Chapter 55

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Ava's POV

"Nicholas." I said as I came through the door.


I shrugged my shoulders as I made my way into the house fully.

"Babes. Are you here? It's hot outside and all I want to do is be with you." I whined.

"Psst." Someone whispered causing me to look.

"Hey grandma." I said smiling.

"He upstairs and you ain't seen me."
She said and walked towards the door and out of it.

What the hell was my grandmother doing here?

I walked upstairs, and it was closed scattered outside of Nicholas's door, and my shoes too.

I opened the door to see Nicholas in bed alone, he wasn't sleep because his breathing was way too light for it. That or he was dead.

"Baby." I said

"Ugh. I'm hung over." He said holding his head.

"You are? Why are you. How are you drunk I just called you a half hour ago?" I asked grabbing the bottle of water and Advil he always kept in his room.

"Babe, go on downstairs. I'll be down." He said drinking.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes. Go." He said and groaned.

I kissed his cheek and made my ways back downstairs. I know how prideful he can be and I'm not taking that away from him.

When I came back into the entrance way, of the stairs, I went into the kitchen deciding to make him food, only for a chef to be inside of their.

Okay, really what's going on!

"Hi." I said smiling.

"Hello. Ava?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm Ava. Hello." I said to him.

"You're beautiful. You went into the dining room or no?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

He smiled. "Go to the living room." He told me and I went.

This all is so strange. A chef in here? Why? I made my way, waddling through the house because my feet absolutely hurt. When I got to the door, puzzle pieces were on a board, along with someone in the room with game card notes.

"Hello. Welcome to The Arrigucci Game show." The man said causing me to laugh.

"Okay." I said coming into the room.

"You must be the beautiful Ava. We were waiting for you." He said in a very commentator like voice.

"I'm Ava. What is this?" I asked.

"Oh this, this is the game you'll be playing. The wheel is called the wheel of time, talking about things that happened in the past and things that are going to happen. " he said.

I nodded my head "okay."

"And in my hand, are card with questions asking of the last, present, and or future." He said.

I nodded my head again. Game night, sounds cool.

"Are you willing to play?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"Come on over and spin the wheel." He said. The wheel is small, with the words, past, present, future, and mystery question.

I spent, and it went to present. "Present, presently where are you and what significance does it hold for your relationship." He said.

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