Merlin One-Shots!!

By smolgaybean_

149K 4.4K 3K

I will take any suggestions. if you have an au you love please message me and I will gladly write a story for... More

Hunting trip
The lost Prince of Anahaven
Life after Camlann
Defying destiny
Beauty and the Bestie
Flowers part 2
The boy who sat by the lake
Stupid Laws
Stupid Laws part two
Stupid Laws part three
So many secrets
Butterfly Wing
Scars and Bruises
Friends with benefits
Another Reveal
Don't touch him, understand?
Starting over
New friend
Love is hard
Tavern trip
Here for you
Everybody wants to rule the world
I didn't think you cared
Big Brother
My King, my destiny
Highschool bullies
Heart of a dragon
Heart of a dragon #2
Heart of a dragon #3
Coffee dates
lady of the lake
Magic Bois
Cold Shoulder
Only you
Royal Blood
For you
Midnight confessions
Dysfunctional family
The monster in a cage
its a date
Drinking stories
just gonna leave this here
Fellas, I think I killed a god...?
Just Friends eh?
In over his head
Another one?
Coming of age
The Thief
We fell in love in October
Mr Loverman
As the world caves in
Eyes like burning gold
Here for you
Banquets and Bruises
Group chat
Temptation of the Knight
Something domestic
water fights
Shadow Oracle #1
Shadow Oracle #2
Venus' book
Stories of the past

I guess I am a father now

1.6K 43 8
By smolgaybean_

I haven't done a POV in a while so here is a Gwaine POV!

A little context before we start. Uther is still king, Arthur and Merlin are dating (behind Uther's back of course, but it's common knowledge among the servants and knights as they aren't exactly subtle.) Gwaine and Percival are kind of dating, it's made clearer towards the end.


Percival pushed his tankard away and made for the door completely ignoring my shameless whines.

"No Gwaine it's gone midnight and we have training tomorrow. I am going back and so should you."

"Ah you're no fun." I taunt, picking up my own cup and taking a long swig of mead. Percival rolled his eyes and walked out of the near empty tavern, leaving me alone. I finish my tankard in one mouthful and slam in onto the table. With a lack of better things to do I head for the door. Damn Percival is rubbing of on me, to much of a good influence.

I walk out into the night and instantly feel the bite of the winter season. My breath lingers in the air like dragon smoke, curling into the black. The beauty of winter is often overlooked, shadowed by the fear of hypothermia and death that seems to follow. But it is by far my favourite time of the year. I love the way my breath dances in the air, shimmering in the moonlight before dissipating into nothingness.

I tighten my cloak around my shoulders and head of in the direction of the Knights quarters. The crunch of frost covered stones beneath my feet echoes through the street. I wouldn't have thought anything of it if it wasn't for the second pair of footsteps scuttling behind me. I freeze in place, starting to really regret not leaving with Percival. I'm not in the mood for an ambush today.

I listen for more footsteps but all I receive is silence. Okay time for a different approach.

"Come out with your hands up." A shadow flickers as if detaching from the wall but makes no attempt to get any closer. "I can see you. Don't be afraid I wont hurt you."

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. As soon as those dreaded words left my mouth the shadow launched at me. I made a move for my sword but it had already clamped onto my leg. It was shaking. Hard.

Upon further inspection I deduce that this is not a shadow but a child. A tiny one at that, maybe no more than three summers old. His cloak swallows his body, leaving only the tip of his nose visible. I manage to pry the boy of my leg long enough to bend down. His hazel eyes are blown wide with fear, but there is no sign of physical injury.

"Why are you out alone at night?" I ask, trying keep my voice as calm as possible.

"Mama and Papa gone." Was all he could mumble before bursting into tears. Shit I made the kid cry.

"Hey hey it's okay. My name is Gwaine, I'm going to take care of you. Is that alright." The boy nodded as he tried to scale my clothes. With a smile I pick him up and continue my trek back home.

By the time I reach my room the boy was passed out in my arms, head tucked underneath my chin. Even without knowing a thing about this boy I can't help but feel compelled to help him. Everything about him reminds me of myself when I was younger. My mother died just after my birth, my father helping Uther in the purge. Not that I really cared, he was a horrid person and treated all who worked for him (including me) as his slave. That fear is still nestled into my mind, planted so deep it will never be uprooted. But maybe it isn't to late for him.

The next morning I awake to something tickling my nose. I bat it away sleepily only to be jolted awake by a crash and a small cry. Shit I pushed him of the bed!

"I'm so sorry little one." The boy sits up with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"That hurt."

"Hey I said I'm sorry! What more do you want from me." I'm arguing with a three year old. Eh I argue with the princess all the time what's the difference.

"Up." He raises his arms towards me with the most innocent look in his doe eyes I just can't resist. I lean down pick him up, tickling him as I did so. I'm not exaggerating when I say my heart melted at the giggles he let out.

"So what's your name little man." I asked with my head cocked.

"Kyeyar." He said, copying my action.

"Well Kyeyar, I don't know about you but I am starving. Let's go get some breakfast."

I throw on an extra layer of clothes before picking Kyeyar up and heading down to the market Square. I purchase a rather large bread roll and two apples then head to my spot as I like to call it. An abandoned section of the castle full of tiny alcoves and snaking corridors. No one ever comes down here, perfect place for some peace and quiet.

"Where are we?"

"This is my own little piece of Camelot. Here you can do whatever you want and no one will tell you off."

"Really?" Kyeyar's eyes seemed to light up at the suggestion. God I see so much of me in him.


