Hotel Transylvania: Johnny is...

By comicfan1939

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This story takes place after the events of the second movie of Hotel Transylvania. Johnny/Batman was now faci... More

Character Bios
Chapter 1: Love at First Sight
Chapter 2: The Tragic Death
Chapter 3: The Draculas comes to Visit
Chapter 4: Family Dinner
Chapter 5: Man-Bat
Chapter 6: Let the Games Begin?
Chapter 7: Troubling News
Chapter 8: Loved and Reunited (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Loved and Reunited (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Love and Reunited (Part 3)
Chapter 11: Loved and Reunited (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Rooftop Briefing
Chapter 13: The Riddler
Chapter 14: To the Batcave
Chapter 15: The Talk
Chapter 16: The Party
Chapter 17: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 18: A Riddle for the Bat
Chapter 19: Riddler Trial (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Riddler Trial (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Riddler Trial (Part 3)
Chapter 22: Riddler Trial (Part 4)
Chapter 23: Date Night and Returning Guests
Chapter 24: Frank's Talk-Show
Chapter 25: The Crime Scene
Chapter 26: The Ambush
Chapter 27: Van Helsing
Chapter 28: The Arkham Knight
Chapter 29: A Sign of War
Chapter 30: Return of the Cartwrights (Part 1)
Chapter 31: Revenge of the Cartwrights (Part 2)
Chapter 32: Exposing the Cartwrights (Part 3)
Chapter 33: Defeat of the Cartwirghts (Part 4)
Chapter 34: Anarky
Chapter 35: No More Secrets
Chapter 36: A Troubling Sign
Chapter 37: The Arsenal Heist
Chapter 38: Bane
Chapter 39: Kidnapped
Chapter 40: The Bad News
Chapter 41: A Matter of Family
Chapter 42: Joe Chill
Chapter 43: Chill of the Night
Chapter 44: The Interrogation
Chapter 45: History of Amadeus Arkham
Chapter 46: Fear
Chapter 47: Arkham Asylum
Chapter 48: Scarecrow
Chapter 49: Saving the Loughrans
Chapter 50: Safe and Sound
Chapter 51: A New Day
Chapter 52: Basketball Game
Chapter 53: Kareoke Night Part 2
Chapter 54: Night on the Pool
Chapter 55: Argument
Chapter 56: The Missing Cops
Chapter 57: The Batmobile Chase
Chapter 58: Batman Arkham Knight
Chapter 59: Fall Out
Chapter 60: Wanted Fugitive
Chapter 61: Mavis' Birthday
Chapter 62: Intruders
Chapter 63: Knightfall
Chapter 64: Van Helsing Attacks the Hotel
Chapter 65: Secrect Identities Revealed
Chapter 66: The Past of the Van Helsings
Chapter 67: The Return of Lycidias Dracula
Chapter 69: An Old Enemy Returns
Chapter 70: Blackgate Prison Breakout
Chapter 71: One Bad Day
Chapter 72: The Killing Joke
Chapter 73: Rescue Mission
Chapter 74: Dracula and Robin
Chapter 75: The Boy Wonder
Chapter 76: The Batman Who Laughs
Chapter 77: Contingency Plan
Chapter 78: Villains United
Chapter 79: Finding a Cure
Chapter 80: Johnny's Past Life (Part 1)
Chapter 81: Johnny's Past Life (Part 2)
Chapter 82: Johnny's Past Life (Part 3)
Chapter 83: Cured
Chapter 84: A Broken Friendship
Chapter 85: Most Wanted
Chapter 86: The Dark Knight
Chapter 87: The Dynamic Duo
Chapter 88: Under Attack
Chapter 89: Brother Against Brother
Chapter 90: Van Helsing Battle (Part 1)
Chapter 91: Van Helsing Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 92: Clown Prince of Crime
Chapter 93: A Serious House on a Serious Earth
Chapter 94: The Last Laugh
Chapter 95: Aftermath
Chapter 96: End of the Knight
Chapter 97: Farewell
Chapter 98: Epilogue
(Hotel Transylvania/Batman Part 3)

Chapter 68: Betrayal

371 7 20
By comicfan1939

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

It was a really bad day for Johnny. His body was in so much pain after Bane almost killed him, the entire police force has turned against him, he found out that he is related to Van Helsing, the Arkham Knight was his childhood friend Adrian Chase, his alter ego has been revealed in front of his family, and worst of all.... Mavis hated him for that.

Johnny lowered his head and closed his eyes recalling a few glimpses of his past, the night his parents, Mike and Linda, died in that dark alleyway and how Dracula and Mavis reacted when his secret has been revealed. He could hear their voices and the gunshot that killed his parents inside his head.

MIKE: You... you don't have to do this!

LINDA: Take whatever you want!


ARKHAM KNIGHT: (*chuckle) It means that you have to face the truth sometimes. Right, Batman?

DRACULA: That is why from now on, Johnathan is no longer welcome in the hotel! He is forbidden to see Mavis and Dennis again!


