Judgement Day

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Ava woke up as Jackson wasn't in bed. She decided to go get something to drink before the children work up as she found him looking at his laptop in the kitchen. "This is where your hiding?" Ava says wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her head against his back.

"I had a bit more to add for the presentation. It was my moms idea to rope me into this and she hasn't even given me any help with it." Jackson says while he turns to face Ava.

She leans up and kisses him as he kisses her back. "Don't stress yourself out to much. You'll be great I know it." Ava says to her husband offering him a smile.

"Thank you. Have I told you how much I love you?" Jackson says resting his head against Ava's.

"You have but you can tell me again if you like." Ava says smirking as Jackson trailed kisses down her neck.

"I love you more than anything." Jackson mumbles as he continues to kiss her.

"I love you too." Ava tells him as she cups his face pressing a kiss onto his lips before pulling away. "I'm afraid we've got company." Ava says nodding towards mark who had come down.

Jackson groaned closing his laptop and saying good morning to his son as he went to go get the twins. "Breakfast time buddy want to help me?" Ava says to which Mark nods as she smiles picking him up.
Ava headed to find Meredith as she got paged. "Hey whats going on?" Ava says as she found Meredith.

"Follow us." She says walking with Jo as Ava followed them.

"Okay. False alarm.The cookies had marijuana
in them." Meredith says while Ava looks at her shocked.

"What?!" The other surgeons say watching Meredith, Ava and Jo.

"Yes. I didn't want to scare you." Meredith says to them.

"So you went with rat poison?" Jackson says to his friend who shrugs her shoulders.

"You scared me to death." Arizona says leaving Meredith and Jo confused.

"What?" Jo says.

"You knew they had weed in them." Meredith tells her as Ava shakes her head not believing it was happening.

"Right. Yeah. I-I forgot." Arizona says to them laughing slightly

"Okay, so listen.No one goes anywhere until you're sober.Ingesting marijuana has a much stronger effect,and it lasts much longer than when you smoke it, so..." Ava says to them sharing a look with Meredith.

"True story. We get kids in the ER all the time...They had... had...They like the cookies and the brownies and the candies. They should really label that stuff better." April says to them.

"So everyone stays here.There's no medicine, no surgery, and no patient interaction." Meredith tells them.

"Yeah, I... Yeah, I'm just gonna send some orders." Maggie says to them taking out her phone.

"No, you're not gonna send anything!Give your note to Jo." Meredith tells them.

"Wait. You're taking our phones?" April says to them.

"Everyone, give your phones to Wilson.She will handle your patients, your post-ops, and your charts." Ava says looking at the resident.

"So you're gonna do all of our work?" Arizona says to them.

"Yes, she's gonna reassess.And rearrange. It's gonna be great." Meredith tells them.

"Yeah." Jo says smiling slightly as she took all of the attending's phones.

"You're so pretty.You look like a cartoon." Maggie says to Jo.

"Okay, okay." Jo says to her.

"You should look into it." Maggie tells her as Ava tries not to laugh.

"Phones now." Jo calls out to them.

"Jackson." Ava says taking her husbands phone and putting into her pocket as he pulls a face at her.

"Everybody stay here.Let's go." Meredith says following Ava and Jo out of the room.
Ava walked into the scrub room as she looked at Meredith's hands. "They're not broken but you've got quite a bit of swelling. You won't be able to operate." Ava says looking up at Meredith.

"Wilson your going to have to do it for me scrub in." Meredith says looking at Jo as she began to scrub.

"This is a bad idea. Why can't Dr Shepherd do it?" Jo asks her looking at Ava.

"I've got to cover the E.R and makes sure everything else is going right or I would." Ava says to Meredith and Jo.

"It's the only idea.He's already open, and this procedure takes delicate suturing,which I cannot do." Meredith tells Jo.

"But I've never done a gastrectomy by myself before." Jo tells them.

"Yeah, but you've watched a lot.You can do this. I believe in you." Meredith says to Jo.

"Okay, now you sound stoned." Wilson says to Meredith.

"Dr. Grey, patient's BP is dropping a bit." Levi tells the attending's.

"Scrub." Meredith orders Jo.

"Good luck." Ava says before she heads back to go check on the interns and the E.R.
Ava answered the phone. "Hey amy what's up?" She asks down the phone.

"Do you have any baby stuff left over from Mark or the twins?" Amelia asks her sister.

"Yeah it should be in attic why?" Ava asks her sister as she continued to fill out her paperwork.

"Owen got a baby and he has no stuff." Amelia told her sister as she nodded.

"Tell him congratulations and he can have whatever he needs." Ava tells them down the phone.

"Thank you Ava." Owen shouted down the phone.

"No problem I need to go now. Bye." Ava says ending the phone as she went back to her patients.
Ava stood watching the tv as the truth about Harper Avery had been leaked. Ava turned around as Jackson walked into the E.R. His eyes met with hers before he looked away telling Ava it was the truth.

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