Hotel Transylvania: Johnny is...

comicfan1939 által

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This story takes place after the events of the second movie of Hotel Transylvania. Johnny/Batman was now faci... Több

Character Bios
Chapter 1: Love at First Sight
Chapter 2: The Tragic Death
Chapter 3: The Draculas comes to Visit
Chapter 4: Family Dinner
Chapter 5: Man-Bat
Chapter 6: Let the Games Begin?
Chapter 7: Troubling News
Chapter 8: Loved and Reunited (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Loved and Reunited (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Love and Reunited (Part 3)
Chapter 11: Loved and Reunited (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Rooftop Briefing
Chapter 13: The Riddler
Chapter 14: To the Batcave
Chapter 15: The Talk
Chapter 16: The Party
Chapter 17: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 18: A Riddle for the Bat
Chapter 19: Riddler Trial (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Riddler Trial (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Riddler Trial (Part 3)
Chapter 22: Riddler Trial (Part 4)
Chapter 23: Date Night and Returning Guests
Chapter 24: Frank's Talk-Show
Chapter 25: The Crime Scene
Chapter 26: The Ambush
Chapter 28: The Arkham Knight
Chapter 29: A Sign of War
Chapter 30: Return of the Cartwrights (Part 1)
Chapter 31: Revenge of the Cartwrights (Part 2)
Chapter 32: Exposing the Cartwrights (Part 3)
Chapter 33: Defeat of the Cartwirghts (Part 4)
Chapter 34: Anarky
Chapter 35: No More Secrets
Chapter 36: A Troubling Sign
Chapter 37: The Arsenal Heist
Chapter 38: Bane
Chapter 39: Kidnapped
Chapter 40: The Bad News
Chapter 41: A Matter of Family
Chapter 42: Joe Chill
Chapter 43: Chill of the Night
Chapter 44: The Interrogation
Chapter 45: History of Amadeus Arkham
Chapter 46: Fear
Chapter 47: Arkham Asylum
Chapter 48: Scarecrow
Chapter 49: Saving the Loughrans
Chapter 50: Safe and Sound
Chapter 51: A New Day
Chapter 52: Basketball Game
Chapter 53: Kareoke Night Part 2
Chapter 54: Night on the Pool
Chapter 55: Argument
Chapter 56: The Missing Cops
Chapter 57: The Batmobile Chase
Chapter 58: Batman Arkham Knight
Chapter 59: Fall Out
Chapter 60: Wanted Fugitive
Chapter 61: Mavis' Birthday
Chapter 62: Intruders
Chapter 63: Knightfall
Chapter 64: Van Helsing Attacks the Hotel
Chapter 65: Secrect Identities Revealed
Chapter 66: The Past of the Van Helsings
Chapter 67: The Return of Lycidias Dracula
Chapter 68: Betrayal
Chapter 69: An Old Enemy Returns
Chapter 70: Blackgate Prison Breakout
Chapter 71: One Bad Day
Chapter 72: The Killing Joke
Chapter 73: Rescue Mission
Chapter 74: Dracula and Robin
Chapter 75: The Boy Wonder
Chapter 76: The Batman Who Laughs
Chapter 77: Contingency Plan
Chapter 78: Villains United
Chapter 79: Finding a Cure
Chapter 80: Johnny's Past Life (Part 1)
Chapter 81: Johnny's Past Life (Part 2)
Chapter 82: Johnny's Past Life (Part 3)
Chapter 83: Cured
Chapter 84: A Broken Friendship
Chapter 85: Most Wanted
Chapter 86: The Dark Knight
Chapter 87: The Dynamic Duo
Chapter 88: Under Attack
Chapter 89: Brother Against Brother
Chapter 90: Van Helsing Battle (Part 1)
Chapter 91: Van Helsing Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 92: Clown Prince of Crime
Chapter 93: A Serious House on a Serious Earth
Chapter 94: The Last Laugh
Chapter 95: Aftermath
Chapter 96: End of the Knight
Chapter 97: Farewell
Chapter 98: Epilogue
(Hotel Transylvania/Batman Part 3)

Chapter 27: Van Helsing

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comicfan1939 által

Author's note:
- Happy New Year guys! Here's another chapter and please leave a comment on what you guys think of this chapter and like it.

- Enjoy the chapter.

The 4 vampires, Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis, were still flying in their bat-forms. Dracula decided to take his family somewhere 'special' for tonight.

DENNIS: Where are we going, Papa Drac.

DRACULA: You'll see, my little Dennisovich. There's just something I want for you Grandma to see... and maybe to you as well.