Johnny and Alfred remained silent in the Batcave after discovering the untold truth about his parents. Alfred begged for a sign that would help him reach out for Johnny.

ALFRED: Johnathan, please. Just say something. Anything.

Johnny just stood there silently and grunted a little from his body pain. Johnny had enough courage to express how upset he truly is.

JOHNNY: How could you hide this from me, Alfred! For all these years!

ALFRED: What would you have me do? You were a child. I've been dreading the day you learn the truth about Van Helsing for nearly two decades. I hoped it would never come.

JOHNNY: Forget Van Helsing! I wanna hear it from you!

ALFRED: The truth is they were your family, Johnathan. Van Helsing was a dangerous man. All your parents ever wanted was to protect you and your siblings from that monster.

JOHNNY: You've kept their secrets for them!

ALFRED: I'm trying to help you understand.


Johnny shouted in anger while Alfred was surprised from the tone of his response. The two remained silent again for a moment as Johnny crossed his arms.

ALFRED: When your parents died, they left me as caretaker of their estate, their children.... and their secret. I would never betray them.

JOHNNY: Then tell me what I need to know.

ALFRED: Before you were born, your father and grandfather, Dennis, were members of the Van Helsing family. Your grandfather thought it would be best to drop this crusade against monsters once and for all and start a new life. Your uncle however was obsessed of the Van Helsing tradition. While Mike and his father left for California, his brother or your uncle, Gabriel, stayed to carry on the legacy without them.

Everything that Johnny thought about his family felt so different now. All this time he sees their parents as the people who were doing the right thing but he never thought of them being involved with something evil.

JOHNNY: Johnathan Van Helsing? I only expected some sort of regular accounting, not a bloodline with that devil!

ALFRED: Your father was a good man, Johnathan. He never wanted to harm the lives of monsters. But then your parents were killed and you were all alone. I just couldn't walk out the door. Everything I did and everything I've done was out of love for you.

JOHNNY: That's why you didn't want me to go out there at night. You're afraid that if I go out there, I'll learn the truth about myself from Van Helsing.

ALFRED: I'm truly sorry, Johnny. I hope you can forgive me.

Johnny closes his eyes still trying to digest while a part of him was trying to hold back his tears. Johnny slowly sat on the chair grunting to ease the pain from his body. Alfred tried to help him sit on the chair but Johnny didn't want to.

JOHNNY: Just.... give me some time to think it through, okay?

Johnny said tiredly. Alfred sighed while he left Johnny alone for himself. Johnny had no idea if he still has the will for putting on the cape and cowl. All what was inside his mind right now was Mavis if she's safe with Dracula, Dennis, Martha and the others back at the hotel.

JOHNNY: I'm so sorry, Mavis. I should've told you sooner.

This was the worst birthday that Mavis ever had. Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight have ruined her special day with her friends and family. Including the part where Johnny lied to her for so long that and never bothered telling the truth felt so painful for her to take in.

As soon as she gained her vampire powers again, she made sure to tuck Dennis in his bed. She changed back into her usual black clothing and flew outside throughout the forest in her bat form. She wanted to be alone and somewhere quiet where she could think straight.

Mavis changed back into her human form and sat on top of a tree while her legs were curled up to her chest and buried her face in it. She has been sobbing in tears and crying a lot ever since she left the hotel after Johnny's secret was exposed to everyone.

MAVIS: (*sob) Johnny, how could you... how could you lie to me like that....

She felt so used and betrayed by Johnny. He was her husband, her zing, the fact that Johnny kept his Batman identity broke her trust in him. It emotionally broke her heart. Tears kept coming out from her eyes as she kept thinking about it.

While Mavis was lost in her thoughts, she didn't knew that there were armed militia soldiers hiding behind the bushes to surround her.

A militia soldier communicated to the Arkham Knight through their radio broadcast for orders.

(militia): We have the vampire in our sights. What are your orders, sir?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Just hold your position, soldier. Do not underestimate the vampire. Backup is on it's way.

With her enhance vampire hearing, Mavis could hear voices close to her. She mentally slapped herself to reality to check on who was spying her. She'd be furious if she learned that Johnny was following her.

MAVIS: Hello? Who's our there?

Mavis climbed down from the tree to search where the voices were coming from. Mavis gasped in shock when she found militia soldiers trying to capture. Her anger started to boil as if they were the reason why her birthday was ruined.

(militia): Dammit! We've been spotted!

MAVIS: You people are going to regret that.

Mavis' eyes glowed and glistened in blue as she uses her telekinesis powers on nearby environmental heavy objects and tossed it to the militia soldiers. The militia soldiers fell on the ground and groaned painfully as the objects that were tossed at them were like bullets.

Without waisting any more time, Mavis used her vampire speed and strength to knock out all of the militia soldiers around her before they could even strike. If they can be easily beaten by a man dressed in a bat costume, then a vampiress would finish the fight in less than a minute, especially a Dracula.

(militia): Ah, crap! She's even worst than Batman!

(militia): Where the hell is our backup!?

