Unaccompanied minor

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"So they're probably gonna fire me.Are you happy?" Meredith snaps at Alex as all the residents watch the pair of them.

"Come on, they're not gonna..." Alex tries to reason with her.

"I want your crap out of my house by the end of the day." Meredith tells him as she storms off.

"What the hell was that?" Cristina asks Alex as all their pagers go off.
"A 757 went down in the Sound.We're looking at about 200 injured passengers.We're the designated crisis center.Families will be instructed to come here to find their loved ones.We are activating Surge Protocol.Dr. Hunt is gonna be running the show.It's gonna be chaotic.You need to listen carefully,you need to stay focused, do not contribute to the panic.
Get to your stations." Richard tells them as all the residents follow Hunt.

"Dr. Bailey, clear any beds that we can. Discharge or transfer." Owen tells Bailey.

"OK. Uh, Grey." She says to Meredith as they walk away.

"All right, Torres, you'll be with me. Shepherd were going to need you.Kepner, set up the ER for triage." Hunt tells them.

"Other Grey, I want you running the family center.Take over in the cafeteria.Yang, blood bank." He tells Lexie and Cristina.

"We might need a Candyman." April suggests to Owen.

"Dr. Sloan'll be our Candyman.Let's be liberal with pain meds for our victims and sedatives for patients that we're moving. Avery, you can help him out.Let's move, people!" Hunt says as the all go to their assignments.
Ava was filling out some of the patients paper work for the patient being moved.

"Avery!" Mark calls out to Jackson as he signals for him to hold on a moment.

"Why'd you give me that guy in the middle of a mass trauma?" Mark asks Owen as Ava looks up.

"Avery?" Owen questions mark.

"The kid quit Webber's study.What kind of idiot decides working with the chief of surgery's too taxing on his schedule?" Mark says as Ava interrupts him.

"He didn't quit 'cause he thinks it's too much hard work.He quit because he thinks the chief
has a shot at a Harper Avery.He was worried that if his name was on it, it would kill Webber's chances." Ava snaps at Mark as she walks off as he looks at Owen who shakes his head laughing.
"Still nobody? The families are going crazy. What is taking so long?" Lexie says

"Fishing 200 people out of the water is slow business.You want to play Angry Birds?" Mark asks Lexie as she shakes her head at him.

"I will." Ava says taking the console from mark as he watched over her shoulder.

"They'll do triage at the waterfront.Takes time.Actually, with it taking this long, there's gonna be a lot of hypothermia.Kepner!" Hunt calls out to her.

"Yeah. Warm blankets, heated lamps and heated IV fluids. Got it." April calls out to him.

Ava walks over to Alex as he looks mopey. "You want to talk about what went down with you and Meredith this morning?" Ava asks him as she sits beside him.

"Not really." He says to her as she gives him a look. "I caught Meredith messing with Dereks trial and I got drunk and told Hunt and now the attending know." Alex tells her as Ava sighs.

"What was she thinking? Derek did that trial for her to find a cure for an illness she may have and she screws him over like this." Ava says shaking her head.

"Well everyone hates me too now." Alex tells her as she shakes her head at him.

"You'll always have me. You had my back since our first day here and I'll always have yours." Ava says at she squeezes his shoulder.

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