"Okay!" Kyeyar jumped out of my arms and sat on one of the many benches nestled into the alcoves. "Partum Vita."

I tried not to react as his eyes flashed a brilliant gold and a single emerald butterfly fluttered from within his hands. It's delicate wings shimmered with golden sparks that forked across the lace like lightning. I look back at the boy and all I see is naive wonder, a joy that could get him killed. Yet I don't feel the fear that has been installed since childhood. How can someone so young possibly be tainted by evil. If Kyeyar has it, magic is not inherently evil. It just can't be.

So despite all I have been taught, I bend down and ruffle the boys hair. "That was amazing. How did you do that?"

"Mama taught me. She said things floated around me when I was even littler. She wanted to teach me to control it. Papa didn't like it though."

"Well I think you are incredibly special, Kyeyar. Now eat up, I need to train soon." I hand Kyeyar a piece of the bread which he wolf's down.


"I'm a knight. I train with Prince Arthur." Suddenly all the happiness dashed from his face, leaving only terror in its place.

"Mama said Knights are bad. Knights want to hurt me. Please don't hurt me." His eyes flash gold once more and a tiny flame appears in his palm.

"I would never hurt you. Never." Risking getting burned, I place my hand over the flame and run my thumb over the back of his hand. Luckily as soon as I come into contact the flame extinguishes, leaving only a slight tingling sensation in my palm.


"I promise. As long as I am here no harm will ever come to you." Once again Kyeyar launches himself into my arms breathing a sigh of relief. The terror surrounding the knights of Camelot makes my stomach churn. How is installing fear protecting our people? Especially those with magic who only lash out in acts of revenge for something Uther has done to them. In my eyes that is pretty damn reasonable. Don't get me wrong, killing for revenge is not something to be encouraged, but I think I finally understand where they are coming from. Magic isn't something to fear.

"Come on, lets go." I take his tiny hand in my own and lead him out the abandoned wing. I try and steer clear of the main corridors, not wanting to explain why I have a child with me. Then reality hits. I can't take Kyeyar out with me, people will see him. And if they see him he will get scared again, especially as he will be surrounded by the very same knights he has been taught to be terrified of. I can't risk exposing him. But where can I-


"Change of plan, Kye. I am going to take you to a very good friend of mine, his name is Merlin. I will come back after training ok." Kyeyar simply nods in response, not looking all to keen on parting from me.

I duck into the servants corridor and head to the physician's chambers praying someone will be there. When I reached the chambers I heard the familiar bickering of Camelot's star-crossed lovers.

Shit Arthur's here! Think Gwaine think.

"How about a piggy back ride, Kye."

"Yay! Up up!" I lift Kyeyar up and place him carefully under my cape praying his tiny form isn't too obvious. Just as I finish fixing the cape Arthur emerges with Merlin in tow. His suspicious glances are quickly replaced by an annoyed scowl.

"Gwaine you have training, why are you here?"

"You have training to, Princess. Hwy are you here." Thankfully Arthur couldn't outwit me, so turned on his heel and stalked of to the training grounds. I let out a sigh of relief and tapped Kye's tiny feet. He shuffled around my torso, hiding his head in my chest at the presence of Merlin. Speaking of, Merlin looks almost as confused as Arthur does on the daily.

"Gwaine why on earth do you have a child!" He exclaimed a little to loudly for Kyeyar's liking.

"Are you trying to scare him? Jeez calm down." Merlin gave the child an apologetic look and signalled for me to follow him inside. Gaius looked up from his work and gave me a look similar to Merlin.

"Care to explain Sir Gwaine why you have a child attached to you."

"Um well you see, I was on my way home from the-

"Tavern." Merlin and Gaius interjected in unison.

"Yes thank you for your input. As I was saying, i was on my way home from the tavern when Kyeyar here scared me half to death. His parents are...not in Camelot. I promised to protect him, but I can't take him training with me for so many reasons."

"So you, what? Want me to babysit." Merlin asked. I nod, gently placing Kyeyar on the floor. He clamps himself around my leg refusing to look Merlin in the eye.

"If that's ok. Kyeyar," He looks up at me with tears in his eyes and a wave of guilt crashes over me. "I promise I won't be gone long. You can trust Merlin, he is just like you." Kyeyar's eyes widen and he looks at Merlin with a strange wonder. Merlin seems a little taken back by the revelation, but smiles all the same.

"You have magic too?" Kyeyar questions, feeling brave enough to let go of me entirely.

"Yes I do. Are you a druid?" Merlin looks down at Kyeyar's arm, most likely in search of a druid mark, but finds nothing.

"No. Mama said I was special. I can make things float!" He announces it with such pride my heart bursts. He is too much!

"Well you certainly are, Kyeyar." Merlin stands back up to address me but I am barely paying attention. My mind is focused on Kyeyar. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared to leave him. Uther is known to be completely merciless when faced with a 'threat' of magic.

"Gwaine!" Kyeyar giggles, tugging on my cloak. I snap back to reality and raise my eyebrow at the child. He points up to Merlin who is staring at me softly.

"He'll be fine Gwaine. Now go before Arthur puts you in the stocks." I nod hesitantly, bending down to ruffle Kye's hair.

"Bye Gwaine, see you later." He chirps, jumping up to hug me. Honestly that kid is going to be the death of me.

I love this concept to much and am making this into a book! It will be posted soon!!
- update the book is out now, called Our Spot

Oh and Kyeyar is pronounced Kaiyar, just in case there was any confusion.

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