Hotel Transylvania: Johnny is...

By comicfan1939

42.8K 703 593

This story takes place after the events of the second movie of Hotel Transylvania. Johnny/Batman was now faci... More

Character Bios
Chapter 1: Love at First Sight
Chapter 2: The Tragic Death
Chapter 3: The Draculas comes to Visit
Chapter 4: Family Dinner
Chapter 5: Man-Bat
Chapter 6: Let the Games Begin?
Chapter 7: Troubling News
Chapter 8: Loved and Reunited (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Loved and Reunited (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Love and Reunited (Part 3)
Chapter 11: Loved and Reunited (Part 4)
Chapter 12: Rooftop Briefing
Chapter 13: The Riddler
Chapter 14: To the Batcave
Chapter 15: The Talk
Chapter 16: The Party
Chapter 17: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 18: A Riddle for the Bat
Chapter 19: Riddler Trial (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Riddler Trial (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Riddler Trial (Part 3)
Chapter 22: Riddler Trial (Part 4)
Chapter 23: Date Night and Returning Guests
Chapter 24: Frank's Talk-Show
Chapter 25: The Crime Scene
Chapter 26: The Ambush
Chapter 27: Van Helsing
Chapter 28: The Arkham Knight
Chapter 29: A Sign of War
Chapter 30: Return of the Cartwrights (Part 1)
Chapter 31: Revenge of the Cartwrights (Part 2)
Chapter 32: Exposing the Cartwrights (Part 3)
Chapter 33: Defeat of the Cartwirghts (Part 4)
Chapter 34: Anarky
Chapter 35: No More Secrets
Chapter 36: A Troubling Sign
Chapter 37: The Arsenal Heist
Chapter 38: Bane
Chapter 39: Kidnapped
Chapter 40: The Bad News
Chapter 41: A Matter of Family
Chapter 42: Joe Chill
Chapter 43: Chill of the Night
Chapter 44: The Interrogation
Chapter 45: History of Amadeus Arkham
Chapter 46: Fear
Chapter 47: Arkham Asylum
Chapter 48: Scarecrow
Chapter 49: Saving the Loughrans
Chapter 50: Safe and Sound
Chapter 51: A New Day
Chapter 52: Basketball Game
Chapter 53: Kareoke Night Part 2
Chapter 54: Night on the Pool
Chapter 55: Argument
Chapter 56: The Missing Cops
Chapter 57: The Batmobile Chase
Chapter 58: Batman Arkham Knight
Chapter 59: Fall Out
Chapter 60: Wanted Fugitive
Chapter 61: Mavis' Birthday
Chapter 62: Intruders
Chapter 63: Knightfall
Chapter 64: Van Helsing Attacks the Hotel
Chapter 65: Secrect Identities Revealed
Chapter 66: The Past of the Van Helsings
Chapter 67: The Return of Lycidias Dracula
Chapter 68: Betrayal
Chapter 69: An Old Enemy Returns
Chapter 70: Blackgate Prison Breakout
Chapter 72: The Killing Joke
Chapter 73: Rescue Mission
Chapter 74: Dracula and Robin
Chapter 75: The Boy Wonder
Chapter 76: The Batman Who Laughs
Chapter 77: Contingency Plan
Chapter 78: Villains United
Chapter 79: Finding a Cure
Chapter 80: Johnny's Past Life (Part 1)
Chapter 81: Johnny's Past Life (Part 2)
Chapter 82: Johnny's Past Life (Part 3)
Chapter 83: Cured
Chapter 84: A Broken Friendship
Chapter 85: Most Wanted
Chapter 86: The Dark Knight
Chapter 87: The Dynamic Duo
Chapter 88: Under Attack
Chapter 89: Brother Against Brother
Chapter 90: Van Helsing Battle (Part 1)
Chapter 91: Van Helsing Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 92: Clown Prince of Crime
Chapter 93: A Serious House on a Serious Earth
Chapter 94: The Last Laugh
Chapter 95: Aftermath
Chapter 96: End of the Knight
Chapter 97: Farewell
Chapter 98: Epilogue
(Hotel Transylvania/Batman Part 3)

Chapter 71: One Bad Day

356 6 19
By comicfan1939

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Batman/Johnny and Mavis were walking through the hallways inside Blackgate Prison trying to find a way out without being seen by the inmates. Batman/Johnny was overprotective of Mavis as he wouldn't let her go of his sight. Batman/Johnny hoped he avoid seeing Van Helsing, Arkham Knight, and maybe the Joker as well.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Keep your head down and stay close. We don't want to alert the other inmates.

