I Get To Love You

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"I see a head." Jo says with a small smile on her face as she looks at Ava who had a tired smile on her face. "I'm going to need to you to give me one big push Ava." Jo says to her as Ava pushes as the elevator doors opens.

A cry erupts as Jackson, Alex and Arizona appear at elevator doors as Jo holds one of the babies in her arms as Ava looks over at her baby. "It's your son." Jo says placing the baby on Ava's chest as she kisses his head lightly as her eyes meet Jackson's who's smiling at her as he sits next to her

The pain begins again as Ava pushes her head back in pain against Jacksons shoulder as her son lays on her chest as Jo checks as she sees the head of the other twin as she looks at Ava and the three surgeons. "I can see the head of the other baby." Jo says to them.

"Okay Ava one final push and then it's done." Arizona says as she moves next to Jo focusing on Ava as Alex stands beside them as Ava pushes.

The second round of cries erupt as Arizona holds their daughter as she places her on Ava's chest beside her brother as Ava looks at her babies then at Jackson who was also watching her.

"You did amazing baby." Jackson says to her as he pecks her lips as she rests her head against his before they looks at the twins.

"Congrats Averys." Alex says looking at the couple as Ava looks up at him with a smile on her face.

"It's thanks to Wilson you were great." Ava says as she looks at the resident who was sat beside Arizona as they watched the Avery family.
Ava and the twins had been checked over as they were all healthy as her and Jackson each held one of the twins in their arms as Jackson sat on the bed beside her.

"They're both so perfect." Ava comments as Jackson looks up at her as she smiles down at the twins.

"Just like their mom." Jackson says making Ava smiles up at him as she leaned up as her lips met his and he returned the kiss and rest his head against her.

"I should've listened to you." Ava says as Jackson meets her eyes.

"Hey don't worry about it we've got two healthy babies and your doing great that's all that matters." Jackson says to her as she nods her head as they both look up as they hear the door open as they see everyone stood outside as Alex peaked his head in.

"You guys wanting some visitors." Alex says as the couples shared a look as they nodded at him.
Meredith,Amelia,Catherine,April,Maggie,Arizona, Callie, Owen, Alex, Jo and Richard stood looking at the Avery family.

Amelia and Catherine each held one of the twins as Jackson ran his hand up and down Ava's back as the two talked to all their friend and family.

"I still can't believe you gave birth in the elevator." Meredith comments making Ava chuckle slightly as she looks at her sister in law.

"Yeah neither can I but everything worked out and the twins are healthy." Ava says to them as April stood beside Catherine looking at the twins.

"They both look so much like Mark." April says as Jackson nods agreeing.

"I think she looks a lot similar to Mark all Avery but this little boy looks all Shepherd." Ava comments as she looks at her son in her sisters arms.

"He looks like Derek in some of his baby pictures." Amelia says as Meredith looks at the little boy seeing some resemblance to her late husband and her own children.

"He's got the shepherd blue eyes where as she's she got more of a green tint like Jackson's." Ava says as she looks at Catherine holding her granddaughter as Richard and April stood beside her.

"Have you got any names picked out?" Owen asks the couple as everyone looked at the couple.

Jackson looks at his wife as he shares a smile with her as she nods her head at him. "Yeah we do so everyone meet Harry Derek Avery and Daisy Alexis Avery." Jackson says to them as Meredith smiles at her sister in law.

"He's be honoured." Meredith says as she hugs Ava who returns it.

"Well Welcome to the world Harry and Daisy Avery." Amelia says as she smiles at her nephew in her arms.
Ava was sat in her room with Meredith and Alex as they both held one of the babies as Meredith had her phone propped up the table with Cristina on it the screen.

"How do I get someone to name their baby after me even evil spawn had someone named after him now." Cristina says making Ava laugh as Alex looks confused at her.

"How do I?" Alex questions as Cristina rolls her eyes.

"Umm hello the baby is called Daisy Alexis as in Alex." Cristina says as Alex looks at Ava who was smiling at him.

"She's right you know and also after Lexie." Ava says looking at Meredith who was smiling at her niece in her arms.

"Ha that kid is going to be my favourite she's going to be great." Alex comment with a proud smile as Ava rolls her eyes as the four of them continue to catch up.
Ava sat with Harry in her arms as she saw Jackson walk in with Mark in his arms. "Someone wanted to meet his little brother and sister also see his mommy before he head home with grandma." Jackson says placing the little boy on the bed as he picked up his daughter.

"Hey there my little man." Ava says as she kisses marks head her sits next to her in the bed watching the little boy in her arms.

"Brother." Mark says with a smile point at the baby as Ava smiles at him.

"Yeah that's your brother Harry and daddy has your baby sister Daisy." Ava says as mark looks at Jackson who was sat at the foot of the bed.

"Momma had the Babies." Mark says as Ava nods at him as he kisses her cheek as she smiles at him.

"Thank you baby boy and your a big brother now jacks our baby is growing up." Ava says as she looks at her husband who was smiling.

"I know baby.I don't like it either " Jackson smiles at her as mark laid his head on her chest as he was tired. "I'll get mom to come get him." Jackson says pulling out his phone.

"No leave him a while we only get this moment once." Ava says as Jackson smiles getting an idea.

"Yeah your right so that mean time for a picture." Jackson says pulling out his phone taking a picture of the family as Ava smiles shaking her head at his antics.

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