What's Inside

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Ava woke up as she turned over to see Jackson was no longer in bed. She looked at the clock as it was early in the morning. She headed downstairs to try and find him. Ava found Jackson sat at the dining room table with an envelope in front of him.

"Hey why are you up so early?" She asks wrapping her arm around his shoulder as he looked at her.

"I got the DNA test results yesterday." Jackson said as Ava gave him a small smile.

"How come you haven't opened them?" Ava says as she sits beside him as she takes his hands.

"These results could change everything. I mean what happens to us? We've just got back on track I don't want anything to ruin that." Jackson says looking at her as Ava smiles at him as she places her hand on his cheek as she strokes it.

"I'm here Jackson and I'm not going anywhere. We'll work it out." Ava says as she leans in and kisses him as he kisses her back.

Jackson rests his head against Ava's as her blue eyes reflected against his green ones. "I just don't even remember that night I mean I was so drunk and it feels like a lifetime ago and now I could have another kid." Jackson says to her.

"Don't do this to yourself Jackson. Just open them and then you can work the rest out when you know." Ava says as she gives him the envelope.

Jackson opened the envelope as he scanned across the page as he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding in. Ava couldn't tell what the letter said or by Jackson's reaction.

"She's not mine. She's not my daughter." Jackson says in a breath as he looks at Ava.

"How do you feel about that?" Ava asks him as he watches her.

"Is it bad to say I'm relieved?" Jackson asks as he pulls Ava over as she sits in his lap as his lips connect with hers.

"No baby but you can feel however you want to feel." Ava says wanting Jackson to know she's there for him.

"I feel bad for that little girl but I'm relieved I have no attachment to that women. She nearly took away the thing I love most and she made me live through my own version of Hell." Jackson says as Ava kisses him.

Jackson kisses her back as he picks her up leading Ava over to the couch as he laid her down and kissed her neck.
Ava's eyes drifted open as she saw Jackson smiling at her as he pushed a stray piece of her hair behind her ear. "You seem happy this morning." Ava said as Jackson's smile grew slightly.

"I am for the first time in a long time I feel like I've had a weight lifted off. And I get to wake up to you which isn't the worst way to start my morning." Jackson says as he leans down and kisses her.

"Don't be pushing it now Avery." Ava said as Jackson smiled at her.

Jackson started tickling her as Ava started laughing. "What are you going to do Mrs Dr Avery?" Jackson says as he leaned down and kisses her and then began kissing her neck.

"Jackson Mark could be down any minute." Ava says as Jackson pulled back slightly smiling at her.

"I'd be surprised since my moms got the kids today." Jackson says as Ava looks at him.

"What? since when?" Ava questions him.

"She picked them up about 20 minutes ago." Jackson says to her.

"Did she come in?" Ava says as she sits up looking at her husband who was laid down with a smile on his face.

"Only for a few minutes." Jackson says as Ava shakes her head. "She did think the place looked a bit of a mess. With the clothes everywhere." Jackson says as Ava's eyes grow wide as he starts laughing at her. "She didn't come in. She just picked the kids up quickly she wanted to take them for breakfast." Jackson says to her.

"Your an ass Jackson Avery." Ava says as Jackson raised his eyebrows.

"You like my ass." He says as Ava shakes her head and pushes him.
Jackson had gone to watch Maggie surgery as Ava was covering the E.R. She had finished up with one of her patients as she saw Ella walk towards her. "Well I bet your thrilled that Jackson isn't Lily's father." Ella says as Ava looks at her.

"What does matter what I think? Jackson isn't the father move on." Ava says as Ella glares at her.

"Why do you get it all? The rich husband, the big family house, this hospital and the respect of all the staff. I mean I know your relate to some of them but let me guess you slept your way around this hospital or wait no it's because of your dead brother. He was a world renowned neurosurgeon and well respected." Ella said as Ava turned to her anger flaring through her.

"Don't you dare mention my brother. Your just some petty, jealous little girl who never grew up. Your jealous because Jackson chose me or because he loves me in a way he could never even think of you. Grow up Ella. I worked for everything i have and I sure as hell didn't have to get Jackson blind drunk just so he would sleep with me." Ava snaps at her as Ella laughs.

"Yeah well we never slept together anyway so there's no way Lily could've been his anyway." Ella says laughing as Ava slapped her across the face as Ella stared at her in shock holding her face.

"Your an evil cow. You've got no idea what you've done messing with the people I care about and daring to speak about my brother and use him against me. And now you've messed with my husbands life all for what because he never loved you. You don't care who you hurt as long as you get what you want but you didn't. Jackson will never love you okay. Why don't you take whatever you have and do everyone the favour of leaving. If you come near one more person I care about you will regret it. That includes April too." Ava snaps as everyone watched them as Ava walked away. Mason held up his hand as she high fives him walking past as he follows her.
Ava sat in the conference room as Bailey and Webber walked in as she rolled her eyes. "Dr Shepherd is it true you hit another Doctor?" Bailey says as Ava looks at her.

"Yes I did." Ava says as they both look at each other.

"You do realise she could get you arrested or file a complaint." Webber says as Ava looks at him not seeming to care.

"Let her do it. She got what she deserved and I won't lose my job." Ava says as Bailey scoffs.

"Yeah and how can you be sure?" Bailey says looking at the trauma surgeon.

"Because I'll just go right ahead and tell Catherine how this women lied about her son being the father when in fact there is no way Jackson could've been the father of that child. And then I can go on to tell her that she wanted to ruin her sons life as well as mine which would affect some of the people she loved most in this world including her son and grandchildren now are we done here?" Ava asks as Webber nods as she stands up.

"Shepherd do you feel any better?" Bailey says with a small smiles as Ava nods as she walks away.

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