MAVIS: How did you find me?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I've interrogated one of the militia soldiers and lead me here. They're going to pay for this.

MAVIS: No. I'm not letting go back here alone.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I can handle it. Once I get you out of here, I'm coming back to lock up the rest of the inmates.

Batman/Johnny said as Mavis didn't want to argue with her husband any longer. Mavis just hoped that Batman/Johnny's knows what he's doing.

MAVIS: How are we going to get out of here?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: The same way how I got in. We need to hurry. How did they captured you.

Mavis remembered that she went outside through the forest all herself because she wanted some alone time after her and Batman/Johnny's argument back at the hotel and the main reason why Van Helsing captured her. Mavis was still upset at Batman/Johnny but she did her best to stay calm and not let her anger control.

MAVIS: Can we just focus on getting out of here, Johnny. I'm not in the mood of talking right now.

Batman/Johnny noticed that Mavis' voice seemed rough, due to the fact that there was a bit of anger inside her. He had a guilty look on his face thinking what trouble he brought Mavis into. In hopes of listening to him, Batman/Johnny turned off his voice modulator to let Mavis hear his true voice.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Mavis... I'm sorry...

MAVIS: Johnny, can we not right now please. I just want to get back to the hotel with my mom and dad and Dennis.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Please, Mavis. I'm really sorry that I didn't told you sooner.

This was beginning to stress Mavis as she kept ignoring Batman/Johnny's voice and closed her eyes.

MAVIS: Don't! I don't wanna hear about it!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Mavis, I know I screwed up but just let me explain.....

Batman/Johnny kept pushing his limit so hard that Mavis just snapped. She let her anger took over her.


Mavis shouted loudly as she clenched her fist tightly. Batman/Johnny was silenced and caught off guard after he sees how angry Mavis at him. Trails of visible tears can be seen coming out from Mavis' blue eyes. This broke Batman/Johnny at how much he hurt Mavis.

MAVIS: Johnny, there's no need to explain everything! You lied to me for all these years! You've put our entire friends and family in danger tonight because of it!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I.... I just didn't want you to worry ....

Batman/Johnny replied unsure of the right answer. He doesn't know if he can still persuade her to listen. The only thing he knows about was that Mavis has the upper between the argument.

MAVIS: How would you think I'd react if you didn't tell me sooner!? Johnny, I'm your wife! You don't keep secrets like that from me! If something terrible happened to you out there, I never would've known about it!

Mavis continued to express her anger towards Batman/Johnny.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Mavis.... What I'm doing.... it's dangerous.... I can't let my enemies harm the people I about the most.

MAVIS: And how did that worked out, huh!?

Mavis replied harshly at her husband. It was Batman/Johnny's secret that got Mavis captured in the first place, not to mention their family were harmed by Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight earlier tonight.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I'm sorry, Mavis..... I never meant to hurt you that way....

MAVIS: Then why?! Why did you have to lie to me?! We have a life together, we have Dennis! Why are you still doing this stupid crusade of yours!? Batman is not what we wanted, we want Johnny! Our son needs you! I NEED YOU!!!

Batman/Johnny realized that Mavis was right. After years of hard work and pain, he should've settled down and enjoy his life with Mavis. But the trauma Batman/Johnny had seeing his parents gunned back when he was a kid was too much for him.

MAVIS: I don't know if I can trust you anymore!

Batman/Johnny lowered his head with a guilty look unable to make eye contact with Mavis, who was unable to control her tears and chocking on her own words.

MAVIS: (*sobs) Gosh, I can't.... After knowing everything about you.... (*sobs) I feel like.... like I don't you know who you are, anymore....

Mavis tried to continue talking about all the crying keeps cutting her off.

MAVIS: (*sobs) You're a different person to me now....

Batman/Johnny widened his eyes like his heart stopped beating after hearing what Mavis said. Batman/Johnny lifted his head back up only to see Mavis crying.

