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Ava handed her tablet to one of the nurses as she looked at all the surgeons stood round the notice board. "Is there a reason your all stood around the noticed board?" Ava asks them as they all look at her.

"April supposed to be putting up the rules for the competition how come your not entering?" Meredith says to Ava.

"Last time we entered for chief resident I beat you all so I thought I'd give the rest of you a chance to win something." Ava says looking at them.

"She's got a point." Owen says to them as Ava smiles at him.

"Well good luck to all of your proposals I've got actual patients to see." Ava says walking away as she headed to the E.R.
Ava caught up to Jackson as he smiled placing a kiss on her lips. "Hey you got any ideas for what to get your mom for her birthday?" Ava says to Jackson.

"We gave her grandchildren isn't that enough." Jackson says causing Ava to shake her head at her husband.

"Yeah I don't think that works let's keep thinking." Ava says as Jackson wraps his arms around her.

"She does want me to work on this project with her and Dr Michelle Velez." Jackson says as Ava looks at him.

"She's one of the best plastic surgeons in the nation she did the paper on what is it?" Ava says looking at her husband.

"Stem-cell clone engraftment." Jackson tells his wife as she nods her head.

"Yeah so what is it she want you to work on?" Ava asks him.

"Something for the competition but i turned her down I've got this spray on skin idea I think it could really help a lot of people." Jackson says as Ava looks at him.

"Well I believe you can do whatever you want and you'll be amazing." Ava says as she leans up and kisses him as he kisses her back.

"Thank you." He says as the two continued to discuss ideas for Catherine's present.
Ava sat playing with Daisy as Harry was climbing on her back. She pulled him into her lap as she started tickling him. "Stop mommy!" Harry exclaimed as he giggled.

"Your not a monkey you know." Ava says as she continues to tickle Harry as he tries to escape her grasp.

"Stop mommy!" He struggled to say for laughing as Ava smiled at him.

"Who do you love the most?" Ava says to him still tickling him.

"Daddy!" He exclaimed giggled as Ava shook her head.

"Wrong answer monkey boy." Ava says tickling Harry again.

"I love mommy and daddy the most." Harry says as Ava smiles at her son as he sits in her lap. She kisses his cheek.

"And we love you so much." Ava says looking at her kids as she smiles at them watching Daisy pull the exact face Jackson pulls when he concentrates.

Catherine walked in to see her daughter in law and two youngest grandchildren. "How are you guys?" Catherine says sitting on one of the chairs.

"Grandma." The twins exclaimed running to Catherine as she hugged them both.

"Ahh my grand babies." Catherine says placing a kiss on each of the twins head as Daisy went back to Ava and continued playing with the toys in the daycare while Harry stayed with Catherine.

"So has Jackson mentioned our project with Michelle velez?" Catherine asks her daughter in law who smiles slightly.

"He has and if your asking me to convince him to take part in it then I'm sorry but he's got his own mind and I'm going to support whatever he wants." Ava says to her as she smiles at her daughter in law.

"It was worth a try. How is Mark?" She asks about her grandson.

"He's great he really loves preschool and he's got lots of friends." Ava says as Catherine smiles at her.

"He's a very social butterfly can make anyone smile. Also has a smile and a laugh to light up any room." Catherine says to her.

"That he does." Ava says to Catherine as they continue to catch up before Ava has to go back to work while Catherine goes to find her son.
"But thanks to my mother, all I can think about is vaginas." Jackson says as Ava walks in looking for her husband as she shares a look with Meredith.

"Why are you talking about vaginas?" Ava says to her husband.

"Yeah. I should explain that.Um, my mom has this friend who's this amazing plastic surgeon, and she has this idea she presented to laparoscopically harvest the peritoneum for vaginoplasties. I mean, this thing would revolutionise gender-affirmation surgery.But the thing is,this surgery already exists,
which is good, but has its downfalls.But she thinks that if we use the peritoneum that we're creating
the Ferrari of vaginas." Jackson says to his wife and their friend.

"Hm.Poor Jackson. He has two amazing ideas, and he can't decide which one to submit." Meredith says as Ava smiles at her remark.

"The thing is, this is the future of my specialty.I mean, this is cutting edge right here.Look, trans men and women obviously deserve the best medical care possible, but come on.It's not gonna revolutionize medicine to perfect an already successful surgery, one that only impacts like less
than 1% of the population." Jackson says to them as Ava looks at him.

"Well, 1% of the population is still 75 million people." Ava says to her husband as she watches him.
Jackson stood with Ava as his proposal got approved for the next phase of the competition. He wrapped his arms around her kissing her as she kissed him back.

"Congratulations Dr Avery." She says smiling at him as they looked at Richard and Catherine who was very confused.

Jackson wrapped his arms around Ava's waist the couple watching his mom and Richard dancing as he rest his head on her should laughing and clapping with the others.

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