The Dracula family kept flying throughout the clouds for minutes until they finally arrived. Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis landed on the ground and transformed back into human-forms.

DRACULA: We're here.

The 4 vampires stood in front of the ruins of the old Castle Lubov. Martha was shocked to see their old home again as she tried to fight back tears.

MARTHA: (*gasp) Holy Rabies.... after all these years... I can't believe it's still here.....

MAVIS: We come here every year in your and dad's wedding anniversary. This is also the first time we're bringing Dennis with us.

Dracula noticed that Martha was about to cry so he puts his arm around her shoulder for comfort.

DRACULA: Are you okay, honey?

MARTHA: I'm... I'm okay, Drac. It's just a lot to take in. I kept thinking that what if that night never happened to all of us.

DRACULA: If that night never would've never happened, I'm guessing our live would be different right now.

DENNIS: Mommy, what is this place?

MAVIS: This is where Papa Drac, Grandma, and I used to live, sweetie. This was our first home when I was little.

Mavis carried Dennis in her arms and hugged him. Dracula could sense that something/someone was coming close to them. Mavis also noticed that something was bothering her father.

MAVIS: Dad, what's wrong? Is everything okay?

DRACULA: I... I think there's something coming, sweet fangs.

Just then, Bela and his bat cronies heavily landed on the ground as they roared prepared to attack.

BELA: There're they are! The monster traitors!


Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis were startled at the cronies' arrival.

BELA: What are you waiting for? ATTACK THEM!

Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis zoomed in at Bela and his bat-cronies to attack them. The fight kept going for at least 10 minutes with the vampires easily defeating Bela and the bat cronies. This would also be the first time that Martha would the bat cronies with her family and deep down a part of her enjoyed beating the crap out of them. Soon later, Bela and the last of the cronies while others were knocked out unconscious.

MARTHA: Who were they?

MAVIS: It was Grandpa Vlad's former servant, Bela and the rest of his bat-cronies. How did they even managed to find us?

DRACULA: I don't know, Mavis. But we don't have time to figure that out. We need to get back to the hotel before more of them come.

Before they could even leave the area, they could hear footsteps getting louder and louder as if something was coming again.

There were at least 20 armed Militia soldiers who came out from their hiding spot and aimed their guns at the vampires to corner them.

MILITIA SOLDIER 1: We have visual on the target! Move in, people!

MILITIA SOLDIER 2: Go go go! Surround them!

MILITIA SOLDIER 3: Keep your weapons trained on the monsters at all times!

Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis were shocked that there were these human soldiers who would try and hunt them. Dennis got so scared that he wanted to cry but Mavis just hugged him tightly to protect him.

MARTHA: Humans? What are they doing here?

DRACULA: Martha, make sure you, Mavis, and Dennis stay close to me! I will not let them hurt you.

Coming out from the shadows was someone different from the Militia soldiers. Their boss perhaps. As the man emerged to reveal himself, he was wearing sets of black heavy boots, a belt, a black trench coat, black leather gloves, and a black cowboy hat. The man had a sinister smirk on his face as he sees the vampires, especially Dracula.

???: (*evil laugh) Well would you look at all this, I have finally met the legendary Count Dracula face-to-face alongside with these other creatures.

Dracula's pure rage was boiling. Whoever these people are, they've come to the ruins of their old and very first home only to hurt him and his family.

DRACULA: Who are you and do you want from me!?

???: 'Who am I?' Oh my apologies, Prince of Darkness. (*sinister laugh)... Let me introduce myself, I am Gabriel... Gabriel Van Helsing.

Dracula's eyes widened in shock as he heard this man's last name. A name that he has not heard for a very long time.

DRACULA: Van Helsing?! It can't be!

MARTHA: Drac, you know this man?

VAN HELSING: The Count doesn't know who I am yet but he may know my great-grandfather, Abraham Van Helsing. He was his greatest rival at the time and now it is my turn to finish what he started.

MAVIS: Why are hunting down my father? He hasn't done anything bad to anyone!

VAN HELSING: Believe me, young lady. The humans always feared your father before you were even born! It is the Van Helsing family tradition to destroy every monster in the world, especially the Dracula family!

DRACULA: You will not harm my family or lay even a finger on them!

VAN HELSING: (*chuckle) We'll see about that.

Reaching in his pocket, Van Helsing threw daggers at the vampires. Dracula quickly pushed his family out of the way as the pointed daggers missed them. Getting back up, Dracula's eyes turned into red, fangs became more sharp, and fingernails extended forming his demonic face.