Crying, the placed her palms in front of her face as more tears were coming down from her blue eyes as it smudged her black makeup. Batman/Johnny wanted to reach to Mavis be she wouldn't let him.


MAVIS: (*sobs) Don't! I can't look at you right now!

Mavis shouted as she looked away from Batman/Johnny along with her slender body. Mavis used her fingers to wipe her tears from eyes but was still crying.

Batman/Johnny was also starting to cry. He remembers all of the good times he had with Mavis together: the first time they zinged on the lobby, their first sunrise up on the roof, her 118th birthday, their trip to Hawaii, their wedding night, the birth of Dennis and so much more. He didn't want to end their marriage together because of this.

The room was filled with silenced. Mavis just stood there crying unable to look at Batman/Johnny. The next thing she heard was a loud thud and something wrapping around her waist tightly.

Mavis was surprised to see Johnny on his knees as he hugged her tightly around her waist.

JOHNNY: (*sobs) Please... please.... Don't leave me, Mavis.... I love you.... I don't want to lose you, too....

Johnny had his cowl removed to the ground and buried his face on Mavis' waist crying. Seeing Johnny in his misery, Mavis was having mixed feelings at this moment. Mavis calmed down seeing Johnny begged as a part of her wanted to forgive him but she was still mad for what he did. Mavis knew that her anger won't help them get of the prison right now.

MAVIS: (*sigh) Just take us home first, then we'll talk about it okay?

JOHNNY: (*sobs) Okay... okay....

Johnny lets go of Mavis slowly getting up on his feet and puts his cowl back on.

While they continued walking to their journey, Batman/Johnny and Mavis were startled in shock when bullet hit the floor near them coming out of no where as a warning shot.

Batman/Johnny and Mavis searched where the bullets came from and to their surprise, the Arkham Knight was jumped in midair above them while holding his pistol gun.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Mavis, get down!

Batman/Johnny pushed Mavis out of the way for her safety while the Arkham Knight landed a punch on Batman/Johnny and fell to the ground.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*grunt) Adrian.....

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Oh no no. You're not going anywhere, old friend.

The Arkham Knight placed his boot on Batman/Johnny's chest pinning him down to ground while aiming his gun at Batman/Johnny's head. Mavis was still on the floor as she had a clear sight on what was happening in front of her.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Tri-weave, titanium coated, armor plating. Nice. Unless you know exactly.... where to shoot.

The Arkham Knight knelt down as he placed his gun at Batman/Johnny's waist where his armor the weakest and pulls the trigger.

Batman/Johnny grunted in pain as his back arched while the Arkham Knight got up way from his opponent. Mavis gasped in shock at her husband's sudden defeat while Arkham Knight laughed in amusement.


ARKHAM KNIGHT: (*chuckle) I have to admit, Johnny. You're good, even better than I expected. I'm gonna enjoy watching you die, slowly and painfully. And don't worry about Mavis. We'll take care of her than you ever did.

Mavis went over to Batman/Johnny's aid but suddenly she was telekinetically stopped by Van Helsing with the powers of Lycidias putting the vampiress on her knees and unable to move.

VAN HELSING: Don't even think about it, vampire!

Struggling in pain, Batman/Johnny grabbed a device from his utility belt and injected it on his wound to pull out the bullet and ease the pain. Batman/Johnny took deep breaths calming himself.

Van Helsing used his new telekinesis powers on Batman/Johnny bringing him on his knees and unable to move as well.

VAN HELSING: Like I told you from the beginning, Johnathan. You're a part of this, too. Part of the Van Helsing clan.

The spirit of Lycidias Dracula emerged on top of Van Helsing which shocked Batman/Johnny.

LYCIDIAS: So this is the son-in-law of Count Dracula. The one who calls himself 'The Batman'. PATHETIC!

ARKHAM KNIGHT: The Dark Knight himself. He never moved on from his the death of his parents.

The Arkham Knight mocked as he removed his helmet. The true face of Arkham Knight/Adrian Chase has white hair and a few scars on his face from his battles before. Arkham Knight/Adrian knelt down to Batman/Johnny's level.

