The Me Nobody Knows

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Ava was getting Mark ready as Jackson continues to talk about the surgery April had asked him to help with as Ava looked at Jackson.

"Is that the only reason your excited today?" Ava says as Jackson looks down at her slightly confused as she shook her head. "Did you hear that babies your daddy totally forgot today we find out your genders just so you know when you arrive?" Ava says as Jackson shook his head.

"Don't be filling their heads with nonsense and I didn't forget about it how could I we get to see if we having another son or maybe two or if we're getting our first daughter." Jackson says as he smiles at her.

"Hey Mark what do you think the babies are in mommy's tummy boys, girls or both?" Jackson says as he sat beside Ava as she looked at mark as he looked at her bump.

"Boys." Mark says as Ava smiles at him as she leans over and places a kiss on his head.

"Maybe little man." Ava says as she and Jackson continued to get ready before they headed to the hospital to start their day.
Ava and Jackson dropped Mark off at the daycare as they went to change into their scrubs as Jackson sat waiting for his wife.

Ava walked as she looked at her husband with a face of defeat. "I love our children and I love being pregnant with our children but I don't love that tying my shoes is one of the hardest jobs in my life I'm a damn surgeon." Ava says as Jackson tries not to laugh as he ties her shoes for her.

"Are you going to be okay today with well Dr Blake starting?" Jackson says as he wants to look out for his wife as he stood up as she looked at him.

"Yeah I'll be fine." She says as she pecks Jackson on the lips before she heads down to the E.R.
Jackson rushes in as he saw Ava laid down as Arizona was checking over the scan as he looked at her. "Hey sorry I'm late this case with April is worse than we knew." Jackson says as he kisses Ava and she looks at him.

"Hey its fine." Ava says as Arizona smiled at the two.

"Well I'm happy to tell you that you have a very healthy baby boy and a very healthy baby girl. Congratulations." Arizona says to them as Jackson and Ava smile at each other.

"We're having one of each." Jackson says as he smiles and kisses Ava as she kisses him back.

"I guess we are." Ava says as she smiles at him.
Ava sat on the bench outside as she was looking in a daze as Owen noticed her as he went and sat beside her. "Everything okay with you?" Owen asks her as Ava is pulled out of her Daze as she looks at Owen.

"Yeah I'm okay." Ava says as her eyes glazed over as Owen looked at his friend.

"Hey what is it? Is it the twins? Do you want me to go get Jackson?" Owen says as Ava shook her head.

"No the twins are fine and I'm okay I don't need Jackson. It's just my hormones."Ava says to him.

"Come on Shepherd I've known you years what's up? Is it Blake?" Owen asks her.

"No not really I mean it's not been easy the past few days but it's just when I had Mark I had Derek and he was the first person to know about Mark." Ava says as she smiles thinking about it.

"He'd be really proud of you and he'd be happy about the twins." Owen says as Ava smiles at him.

"Yeah he probably would. He never got to meet his daughter and he won't get to see his children grow up. Everything that's happened to me every achievement he was there and this is the first thing to happen to me and he won't be here." Ava says as Owen hugs her.

"I know its hard but where ever he is he'll be there for you like he always has been just not here in person." Owen says to her as she looks at him.

"Thank you Owen." Ava says to him as he nods at her.

"I'll always be there if you need someone." Owen says to her as she looks at him.

"I'm having another boy and we're also having a little girl." Ava says to owen as he smiles at her.

"That's great." Owen says as he hugs Ava as she hugs him back.
Ava picked Mark up from daycare as she was putting him into his car seat. "So mommy is having one boy and one girl your going to have a little brother and a little sister." Ava says to Mark as was smiling at her.

"Babies." Mark says as he points at her bump as she smiles.

"Yeah and you know as there big brother you get to show them and teach them about everything. You get to look out for them and make sure that they are okay. And even when they annoy you and you think you hate then you'll still love them and they'll become the only people in your life that know you better than anyone and they'll always be there to support you and love you no matter what." Ava says to Mark as Jackson stood listening to her.

"He's going to be an amazing big brother." Jackson says as Ava looks at him with a small smile on her lips.

"Hey how was your day?" Ava asks him as he walks over to her.

"Yeah it was good what about you?" Jackson asks her as ava looks at Mark.

"Yeah it was great we're going to be okay aren't we Avery?" Ava says as she looks at him.

"Of course we are." Jackson she's as he kisses Ava's head as he hugs her.

A/N- Now that we have their Genders does anyone know any names idea for them?x

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