Dracula couldn't take it anymore. The count zoomed in with his vampire speed and his razor sharp nails to attack the vampire hunter.

Van Helsing made a backflip over the incoming Dracula and landed on the ground. Dracula turned around and was surprised to see Van Helsing dodges his attack.

VAN HELSING: Is that all the Count Dracula can do? While you were hiding behind the shadows, I've become stronger while you became weak.

Van Helsing later armed himself with his Tojo Blades, a moderate range bladed weapons used by Gabriel Van Helsing himself.

Van Helsing ran towards and tries to land a slice on his rival using his Tojo Blades but with Dracula's vampire speed, he manages to dodge all the attacks and landed a scratch on Van Helsing's left side of his face with his razor sharp claws.

Van Helsing stopped and used his hand to cover the scratched part of his face. It had blood on it. A pissed off Van Helsing spits his blood on the grass and continued to attack Dracula again.

Dracula tries to strike Van Helsing again but this time he dodged the attack. Van Helsing kicked behind his knee making him kneel down and used his Tojo Blade to pierce Dracula on the shoulder.

Dracula screamed in pain while Van Helsing elbow punched him in the head and grabbed on the neck to the ground. At this point, Van Helsing has the upper hand.

Martha, Mavis, and Dennis heard the painful cry of Dracula.


MAVIS: Dad! Stay away from my father!

Mavis leapt as she tried to save Dracula from Van Helsing.

VAN HELSING: Ugh! You stupid little girl!

Mavis tried to go for her father's aid but a Militia soldier aimed a gun on her as a warning.

Out of nowhere something impacted on her shoulder like it was a needle. Mavis removed it and revealed to be a dart. Whatever this dart was made her feel dizzy.

Another Militia soldier pulled Mavis by the hair and hammered her down on the ground with her back landing first. Mavis' back arched and groaned in pain.

2 Militia soldiers went closer to the weakened young vampire on the ground.

MILITIA SOLDIER 4: (*scoff)... I was expecting more of a fight from this vampire girl.

One of the Militia soldier heavily stomp Mavis on the stomach as she yelled in pain. Dracula, Martha, mostly Dennis cried out noticing the young vampire also getting hurt.


DENNIS: Mommy!

Dennis cried out loud seeing his mother gotten hurt. Mavis grasp her stomach and struggling to breathe.

Dracula just snapped as he roared in pure rage that these men would dare to strike on his own daughter as he made a promise to Martha that he would always protect their little girl.

Dracula starred directly at Van Helsing with his pure red angry eyes. His roar was loud that the militia soldiers had to cover their ears.


VAN HELSING: (*chuckle) Come and get me then, little count. I dare you.

Van Helsing just gave an evil smirk at Dracula as he stepped back and removed his Tojo Blades from his hands.

Ignoring his painful wounds, Dracula zoomed in towards Van Helsing to end this fight once and for all. But that's what Van Helsing had in planned.

Reaching out from his leg hostler, Van Helsing aimed his revolver at the incoming Dracula. Instead of a silver bullet, Van Helsing was armed with the same dart that the Militia soldiers used to shot Mavis.

As the dart hits Dracula on the legs, he somehow lost control of his speed and roughly fell on the ground. The Militia soldiers also shot both Martha and Dennis by that same dart on the neck.

As Dracula removed the dart from his leg, he felt his head getting dizzy and his whole being weakened. He also couldn't use any of his vampire powers.

DRACULA: Wha... what did you... do to me?

VAN HELSING: Anti-vampire darts. Courtesy of our finest professor. You and your family won't be able to use your powers for another 2 hours. You vampires think that you're so powerful but you're not. You never should've exposed your discriminating kind in the first place if you know what's best for you.

All of the Militia soldiers had the entire vampire family outnumbered and felt safe since they were along side with Van Helsing.

One of the soldiers contacted their military leader through his earpiece.

MILITIA SOLDIER 5: Sir, Van Helsing has acquired the targets but there's still no sign of the Batman.

???: Don't let your guard down, soldier. He'll be there soon. We're on way to your location.

Their mystery military leader ordered as the militia soldier made an announcement to his comrades and to Van Helsing.

MILITIA SOLDIER 5: I've just got word from the Knight, he said air support are on their way and stay alert for the Batman!

Meanwhile, Van Helsing was amuse on defeating Dracula so easily as he he grabbed his crossbow weapon from his trench coat and aimed it at Dracula.

