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Ava giggles as Jackson buries his head into the crook of her neck kissing her.

"Your going to make us late." Ava tells him as his arms wrap around her waist pulling her into his body.

"We've got ages." Jackson says as he kisses her again.
Ava was getting changed into her scrubs as she could feel that all eyes were on her as she looked up.

"Sounds big. I'm betting m.V.C." Jackson says as everyone's pagers go off.

"Multiple m.V.C. Or an apartment fire." Alex says as he leaves.

"When is the staring gonna stop?" April asks Jackson as Ava looks over her should slightly at the pair of them.

"As soon as the novelty wears off.Just ignore them." Jackson tells her as Ava looks up again.

"Owen washed my hair.And he told me to eat
this grainy nut bar.And he booked me into
surgery this morning.He is in charge of me.
I'm a bride, and I'm going with it." Cristina tells Meredith and Ava.

"But trauma guy didn't clear you."Meredith reminds her.

"Yeah,but he said he'll figure that out." Cristian tells her as Ava sighs before standing up and looking at the other surgeons.

"Would you quit the staring?" Ava snaps at them as her friends look at her. "I get it I was shot and almost bled to death and by some miracle I'm still alive. So stop the staring I'm reminded of that day enough without this." Ava snaps as she walks out hearing Lexie take over as they began to stare at her.

"Yes. Okay, I am the crazy one.I am the one who freaks out and screams at people...Like that." Ava hears Lexie snap.

"Go gawk at each other for a while." Meredith tells them as Jackson goes to find Ava.
Jackson goes after Ava as he catches up to her.

"You want to talk about it?" He asks her as she looks up at him.

"No I'm fine Jackson." Ava tells him.

"Your not fine Ava and that's okay." Jackson says as he takes her hand.

She pulls her hand away from him. "I said I was fine because I am. I need to go to the E.R." She says as she walks ahead of him as he lets out a sigh before following her.
"Okay, multiple burn victims.Two with paralysis,three with vision loss,one, uh, blown eardrums, and one dislocated hip." Callie informs all of the residents.

"House fire?" Meredith asks.

"Explosion?" April suggests.

"Car wreck?" Alex says at the same time as April.

"Uh, act of God." Callie tells them as Bailey comes up behind her.

"Act of God?" Bailey asks confused.

"Yeah, lightning strike." Callie tells her.

"All that from one lightning strike?" Alex asks shocked.

"One lightning strike, eight victims.Took out a whole flag football team." Callie tells them as they looks at all the patient in the E.R.

"God was in a mood today." Bailey says.

"How did it strike all of 'em?" April asks Mark as she stand with Lexie, Ava and Mark.

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