She's gone

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Ava looks at all the fifth years as they all have blank expressions. "Not one of you knows what a Gunther is?" Ava asks them shocked as they look at her confused.

"Shepherd you know what a Gunther is?" Bailey asks her.

"Yes ma'am my sister did one and told me all about." Ava tells her.

"Well this is your Gunther." Bailey tells them.
"She was pinned under her car,her leg was amputated in a pit of dirt,her abdomen is pulp,
and her pelvis is probably crushed.You will work together to assess her injuries and repair them." Bailey tells all the fifth years as they gown up.

"Oh, in the O.R.?" April asks

"No, at the jiffy lube. Yes, in the O.R.Now Dr. Torres will supervise your work.If you're killing her, she will step in.Otherwise, you're on your own.Don't screw this up like you screw everything else up you've touched lately.Ladies and gentlemen,step away from the patient." Bailey tells the team and the fifth years quickly rush in and tend to the patient.

"It's an open book pelvic fracture." Jackson says accessing the X-ray.

"And a comminuted femur fracture.Has anyone fully examined the stump?" April asks them.

"Pneumopericardium and an enlarged cardiac shadow.She needs a chest tube and a C.T." Cristina tells them.

"Free fluid. She needs the O.R." Alex tells them as he uses the ultrasound.

"An embolization and angio would help stabilize the pelvic bleeding." April suggests.

"An angio's just gonna waste time." Alex tells her.

"We could pack her in the O.R." Jackson tells them.

"Call the O.R. Tell them to prep for an emergent laparotomy." Alex tells one of the nurses.

"Hello? A C.T." Cristina says trying to get their attention.

"Oh, yeah? Who died and made you God?" Cristina says to Alex.

"Okay, look, I think what we need to do is,we just need to take a moment..." April begins as Jackson cuts her off.

"April, you're not chief resident." Jackson snaps at her.

"Did somebody call the O.R.?" Alex asks them all.

"No, because she needs a C.T to assess her cardiac injuries."

"What did I say about..." Alex says as Cristina cuts him off.

"No one gives a crap what you have to say." Cristina snaps at him.

"That's enough. If you keep going this way the patient is going to die and she's been through to much to let that happen. If you can't put your personal feeling to the side then get out and let us work I'm tired of all of your crap and now it's affecting our jobs and patients life so shut it and work together or get out." Ava snaps at them all as the patient monitor begin to beep.

"Still want to take her to radiology?Maybe wait in line for a little while till the machine's free?" Alex tells Cristina as Ava looks at them both.

"Is somebody gonna call the O.R.?" Jackson snaps at them all.
"Let's check the liver first.It's the most likely source." Jackson suggest to them as they push the gurney toward the O.R.

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