Get Up,Stand Up

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Ava finishes with her shower as she walks into hers and Jackson's bedroom as he is asleep with Mark asleep on his chest.

Ava smiles seeing the two of them as she take a photo of them both as she leans over and kisses Jackson and he kisses her back as his eyes flutter open.

"Sorry to wake up because you both look very comfortable but your going to be late for work." Ava tells him as he looks at his phone.

"Can you take him?" Jackson says as he lifts mark up and gives him to Ava as he rushes to their bathroom as Ava rocks mark as he falls back to sleep.
"So how are you doing?" Ava asks Mason as she pushes Marks stroller.

"Me I'm fine why?" Mason asks looking at his friend confused.

"I don't know April getting married today I thought maybe you might feel something about it." Ava says to him.

"I'm happy with Stephanie I think you've still got baby brain." He says to as Ava pushes him as they both laugh as Jackson and April walks up to them both.

"Don't say anything." April warns them as they look at her hair as Jackson moves beside his wife looking in the stroller at Mark who was awake.

"Hey what are you doing here your supposed to be getting ready for your wedding?" Ava tells her.

"I'm bridesmaid hunting since you are the only one who showed up to your dress fitting." April says annoyed as Ava nods.

"How about I help you it might save you some time?"  Ava asks her as relief washes over April's face.

"Yeah that would be great." April says as Ava nods as she turns to Jackson.

"I brought your suit it's in the attending's lounge I'll meet you at the wedding venue." Ava tells him as she kisses him before following April.
Ava walks into the room where Cristina and Meredith were getting their dresses fitted as she sees the two of them arguing.

"You tell me how you can give 100% to your family and 100% to your job.Uh, it-it's categorically impossible..." Cristina says to Meredith as Ava watches the two of them.

"Because you keep screwing with my research." Meredith snaps at her.

"Oh, god, Mer.My borrowing your printer had nothing to do with your dead sheep. Did you ever think maybe your research is failing all on its own?" Cristina says to her.

"Right, because I'm a terrible doctor.We've established that." Meredith says to her.

"No, I never said that." Cristina says to her.

"You said that..." Meredith snaps at her.

"I never said that!But you said I was a terrible person... over and over...because I don't agree with you.Because I'm committed to my work.Because I don't want a baby?When did I become such a monster to you?" Cristina says to Meredith as Ava walks out of the room bumping into Shane as he walks in.
Ava was walking down the hallway as Mason catches up to her. "Hey you look I don't know you look something." Mason says to her.

"Thanks Meredith and Cristina are arguing so I just practically ran away from that room. Are you coming to April and Matthew's wedding?" Ava asks him.

"I don't know I mean Steph got invited but April kind of my ex isn't that just strange? Where's Mark?" Mason asks her.

"Mark is with his babysitter and your friends now I mean unless it's too awkward for you but you and April agreed to be friends and friends go to each other's wedding unless you still have feeling for her?" Ava questions him.

"I already told you I don't." He tells her as Ava studies his face.

"Look all I'm saying is we're all on borrowed time we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and if your lucky enough to find someone you love someone you want to spend your life with them. You tell them and you don't waste a second of it." Ava tells him as she walks off leaving him to think.
Jackson walks over to Ava as she smiles at him. "Don't you scrub up well Dr Avery." She says as she adjusts his tie as he leans in and kisses her as she kisses him back.

"You looking amazing How was Mark with the baby sitter?" Jackson asks her.

"He was asleep but I think he'll be fine now I'll see you in a bit." Ava says to him as she kisses him before going to find April.
Ava walks into the room where April was getting ready.

"How dare you say I haven't changed." Cristina says to Meredith.

"I don't have to justify my choices to you, not one." Meredith tells her.

"How dare you say I am the same person I was when I got here, before I knew Burke and Owen and you.Your life looks different because it's filled with
houses and husbands and kids.And my mine looks the same, but I'm not.I've changed. I'm doing this alone.And that's...that's just as hard as what you're doing.But I thought I would at least have you." Cristina says to her.

"I'm so jealous of you,I wanna set things on fire.You did what I tried to do, and I couldn't.And you don't even know how you did it.You have nothing but time and focus.You're not who we were when we got here.You are who we both set out to be." Meredith tells Cristina.

"And you've become something... we never saw coming.You are as good a mother as you are a surgeon.And I'm happy for you.But we are growing apart." Cristina tells Meredith.

"I know.And I don't wanna compete with you, but I do, because we're supposed to push each other and make each other better forever.Since the day we met, right?" Meredith asks her.

"Right." Cristina tells her.

"Okay. So then..." Meredith says as Cristina cuts her off.

"God, I know. I'm so glad because..." Cristina says as April gets angry.

"Oh! Shut up!Today is not the day.You two... super neat that you're working your crap out,but not today.
And you! You know what?Stop talking about adultery on my wedding day, because it is my wedding day!I should be feeling very special right now.I should be flounced and fluffed up and checked over and handed tissues and told not to cry with joy.
So just... you know what?Stop thinking about you,
and you make me feel special." April snaps at them all as Ava smiles at her.

"You look amazing April and I like feisty you she seems more like someone I'd be good friends with." Ava says as April lets out a small laugh.
Ava walks down the isle after Arizona as she searches as her eyes meet Jacksons as he smiles at her as she smiles back standing beside Arizona.

Everyone was watching the ceremony as Mason suddenly stands up and declared that he loved April and she felts the same as they ran leaving everyone at the wedding.
Jackson parks the car as he looks over at his wife. "So you practically told him to do that?" Jackson says with a smirk on his lips.

"I told him that if he loved someone he should tell her before it was too late not to do it in the middle of the wedding and April did run away with him." Ava says as they both begin laughing as Jackson pulls Ava into his lap as he kisses her and she kisses him back.

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