VAN HELSING: Finally, I now have the chance to destroy the Prince of Darkness and next the rest of the monster world. It's time for me to send you demons back to the underworld!

Before Van Helsing could even pull the trigger to kill Dracula, an incoming sharp object just came out of nowhere as it hit Van Helsing's crossbow weapon making him drop his weapon to the ground.

The object was a 'bat-shaped' boomerang. A Batarang.

Also coming out of no where, Batman/Johnny joined in the action to save his family by performing a glide kick at Van Helsing to keep him away from Dracula.

The Militia soldiers were alerted when they saw Batman/Johnny made a move against Van Helsing.

(Background music)

MILITIA SOLDIER 6: The perimeter is breached! BATMAN'S HERE!


While the Militia soldiers were distracted, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis took the opportunity to reunite with Dracula. Still no access to his vampire powers, all Dracula could do is too keep his family safe and away from the fight.

DENNIS: Batman!

DRACULA: Batman! Please help me keep my family away from Van Helsing!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I'll get you all out of this just keep your heads down until I tell you it's safe!

Mavis saw that the Militia soldiers are armed and ready to attack Batman/Johnny.

MAVIS: Batman, behind you!

Batman/Johnny quickly turned around and saw the soldiers aiming their guns at Batman/Johnny.

Batman/Johnny quickly grabbed something from his utility belt and threw Explosive Batarangs at the armed soldiers destroying their guns. Leaving no choice but to use their fists to attack Batman/Johnny.

MILITIA SOLDIER 8: Damn it! Forget your weapons, men! Just stay focus on taking down the Batman!

MILITIA SOLDIER 9: The Arkham Knight wants you dead, Batman! We'll make sure of that!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: The Arkham Knight?

It was the first time that Batman/Johnny heard that strange name. He thought that it was the code name of their military leader.

Without wasting anytime, Batman/Johnny started to attack the Militia soldiers with their hand-to-hand combat. No matter how hard the Militia tried to fight back, they couldn't even land a punch on Batman/Johnny like he was an unstoppable killing machine.

As Batman/Johnny manages to defeat most of the Militia soldiers, he sees one more soldier to attack him. He quickly recognizes this Militia, the same militia who hurt Mavis.

Batman/Johnny tightly clenched his fist in anger for seeing Mavis getting hurt, his wife. His zing.

Batman/Johnny quickly attacked he militia soldier by blocking his attacks and brutally broke his arm. The militia soldier kept screaming in pain but Batman/Johnny kept punching him until he puts him on the ground.

With the soldier on the ground, Batman/Johnny kept punching his face on the ground until the glass on his mask cracked. Batman/Johnny would yell in rage everytime he would punch him remembering that Mavis had to suffer in pain because of this man.

The militia soldier was now weakened as his face was covered in blood. Even Batman/Johnny's face and gloves was covered with blood from beating the crap out of the soldier.

MILITIA SOLDIER 10: (*cough).... what... what are you? (*cough)

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Your worst nightmare!

Batman/Johnny grabbed the Militia soldier on the collar and landed one last punch on the face to knock him out unconscious.

Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and mostly Dennis were now worried at how Batman/Johnny became more brutal and violent. Batman/Johnny removed the blood off his hand and face.

Van Helsing got back up on his feet noticing half of his men were defeated by Batman/Johnny. The other half stood by Van Helsing for his aid.

VAN HELSING: Look who decided to finally show up! The Dark Knight has arrived. I've been expecting you as well.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Whoever you people are, turn yourselves in while you still have the chance.

VAN HELSING: You haven't been paying attention do you, Batman. THE VAN HELSINGS NEVER SURRENDER!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: The Van Helsings? The famous monster hunters.

VAN HELSING: So you HAVE heard of us.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I did and I don't care. One way or another, I'm taking you down and find the monsters you've abducted.

At this moment, Batman/Johnny was between the Dracula family and the Militia forces to protect his family from Van Helsing.

VAN HELSING: What you did to that man was very impressive, Batman. Such brutality and anger you have inside you but who am I to question the famous Dark Knight himself. After all, we are 'relatable'.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I am nothing like you. You're a murderer.

VAN HELSING: What I'm doing is for the good of humankind! You should be in our side to protect them from the horrors of monsters but instead you chose to protect them as well!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I have a code, I do not kill. I protect both humans and monsters no matter what.

VAN HELSING: heh... spoken like a true hero, who is clearly out numbered.

To be continued.....


Author's note:
- Next chapter coming soon. Hope you guys like this chapter and leave a comment on what you guys think.

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