This Is Why We Fight

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Ava was in the bathroom as Jackson gets out of the shower.

"And if what your doing doesn't work then what happens I mean you quit your job?" Jackson asks his wife as turns to him.

"Just have a bit faith that it'll work and if this doesn't work and Pegasus buy the hospital then I'm glad to have gotten out." Ava says to her husband.

"It's hard to have faith when I have no idea what I'm having faith in." Jackson says looking at her.

"If I could tell you I would believe me I hate not being able to tell you but i made a promise and as soon as I can say anything I will. And have in me." Ava says to him as he changes.

Jackson wraps his arms around her. "I do have faith in you. And I know whatever your doing is for the best because all you do is put everyone before yourself m." He says as she hugs him and he hugs her back kissing her lightly on the cheek.
"Okay, so this time, I'll do the peds and Ava will do the trauma stuff first." Arizona says as Ava nods her head.

"And then I will go into the neuro." Derek says to them.

"Okay, can somebody else do the closing?I-I was awful last time we practiced." Callie says to them.

"No, you were fine." Arizona tries to reassure her wife.

"We really want to end on my flop sweats?" Callie asks them as Arizona and Ava share a look before turning to Derek.

"Derek, you do the closing." Ava says to her brother as he nods.

"I'm sorry. It should be just a few more minutes.Can I get you any water or coffee?" One of the assistants says to them.

"No, no, I'm fine.I'm fine." They all say apart from Cristina.

"Coffee.And a bagel or something.I'm starving.This meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago." Cristina says all of them.

"Okay, he's a billionaire.One of his minutes is worth 40 of ours." Callie says to them.

"I can't believe we got this meeting in the first place." Arizona says.

"Yeah, nice job, Stan." Derek praises him.

"I really believe Julian Crest is our guy.He made all his money in late-stage internet mobile.Medical tech is the one area he doesn't have a foothold.Your focus on applied research,
it's right up his alley." Stan explains to all of them.

"Yeah, well, someone should buy him a watch." Cristina says to them.

"We're all set if you'll follow me." The assistant says as they follow her.
"You are investing in an institution, a reputation, a legacy.But Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital is worth more than its past.Our plan is to build on that reputation,to make Seattle Grace a place where medical innovation is developed and delivered to the patients who need it.That is our plan.That is the future of Seattle Grace.And we invite you to be a part of it." Derek says as the close up their presentation.

"Neat.We'll, uh, let you know." One of the guys say.

"I thought you were taking us to Julian Crest, not his day care center." Derek says to Stan as they all look at him.

"You don't just walk in and talk to a guy like Julian Crest.There are hoops to jump through.
Those junior execs like us, they pass us up to
his business development guys.We impress them, then we see the man himself." Stan explains for them.

"Oh. Will they do this before or after their naptime?" Callie says as Ava chuckles.

"You were golden in there.There's no way you don't make it to the next level. I'm telling you, any second now this phone is gonna ring.Really, any second now." Stan says as he holds up his phone as it rings.

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