws?" Alex suggests as Ava and Cristina Chuckle.

"Oh, thanks. That's helping." Meredith says sarcastically to Alex as Jackson and April join the four.

"Hey, is it up yet?" Jackson asks Ava.

"Is it up yet?" April asks her at the same time as she nods her head.

"It's going up now." Ava tells them as they continue to walk.

"Hey, you heard anything?" Jackson asks Meredith about Zola as April listens too.

"Haven't heard anything." She tells the pair of them.

"How are you even here?" April says.

"Well, there's nothing I can do, and I have to do something,so I might as well do this." Meredith tells the group.

"It's up." They all announce as they go and look at the board.

"O.R. 3. Yes!Mm. I love O.R. 3." Cristina says as she reads her name of the board and does a spin celebrating.

"Wait. Bowel resection?I thought you had a peds case." April says to Alex.

"I switched last minute." Alex tells as Ava turns to them.

"And you left me with more paperwork thank you for that." Ava scolds him.

"Oh, plastics. I thought you were the gunther.Wasting all your capital on boob jobs, huh?" Cristina says as she teases Jackson.

"It's a cleft lip.I'm changing a kid's life today.Look at Kepner, she's fixing a bum knee.Ooh. Way to shoot for the stars, kid." Jackson says to April as Ava rolls her eyes at their antics.

"Hey Ava how come you not on there?" Meredith asks her as they all look at the board.

"I went with trauma so I get anything that comes into the E.R.." Ava says as she turns to face them all. "Okay, guys.Uh, you also start
teaching skills labs today.I made up a schedule for the month.It's up on the board in my office." Ava tells them all as their heads shoot up looking at her.

"In your what?" Meredith asks her as Ava looks them all staring at her as she signals for them to follow her.

"When did we get this?" Cristina asks as they all look around.

"Uh, we didn't.It's for the chief resident, actually." Ava tells them all as Alex sits on the sofa.

"This is good. I can sleep on this." Alex says as Ava sits beside him giving up.

"What's the point you'll all be in here anyway." Ava says as the continue to look around.

"We got a fridge?" Meredith says as Ava closes her eyes as they begin knocking things over.

"Uh, why is my name on this?" Cristina ask point at a board.

"These are this month's intern skills labs.Each of you has been given one skills lab to teach." Ava tells them as she walks over to the board.

"No, I can't teach today.I'm on a mitral valve." Cristina says to her.

"Okay, well, then just switch with one of these guys." Ava says to her as she looks at the rest of them.

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