Walking On A Dream

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Ava stood beside Cristina and Meredith as they had all been called for a staff meeting by Owen.

"Okay, folks. Let's just start.As many of you know,Seattle Grace Mercy West has suffered
a financial setback.The administration is working hard to keep the impact of that setback as small as possible.To that end,we're gonna have to initiate some cost-cutting measures.The board has hired a physician advisor to help." Owen explains to them all.

"What's a physician advisor?" Meredith asks as most them were thinking the same thing.

"Well, she consults on maximising efficiency, streamlining processes,assessing where we can trim our budgets." Owen says to them.

"Who to fire and when to fire them?" Bailey says taking a sip of her water.

"She's here to advise and to help.I was hoping to introduce her in person,but she seems to be late." Owen says to them as he checks his watch.

"Oh, on her first day?Not very efficient." Cristina says making all the surgeons laugh.

"You can expect to see her in the halls,in your labs, in the O.R." Owen continues as he ignores Cristina comment.

"So we're gonna have an accountant following us around the O.R.s?" Ava asks him as a few of them nod agreeing with her.

"She's not an accountant.She is a trained surgeon.Frankly, she is here to try to help us."

"Oh, okay. Help us. Right." Says one of the other surgeons.

"Does she have a name?" Ava asks him.

"Alana Cahill.Thank you for your cooperation." He says as they all walk away heading to work as Ava goes with April to the E.R.
Dr. Shepherd-Avery, um, we're swamped, and I have a shortness-of-breath lady who needs a consult, and you probably have better things to do,but I need help, please. I'm drowning here." Stephanie says as she approaches Ava who was filling out a patients file.

"What bed?" Ava ask her.

"One, two, three..." Stephanie starts to count as Ava looks at her.

"What are you... stop it.Edwards, if you're covering the pit, it is your job to know every bed in the pit. Now this E.R is something I've worked very hard to keep perfect and I don't need you screwing it up now go see to a patient I'll take this one." Ava says to her as she takes the chart before heading over to the bed.

Ava looks over the women as she knows that women isn't showing signs of shortness of breath.

"So you must be Alana Cahill?" Ava asks her as she looks a bit taken back by how Ava was able to recognise her.

"How did you know?" She asks her.

"I've been here long enough to know if someone was having shortness of breath now would like to tell me why you are taking up one of my E.R beds?" Ava asks her as she sees her making notes.

"45 minutes in an E.R. bed before a doctor pulls out a stethoscope?" Cahill says to Ava.

"We'll there isn't anything wrong with you now would you please move out because they are patient who actually need this bed." Ava instructs her.

"Could you point me towards chief Hunt?I'm afraid you've made me late for a meeting." She asks Ava as Ava get angrier but manages to keep her temper under control.

"He'll be in the conference room I'll have one of the nurse page him let him know you here." Ava tells her as she walks away.
"Brian Turner, age 55.Minor head injury. Vital signs stable." The paramedic tells Ava as she gets the chart from him as April and Stephanie help her.

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