The Shooting

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Ava laid surrounded by her own blood as everything began fading away as everyone she loved passed in a memory. The last face she saw being her boyfriend the person she had come to love most in this world Jackson Avery.

They hadn't been together that long but she knew he was the one for her. She thought about the conversation they had just hours before "I love you" were the last words he spoke to her. Ava knew she wanted to build a life with him but would she get the chance?

She thought about her family her brother Derek the person who had always been there for her and the one she held closest. Her other Brother Mark even though he wasn't blood he loved and protected her just like Derek. Meredith was like a sister to her. They made a great friendship over the years.

Lexie was one of her best friends. They were closer than sisters, they relied on each other no matter what and they knew that they'd always have each other. Alex was her brother and her person. He'd be there no matter what. He always had her back and she always had his. They'd faced everything together since there first day.

As she began to fall out of consciousness she just hoped someone would find her.

Hours Earlier:
Ava saw Jackson in the E.R as she went and stood beside him handing him one of the two cups of coffee in her hand.

He took it gratefully as a smile grew upon his face seeing her. "Hey Beautiful." He says as he leans down and pecks her cheek.

"Hey. Any good cases?" Ava asks him as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"No just the usual people need stitches or some broken bones." Jackson tells her as her pager goes off.

"I should go I'll see you later." Ava says to Jackson.

"I love you." He says as he leans into kiss her.

She kisses him back and smiles at him. "I love you too." She says as she leaves the E.R.
Ava walks into Derek office as she was paged there. "Hey big brother did you need to see me?" Ava asks as she sits in the seat opposite him.

"No I just wanted to see how you were doing? I mean I hardly see you with being Chief and your always with Avery." Derek says to her as Ava rolls her eyes.

"Well I'm doing good and it has been a while how's being chief?"Ava asks him.

"Boring all this paperwork and no O.R time and I haven't seen my wife in 48 hours." Derek says as Meredith walks in looking quite Happy.

"Hey you paged?" She says to Derek as she offers Ava a smile.

"I should leave you two love birds to it. Good morning to you both and I'll be gone now." Ava says as she walks out of the office.
Ava was filing out some files at the front desk beside Mark as Lexie approaches them.

"They want attending approval to do the auditory evoked potentials.Can you sign for it?"  Lexie asks him as Ava finishes up with her files handing back to a Nurse.

"Lockdown. Kinda crazy, right? You think it's, uh, serious?" Mark tries to make conversation with Lexie.

"Can you just sign the order?" Lexie asks him not wanting to talk to him.

"This karev thing serious?" Mark asks her.

"Mark." Lexie warns him.

"I miss you." He tells her as she rolls her eyes.

"Can you just sign the order?" Lexie tells Mark.

"Sir, you can't leave this area. The hospital is in-" The nurse tells the man walking up the stair as he begins firing his gun.
As the pain coursed through her body as the bullet rip through her abdomen. Blood immediately spreading across her scrubs as she fell to the fall as everyone began to rush around as panic and fear took over.

Ava pulls herself across the fall out of the main area to a supply closet as she heard the panic steps move quickly on the other side of the door.
Ava was losing blood fast as she began to black out but as another gun shot was heard she sprung awake grasping at her stomach as the pain became unbearable.

The pain became too much as she groaned for help hoping someone would hear her as everything went black and the pain began to fade as she became unconscious.
Hearing the groans from behind the door Callie opened it quickly to find Ava laid in a pool of her own blood not knowing how long she had been there.

She check for a pulse as it was faint before shouting for Arizona to go get help now that the shooter had been handled.

Grabbing what she could she held them across her abdomen to stop the bleeding. "Come on Shepherd. You've got to stay with me." Callie pleads as helps quickly arrives.
Jackson sat in the waiting room beside Mark as Ava had been rushed to surgery.

Mark held his head in his hands as Meredith and Lexie walked over to them. "Has there been any news?" Meredith asks as Jackson looks up his eyes were bloodshot.

"They said that she lost a lot of blood and they are doing what they can to save her." Jackson tells them as the doctors walk up to them.

"Are you all Ava Shepherd's family?" The doctor asks.

Mark looks up. "I'm her brother this is her boyfriend and her sister in law's" he says as he points at Jackson Meredith and Lexie. "How is she?" Mark asks worried.

"Your sister lost a lot of blood and she coded during surgery but we were able to get her back. We were able to get the bleeding under control but she needs rest and we'll be monitoring her for the next 24 hours as they are critical." The doctor tells them.

"Can we see her?" Jackson asks the doctor.

"Of course I'll have a nurse take you up to her room." The doctor says as he walks away.

"I should get back to Derek keep me updated." Meredith says to Mark as she walks off.

"Yeah i need to go check on Alex. I'll come see her later." Lexie says as she walk off.

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