All I Could Do Was Cry

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Ava was holding Mark as she tidied around the house as Jackson was resting against the door frame admiring his wife.

"Mark why is your daddy so messy?" Ava says as she cleans up Jackson's mess as Mark giggles. "Of course you find it funny you don't have to clean up mommy has to do it all." Ava says to Mark.

Ava turns around as she sees Jackson watching her clean up. "Are you going to stand there and watch this is your mess?" Ava says staring at her husband.

"Do you know how attractive you are when your all bossy." Jackson says as Ava sets Mark in front of his toys as Jackson wraps his arms around her waist.

"Im trying to stop thinking about Mason and Aprils appointment. They don't deserve this I just wish we could do something for them." Ava says as she rests her head against Jackson chest.

"I know April's my best friend and I hate seeing her in so much pain and not being able to do anything but they need time to be with each other. We're here for them that's all we can be for now until they need us." Jackson says as he looks down at Mark thankful he has a healthy and happy son.
Ava went out to them ambulance as Bailey and Ben where with the patient. "What do you have for me?" Ava asks the paramedics.

"Brenda bonaman, 44.Isolated shotgun wound to the neck.She has right shoulder dislocation status post mechanical fall." The paramedic says to the surgeons.

"Who shot her?" Ava asks them.

"My husband." Brenda says as Ava shares a look with Ben.

"Your husband?" Ben questions them as they see the husband.

"Not like that!Not on purpose!It was an accident." The husband tells them as Ava checks over her injuries.

"Was it, Howard?Was it an accident?Did you confuse me with a moose?" Brenda says to her husband.

"Brenda, if I wanted to shoot you, I'd have done it in the woods.You'd still be out there." Howard says to his wife.

"Okay,l-let's calm it down.Let's get her to trauma one now." Ava says as they head inside.
"Shoulder dislocation.The acromion's fractured.I'm gonna need to do a reduction under anesthesia." Ava tells Bailey.

"Might as well wait.She's got a zone two injury. Wounds from the cricoid to the mandible. She's got to go straight to the O.R." Bailey says as Ava nods agreeing.

"Oh, god.Brenda, I'm sorry." Howard says to his wife.

"Howard, shut up."  Brenda snaps at him.

"And, uh...Why were we pointing a shotgun at our wife today?" Ben asks them as Ava looks up waiting for the response.

"I was putting it away, and it..."Howard says to them as Brenda cuts him off.

"We had just come back from duck hunting.Duck hunting...His big idea of an adventure."Brenda says to them.

"It was fun!You had..." Howard tries to argue.

"I wanted to go to Belize." Brenda tells her husband.

"Well, it rains in Belize, too." Ben says to them as Ava and Bailey share a look

"I don't get shot in Belize!" Brenda snaps as she groans in pain.

"Brenda, what's hurting?" Ava asks looking at her patient.

"Everything hurts!" Brenda cries out as she's in pain.

"Doctor, here's the X-ray" the nurse says he hands her the scans to Ava.

"Okay.Okay, yeah, it's this pellet.It's close to the major blood vessels." Ava says to Bailey.

"And we'll know for sure once we open her up.Come on, let's go." Bailey says to them.

"All right, we got to go. Sir, could you move, please?Warren,follow up on her labs." Ava orders Ben.

"And have them rushed quick.I need them upstairs." Bailey says as they head to the O.R.
Brenda cries out in pain as they prepare her for surgery as Ava checks for any other injuries as she complains of stomach pain.

"Uh, hold the anesthesia.She's complaining of abdominal pain." Bailey tells them.

"I'm here.Where do you need me?" Ben asks as he scrubs in.

"Uh, can you bring the ultrasound?" Bailey says to Ben as he does as she says.

"All right,I don't see any wounds in her torso or her legs or...Uh, Bailey?I don't think you'll need
that ultrasound.Come here and tell me if I am seeing
what I think I'm seeing." Ava says as Bailey looks at her confused as she follows where Ava is looking.

"Oh, my goodness.Oh, my goodness." Bailey says as Ben looks too.

"What?!What's going on?" Brenda says as Ava looks at Bailey and Ben.

"Uh, let's page o.B.!" Bailey calls out to one of the nurses.

"Okay, okay.Brenda,how far along are you?" Ava asks looking up at her patient.

"What?I don't know..." Brenda says as she was confused to what was happening.

"why didn't you tell us that you were pregnant?" Ben asks the patient as she looks at all three of them.

"Because I'm not!That's impossible." Brenda says to them. "No, I'm not pregnant!I cant get pregnant!
I can't have a baby!" Brenda says as Ava looks at her.

"You are having one.I'm looking at its head right now." Ava says to her as she cries out in pain.
Ava and Bailey gets gowned as Bailey tells Ava to deliver the baby as she goes to tend to the shoulder as it was causing Brenda more pain.

"I'm having a baby?I am?" Brenda cries out to the both for them.

"Yes, you are, Brenda." Ava says as she checks on the baby.

"I can't have babies.I want to, but they told me I can't ever." Brenda says to them.

"Okay, well,they were wrong, sweetie.You can and you are, so get ready.On the next contraction, I'm gonna need you to push, okay?" Ava says her.

"Pulse ox is dropping.The hematoma's compressing
the trachea.She's gonna lose her airway!" Bailey says as panic sets into Ava.

"Oh, god, okay.Okay, all right, we're almost there, Brenda.I want you to push for me, okay?One, two, three, push!That's great.That's great.Okay, try it again.One, two, three, push!" Ava says as she checks the baby as Brenda machines continue to go off.

"No, no, no.Don't push.She's straining too hard. She's dislodged the clot.Uh, lap pads, lap pads.Hold pressure with me here." Bailey says to them.

"Bailey.Bailey, it's okay.It's okay.You did it, Brenda.You did it.Brenda, you have a little girl." Ava says as she holds up the baby girl to her mother.
Ava walks to the daycare as she sees Jackson walking out with Mark as he smiles up at her. "Hey i didn't know if you'd be home late or not?" Jackson says as Ava smiles at him.

"Yeah it was a big surgery but I delivered a baby and both baby and mom are doing fine. And let just say a miracle happened today." Ava says as she kisses marks head and kisses Jackson.

Jackson kisses her back as he takes her hand. "Let's go home." Jackson says as Ava smiles following him.

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