Free Falling

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"Okay. I'm... I can't-I can't-I can't.Um, I can't have sex when there's a baby from a broken home in the next room.I..." Ava tells Jackson as they hear Zola cry as she lays beside him.

"Yeah, you can.Just look at me.It's just you and me." He says as he start kissing her .
Ava sees Derek with Owen as she walks down the stairs.

"Hey." Ava says to the pair of them.

"Hey how you feeling abo-" Derek starts before Ava cuts him off.

"Yeah great I got some stuff to do I'll see you both up there." She says as she heads of quickly to finish her work.
Ava walks into the cafeteria with Jackson as they see April as they walk over to her. Ava stands up on a chair as she looks around the room to see all the 5th year residents and the attending's.

"Good morning." Ava said as everyone continued to talk as she whistles making everyone look at her.

"Thank you as I was saying Good morning and 5th years welcome to your final year of residency. This breakfast is chance for you to seek out the attending's as mentors and find a speciality for those of you who haven't pick one yet. Use your time wisely and try not kill anyone this year you know what you're doing. Now go back to eating and talking." Ava tells them as Jackson takes her hand helping her down from the chair.

"I like bossy you she's very attractive." Jackson says to Ava as she chuckles kissing him as they get some food.

Ava walked over to Alex as he finishes talking to Arizona.

"How are you doing?" Ava asks him.

"Robbins wants me to write a paper on how I treated the kids from Africa." Alex tells her.

"That's great i mean it'll look good for you next year and here this might help you." Ava says giving him a mint as she left him.
"We're going to the scene of an onsite amputation woman's trapped under her car.You guys are gonna get swamped with bodies.Shepherd, you're in charge till I get back." He tells Ava as she nods.

"You know what? There's bound to be piles of head trauma.Derek's gonna have to talk to you." Cristina says to Meredith as she joins the residents and Bailey.

"I got fired." She tells them.

"What?" Cristina asks her to check she heard her right.

"The chief fired me." Meredith tells Cristina as she turns to Alex.

"You son of a bitch.I mean, are you happy now?'Cause this is all because of you.You and your big fat, stupid mouth!" Cristina says as she shoves Alex as Ava gets between them both.

"Stop this your surgeon for pity's sake start acting like it." Ava snaps at them. "This situation is bad enough as it is we don't need you making it worse Meredith I'm sorry you got fired but you can't be here I need you to leave." Ava tells them as she turns to Meredith.

Ava turns to Alex. "You want to get out of here this rig is going to the scene maybe you'll be help there and stay out of trouble I'm trusting you." She tells Alex as he climbs into the ambulance.
"I hope you've got me with a decent resident.I'm not babysitting any first-day first years today." Bailey tells Ava as she checks the schedule.

"I had you with Meredith but now you've got Lexie." Ava tells her as Bailey nods her head turning to Lexie.

"Hey, Grey. You're with me." Bailey tells Lexie as she nods her head.

"Yes, ma'am." She says to Bailey as they go their patient.

"Dr shepherd, three more coming in." A nurse tells Ava as she head outside.
"Nicky Hoffman, sustained crush injuries and was very unstable in the field.Robbins is holding a trauma room.We called Shepherd from the field.Which one are they in?" Alex asks as he walks into the E.R with his patient.

"Trauma one." She says as she point to trauma one.

"Ava, I need you to reassign these cases."  Meredith says as she sets a bunch of files on the desk as Ava sighs. "Yang take some of Meredith's cases." Ava tells her.

"No.I'm with Altman, and Meredith
should keep her cases." Cristina tells Ava as she looks at them both.

"She can't do that she no longer work here. Now for the benefit of both and I do as I say and take some of the damn files." Ava snaps at her as she goes to check on a patient.

Ava sees Lexie and Jackson talking as she calls over to him.

"Jackson I need you to take some of Meredith's files." Ava tells him.

"I can't.I have to see a man about redoing some sutures." He tells Ava as she shakes her head.

"I'm not asking you Dr Avery I'm telling you take some of these files." She snaps at him as she gives him a pile of files.

"Bailey needs her spleen patient taken to the O.R." Lexie tells Ava as she nods her head.

"Okay I'll call up and get one of the O.Rs ready.So... he just, um, he needs a consent form." Ava tells Lexie as she goes over to her patient as Ava puts her head in her hands.
Ava stands beside April as all the fifth years follow Bailey as she checks each patients file as they all got paged.

"So we all got paged?" Ava asks them as they nods their heads.

"Look Dr Bailey what are we doing here because I've already had enough people screwing up today and I really need to check there ain't anymore." Ava tells her but she continues to walk until they go to the trauma room.

"What have you got?" Bailey asks Callie as the 5th year stand watching cluelessly.

"A field amputation with complicated extrications.Still assessing her multiple crush injuries,but I felt a broken pelvis for sure,and her B.P.'s in the toilet." Callie tells her as Bailey smiles.

"Yeah, this is a gunther." Bailey says as Ava's eyes widen and Callie head snaps up looking at Bailey.

"Really?" Callie asks unsure.

"Really." Bailey says nodding her head smiling.

"Do you think they can handle a gunther?" Callie asks her looking at the 5th years.

"Oh, I think they need a gunther." Bailey reassures her.

"Uh, what's a gunther?" April asks as Ava turns to see all the fifth years with same expression as April.
A/N- what do you think of Ava as Chief resident?

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