ADRIAN: Let me ask you something, Johnny. Did it hurt? Watching them die? I hoped it hurts like hell, because that's how I felt when lost my parents because of your's.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: That wasn't my fault!

ADRIAN: Sure it was. All I ever wanted was to bring them back but that would impossible. But instead, I want you dead.

Arkham Knight/Adrian seemed calm until his anger took control of him. He grabbed Batman/Johnny's head and punches him right on the face aggressively while shouting.

ADRIAN: I! (*punch) WANT! (*punch) YOU! (*punch) DEAD! (*punch) You don't deserve a normal life! YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYONE!!!

MAVIS: No, Johnny! Leave him alone!

Mavis screamed seeing her husband in deep pain. The Arkham Knight/Adrian removed his blood stains from his gloves after he aggressively punches him. Batman/Johnny lowered his head drooling his blood while half of his cowl fell to the ground revealing bruised and bloody face of Johnny Loughran while the other half was still intact on his face.

VAN HELSING: I'm very disappointed at you, nephew. You would've been a great vampire hunter but instead, you married one and bared a child!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*cough) I will never be like you! You're a murderer! In fact, you are the true monster!

While this was happening, everyone heard a familiar voice. There was a figure just standing behind the shadows watching the whole scene. Batman/Johnny instantly knew who this was.

(???): Oh, Batsy. We're all monsters from the inside and the outside....

The figure stepped out from the shadows and revealed himself. It was the Joker with his menacing smile and laugh.

JOKER: Take it from me, one freak to another.... (*laughs)

Batman/Johnny glared and clenched his teeth in anger seeing his arch-nemesis again, adding more problems to the situation.


Even though half Batman/Johnny's identity is exposed, the Joker didn't care that much. All the Joker cared about is reuniting with Batman/Johnny again.

JOKER: Oh don't act all surprised, Bats! You knew this was going to happen sooner or later. You and me together again. Haven't you realized that we're inseparable? We're like an old married couple slitting each other's throats. (*chuckle)

The Joker said while unexpectedly coughed. Batman/Johnny noticed that there was a hint of blood from Joker's cough. He couldn't make it out what was Joker hiding yet.

JOKER: You know, the doctors said that anger is often a response to feeling powerless. You think maybe that's why you're so mad? Because I'm on top? Because I have you completely in power? Because the tables have turned?

The Joker knelt down on Batman/Johnny's level and placed his gun underneath Batman/Johnny's chin. The Joker smiled menacingly while Batman/Johnny just glared at him.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: This is low, even for you! You've hit rock bottom!

JOKER: Oh, I'm sure there's still depths to plum!

The Joker replied with a smile.

ADRIAN: Too bad you didn't bring your little Robin along with you. All the people you care is going to die once we're done with you.

JOKER: Hey! Killing Robin was my idea first! I even prepared my crowbar.

The Joker said while holding a crossbow and used it to hit Batman/Johnny in the face. Mavis gasped in horror.

VAN HELSING: Oh, Johnathan. Had you ever considered that this is your fault? Your presence created the criminally insane that you swore to fight; like germs, they spread. Look at the Joker. Would he even exist if not for you? It must be depressing. All your sacrifices and yet, you are the one to blame.

Even though Van Helsing is the real villain here, a part of Batman/Johnny tells him that his uncle was right. All of his villains will not be who they are today if it wasn't for Batman/Johnny, especially the Joker.

ADRIAN: What's wrong, Johnny? Guilty conscious struck you? (*chuckle) I'm not surprised.

MAVIS: Johnny is a better man than all of you combined! He'll stop you.

Batman/Johnny gave a weak smile at Mavis for defending him despite after their argument. Batman/Johnny glared when Joker spoke up.

JOKER: Don't worry, Bats. I won't let them kill you and Mavis, not yet anyway. I have a big surprise planned for you. (*laugh)

BATMAN/JOHNNY: What are you planning, Joker?

JOKER: I made a deal with cowboy hat and bat-fake over here that I help them take down Dracula and the other monsters. In return, I get the chance to experiment my new 'Joker Venom'. (*laugh and cough)

Joker pulled out an injection containing a purple fluid from his purple coat while chuckling in a sinister way. Batman/Johnny and Mavis, mostly Mavis, were struck in fear.

