Put Me In, Coach

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Mark catches the ball as he throw it to Arizona which she misses allowing Jackson to get a home run as walks over and kisses Ava as she passes him stepping up to bat.

Mark begins to kiss one of the doctors from Seattle pres as everyone waits for him Ava walks over to Derek stealing the ball out of hand throwing it and hitting Mark in the back as he grabs his back turning around.

Ava waves at him as everyone laughs at her. "Are you done having your tongue down her throat because I'm ready to bat." Ava snaps at Mark as he throw the ball back to Derek holding up his hands in defence.

Ava goes back to her spot as she gets ready to bat the ball. Derek throws his signature screwball which Ava hits easily sending out of the park as she runs getting a home run.

As she makes is passed the final base she turns to see everyone looking at her in shock as she turns to Hunt. "Did I forget to mention I played softball in middle school and High school?" She chuckles.

"I think you did but save that for the game." He tells her as she goes and Jackson kisses her wrapping his arms around her waist as they watch Lexie go up and mark kissing the Seattle pres women again.

"Who is that?" Teddy asks as they all shout to get mark attention but he ignores them all.

"Oh, Julia Canner or Kinney.She's an ophthalmologist from Seattle pres.Mark's been... seeing her." Arizona tells them all.

"Every night this week." Callie adds chuckling as Arizona throw the ball back to Derek and he catches it.

"All right, nice throw, Robbins.That's the way." Richard says cheering them on as he sits reading his book on the bleachers as they all turns to him.

"Hey, Webber, why don't you come down here and show us how it's done?" Callie calls out to him as they all wait for him to answer.

"Uh, let me finish the chapter. I need my energy for the game.In my experience, we'll need it." He tells them all returning to his book.

"Mm-hmm." Callie mumbles as they all chuckles before Ava calls out to Mark.

"Mark Everett Sloan if you don't want me to throw a ball at your pretty face then get your head in the game." Ava shouts at him as he looks at her knowing she was serious.

"Come on Lexie." Ava cheers for her best friend as she hits the ball before running around the bases as they all try to catch the ball.

Ava walks over to Hunt as she sees him talking to the chief of Seattle Presbyterian. "Everything okay over here chief?" Ava asks Hunt as he smiles.

"Yeah great chief MacDougall let me introduce to you our chief resident and double board in trauma and Ortho Ava Shepherd also one of your best players." Owen introduces them as Ava shakes him hand.

"Very impressive must be a lot of work though having two specialties and Being chief resident." He says to her.

"Nothing I can't handle I get overlooked a lot but no one makes that mistake twice." Ava says with a fake smile as Derek phones goes off and they all go back to the hospital.
"Carl Shatler, sanitation worker, mid 30's.Fell off the back of a garbage truck,then hit by a car backing out of a driveway." The paramedic tells them.

"Okay, vitals are stable but he has multiple contusions,scalp lac, and obvious hand injuries." Ava tells them.

"Okay, Carl? Carl, I'm Dr. Hunt.Do you know where you are?Can you hear me?"G.C.S. 10, and pupils are equal and reactive.I'm gonna need the portable X-ray and ultrasound." Hunt tells April.

"Right away." April nods.

"Oh, this hand's hamburger.He's gonna lose some of this." Callie says as she and Ava access the hand.

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