Loss,Love and Legacy

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Ava woke up as she lay on Jackson's chest as he strokes her hair as she looks up at him as he is staring at the ceiling.

"How long have you been awake?" Ava asks him as she looks at the alarm clock as he looks down at her.

"A while." He tells her.

"Has this got anything to do with your mom being here?" Ava asks him as he lets out a sigh.

"She a meddler. The woman likes to meddle in every aspect of my life and she has no boundaries. And she'll interrogate you-" Jackson complains to Ava as she cuts him off as she kisses him.

"Breathe Jackson and I'm sure she's going to be fine." Ava says as she gets out of bed.

"You won't be saying that after you have met her." Jackson shouts after Ava as she heads to the bathroom.
Ava was taking some files to her office as Derek catches up to her.

"Hey so how you feeling?" Derek asks him little sister.

"About what?" She asks him confused as they arrive at her office.

"Meeting Catherine Avery you know Jackson's mom ." Derek says to her as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm fine I mean it's not everyday you meet your boyfriend's famous surgeon mother." Ava says sarcastically as Derek chuckles lightly.

"Well you'll be fine everyone loves you." Derek reassures his sister.

"Thank you Derek but I should really get to the grand rounds see you later." She says as she hurries off.
Ava walks in as she sits beside Alex as all the residents talk.

"One more hour of sleep,that's waht it is." Alex says as he scrunches up his lab coat into a pillow.

"Oh,no. It's not gonna be boring.This is Jackson's mother,Catherine Avery." April says enthusiastically.

"She's a urologist,right?" Meredith asks Jackson.

"Yeah. I met her when I was an intern at Mercy West.She was amazing." April's sneers for him.

"She is...a lunatic." He adds.

"No,she's not. She's brilliant.She says these things that shock you,but then when you think about them later,they change your whole life." April says as Ava looks at her.

"Or they ruin your whole life.She's toxic. She's a meddler.My mom has no boundaries. Be warnded." Jackson says looking at his girlfriend.

"Is your mom ambidextrous? I bet you she is. All the best surgeons are." Cristina says to Jackson.

"Wait a second. How often do you talk to my mom?" Jackson asks looking up at his friend.

"We're facebook friends." April answers simply.

"You're-- you and my mother?" Jackson exclaims as Ava chuckles along with Alex.

"She's a brilliant surgeon and woman.She's a trailblazer." April tells them.

"And she's got a stalker." Meredith says as the girls laugh.

"hey,you know what? Just meet her. You'll see it." April says to them as they turn around.

"Wake up,everybody.I know,I know,it's grand rounds, where we have to sit and listen to somebody talk about how somebody did something and here's how they did it,and there's not enough coffee in Brazil for this.Well,not today.Today we are going to do.Today I'm going to change a life and maybe make medical history,too. And I can't do it alone,so who wants to step into the future with me?" Catherine exclaims as April cheer causing everyone to look at her as she sinks back into her chair.

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