The militia soldiers panicked after being overpowered by Mavis. The militia soldiers couldn't even aim their weapons at the speeding vampiress before they knocked out unconscious. She would transform in to her bat form to strike punches and kicks at the militia soldiers around their body. They were no match for the daughter of Count Dracula.

When all of the militia soldiers were knocked out, Mavis turns back into her human form and took a deep breath feeling a little tired from the fight that she had no problem with.

MAVIS: I hope that was all of them. I better get out of here before more of them come.

Above the trees, a helicopter appeared while more armed militia soldiers climbed down using their cables attached to the chopper. When the militia soldiers gently landed on the ground, all of them aimed their weapons at the vampiress.

MAVIS: Uh oh...

Mavis widened her eyes like her fear was crawling through her spine. She couldn't fight that many militia soldiers this time like what she did before.

The Arkham Knight dropped down from the chopper using a cable and accompanied his men to fight against the vampiress.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: My men are equipped with anti-vampire darts and silver bullets. Don't even think about making a move.

The Arkham Knight strictly warned at Mavis.

Van Helsing lastly dropped from helicopter with his crossbow weapon. He let out a menacing laugh as he walked towards to the vampiress feeling overconfident.

VAN HELSING: Ah, it appears we have the Count Dracula's little daughter in our hands.

Mavis' eyes turned into raging red and clenched her fist. She was angered to see Van Helsing's face again.


VAN HELSING: My apologies that things never worked out well between you and my nephew. After all, my family never gets along with monsters.

MAVIS: You're the real monsters here! All of you!

Mavis shouted at Van Helsing's taunt. All of the militia soldiers kept aiming their guns at the vampiress unsure if they assist their boss.

(militia): Should we help Van Helsing, sir?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: At ease, soldier. You're gonna want to watch this.

The Arkham Knight seemed relaxed like he already knew what was about to happen.

Mavis was confused that Van Helsing just stood there right in front of her that he even dropped his crossbow weapon to the floor. None of the militia soldiers were shooting at her.

From what Mavis could tell, the fight has already won with a raging vampire against an ordinary human. Or that's what she thought it was. When Mavis charged towards Van Helsing in incredible velocity, he only gave a mischievous smirk. That was the time that Mavis made her mistake.

Van Helsing extended his right arm and used his new telekinesis powers to freeze the vampiress. Mavis was shocked from what Van Helsing just did to her as she tried to move a muscle but it was preventing somehow. It was Van Helsing's turn to make his move.

Van Helsing raised his hand as Mavis was lifted up beyond the ground using his telekinesis powers. He aggressively slammed Mavis into a bunch of trees from left to right countless of times and hammered her down to ground with a loud thud.

The militia soldiers were all shocked witnessing Van Helsing's new powers for the first time when the spirit of Lycidias took over his body they were felt safe that Van Helsing was on their side.

Mavis was now in a bad position as when she got hammered down with her back on the ground was excruciating. Mavis winced in pain and held her spine as her back arched up painfully. She had a hard time breathing and felt weakened. Van Helsing took a few steps forward and looked down at the weakened vampiress.

VAN HELSING: What's wrong, little vampire? Feeling tired already?

MAVIS: (*heavy breath) How.... how did you....

The spirit of Lycidias suddenly emerged above Van Helsing revealing himself to Mavis, who shocked to learn that Van Helsing contains the most ancient and dangerous member of the Dracula family. Mavis hasn't seen Lycidias ever since she was possessed by him in her teenage years.

LYCIDIAS: Oh, Mavis. Your father would be so disappointed at you.

MAVIS: Lycidias!

Mavis used all of her strength to get back up on her feet again. Even though she looked weakened and exhausted, Mavis wasn't going down without a fight that too easy.

Mavis clenched her fist tightly as she tried land a punch on Van Helsing with her vampire strength. Van Helsing managed to grab Mavis' fist like it was nothing and tightly squeezing and crushing it.

Mavis winced in pain struggling to break free from Van Helsing's grip and puts her down on her knees while trying not to scream. Using his other free hand, Van Helsing used his new electrokinesis powers against Mavis sending her back on the ground.

VAN HELSING: Dracula and Batman aren't here to save you this time!

Van Helsing's voice has changed into a demonic tone becoming more powerful than ever. With Mavis still on the ground, Van Helsing used more of his electrokinesis powers pinning her down. Mavis screamed loudly in agony crying for help as her back arched up while the electricity kept torturing her. After Van Helsing stopped using his electrokinesis powers and went back to his normal self, Mavis was left weakened even more panting in exhaustion barely conscious. The young vampiress just laid on the ground motionless as it like her whole body was numb.

(militia): What are we going to do about the vampire, sir?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Get her inside one of our armored vehicles. I want to make sure you used anti-vampire dart on her in case she wakes up. She's our ticket to Batman.

The militia soldiers knelt down and injected Mavis with anti-vampire darts to block her powers. Her vision became blurry and felt dizzy than ever until she went unconscious. The militia soldiers tied her up before they placed Mavis inside their armored vehicle and immediate left the area before anyone sees them.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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