MAVIS: I don't like where this is going.

JOKER: Believe me, my dear. This new Joker Venom not only transforms you, but it drives you mad! (*laugh) The only problem is that it'll take me days to make more dozens of these, luckily.... I saved one for my best friend in the world.

The Joker widened his smile as he quickly injected his venom on Batman/Johnny's neck.

MAVIS: You're insane! What did you do to him!?

JOKER: What everybody deserves. A new Batman. A better Batman, A darker, more..... well, you get the point.

Mavis tried to move her body but Van Helsing's telekinesis powers was to strong and she couldn't access her vampire powers yet. Batman/Johnny was shaking uncontrollably as he could feel that something was changing him.

The shocking moment Batman/Johnny felt was that he found himself almost smiling. He struggled to fight the effects of the venom but it was to much. Batman/Johnny shouted trying to resist the pain which concerned Mavis.

MAVIS: Johnny? Johnny, are you okay?!


ADRIAN: Looks like Batman has a little bit of fight left in him.

JOKER: Come on, bats! Why try to fight? Let the madness take over you! Just give in!

Joker encouraged Batman/Johnny but he fought against the changes that will happen to him physically and mentally.

JOKER: Oh, Bats. This is getting boring. How about I share you about a joke that reminds me.

Joker kept laughing before he even tells his joke to Batman/Johnny.

JOKER: See, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum... and one night, one night they decide they don't like living in an asylum any more. They decide they're going to escape! So, like, they get up onto the roof, and there, just across this narrow gap, they see the rooftops of the town, stretching away in the moon light... stretching away to freedom. Now, the first guy, he jumps right across with no problem. But his friend, his friend didn't dare make the leap. Y'see... Y'see, he's afraid of falling. So then, the first guy has an idea... He says "Hey! I have my flashlight with me! I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk along the beam and join me!" B-but the second guy just shakes his head. He suh-says... He says "Wh-what do you think I am? Crazy? You'd turn it off when I was half way across!"

The Joker laughed uncontrollably from his sick joke while Van Helsing and Arkham Knight/Adrian just glared at the Joker.

Batman/Johnny lowered his head down hiding his face and closed his eyes. All he could remember was the worst things that has happened in his life: the death of his parents, almost brutally beaten by Bane, the police turning against him, learning that he is related to Van Helsing, his best friend is the Arkham Knight, his family rejecting him after his Batman reveal, and his argument with Mavis. All of these events coming all at Batman/Johnny's head at once was like his life was falling apart.

Mavis just knelt down on her position worried about Batman/Johnny's condition. He hasn't moved a bit or showed his face ever since he was injected by Joker's venom.

MAVIS: Jo... Johnny?

Mavis whispered nervously as Batman/Johnny replied by small shrugged of his shoulder. Sooner after that, Mavis was hearing a quiet chuckle coming from Batman/Johnny but then it was becoming a laugh by the second.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*chuckle).... ha.... ha.... ha ha.... ha ha ha ha.....

Still lowering his head, Batman/Johnny was beginning to laugh and shrugging his shoulder uncontrollably.

JOKER: I guess it's like what they say: you could all go insane with just one bad day.

Batman/Johnny kept laughing uncontrollably, he couldn't stop. He raised his head revealing how the Joker Venom gave him a horrific transformation.

Batman/Johnny's skin turned white, his red hair was replaced by green, his eyes were no longer hazel brown but instead they were changed by green, the blood on his face was served as his red lipstick similar to the Joker's. Batman/Johnny stretched his facial structure to form a big smile as he laughs.

Both Van Helsing and Arkham Knight were a bit shocked at what the venom did to Batman/Johnny.

Mavis gasped in horror at what her husband has become. Not only did Batman/Johnny's laughter terrified Mavis, but it was his face. It became identical to the Joker's.

MAVIS: Johnny..... What have they done to you?

As Batman/Johnny kept laughing, the Joker laughed along at his greatest success.

One of Johnny's worst fears of becoming a criminal or a killer is now happening!

Johnny becomes the image of what will happen if both Batman and Joker have combined, the well built strength of The Dark Knight embedded with the chaotic mind of the Clown Prince of Crime. Johnny becomes....


To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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