Killing Me Slowly (Third Book...

De LetYourLanternsFly

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The normal life is what they have always craved but when it comes to this particular "family business" once y... Mais

Exile On Main Street Part 1
Exile On Main Street Part 2
Exile On Main Street Part 4
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Heading Down the Road of More Secets and Lies
Apocalypse: Round Two
Too Many Angels...As Always
Douche-Bag Vampires
Honesty Is The Hardest Thing For Me Right Now...Just Kidding, I'm Cursed
Something Is More Than Just Wrong
Vamp Alpha
Oh Shit...
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Mother Of All
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Love, Sex And Other Things Part 2
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Family: They'll Be The Death of You
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The Man That Should Be King Part 2
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We All Need Someone To Bleed On Part 2
Finding Ourselves Part 1
Finding Ourselves Part 2
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Meet The New Boss Part 2
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It's A Cruel World Out There...Someone Will Get Hurt Part 2
I Trust You...I Think
I Trust You...I Think Part 2
You Can Never Really Fix A Heart
You Can Never Really Fix A Heart Part 2
Seeing Double Part 1
Seeing Double Part 2
To Believe Or Not To Believe Part 1
To Believe Or Not To Believe Part 2
To Believe Or Not To Believe Part 3
New Profession
Taken For Granted Part 1
Taken For Granted Part 2
I'll Admit Part 1
I'll Admit Part 2
I'll Admit Part 3
Fake It Till We Make It Part 1
Fake It Till We Make It Part 2
Fake It Till We Make It Part 3
What Are We Doing? Part 1
What Are We Doing? Part 2
Not Caring Is Harder Than It Seems...
Not Caring Is Harder Than It Seems... Part 2
Serial Killers Don't Make Good Demons
Serial Killers Don't Make Good Demons Part 2
Long Time No See... Part 1
Long Time No See... Part 2
Melissa The Ghost Whisperer Part 1
Melissa The Ghost Whisperer Part 2
Mission Impossible? Possibly. Part 1
Mission Impossible? Possibly. Part 2
Safety Part 1
Safety Part 2
Since When? Part 1
Since When? Part 2
Wish You Were Here... Part 1
Wish You Were Here... Part 2
A/N: Finally

Exile On Main Street Part 3

2.9K 72 5
De LetYourLanternsFly

"Why don't you guys tell her how long you've been back" Dean said and I heard anger in his voice.

I looked at him, then back at them. "You think now is a good time?" Brit sighed.

"It's perfect. We'll go pack while you explain to her what's going on" he said and they all went upstairs so I was alone with Brit and Sam.

"What's he talking long have you been back?" I tried to smile even though everything inside me wanted to just break down.

"About a year" Sam answered.

I sucked in a breath. "What?" I hissed. "You've both been back, pretty much, this whole time and you two suddenly lose the ability to even send a friggin text message?!" I snapped.

"Well her and Dean still are the same" Brit said.

"That's an understatement" Sam said.

"Shut up! Both of you! I cant believe this!"

"You and Dean finally had what you wanted, Mel" she said gently.

"We wanted our brother and sister alive, not to mention our best friends"

"Mel, you guys wanted a family" Sam said.

"But, if we showed up, you both would have just run off...we're sorry but it felt like after both deserved some regular life"

"What have you guys been doing this whole time? How did you even get back? Was it God? Or Cas? Does he know anything about this?" I asked, quickly.

They both smiled at me. "Slow down, Mel" Sam instructed.

"Dean will explain everything, but right now we have to get Abbey, Chris and Jesse out of here" Brit added.

All I could do was nod as everyone came back downstairs. Brit and Sam helped Abbey, Chris and Jesse get outside with their bags. "They tell you?" Dean asked me, handing me Maya's leash with Maya on the other end of it.

"Not everything...I can't deal with this right now" I muttered and shook my head as I walked out of the house with Maya and Dean came after us, carrying my bag and his.

We got to the van and I got Maya in the very back with Jesse, Chris and Abbey were in the middle section and Dean and I got in the front once our bags were in the trunk.

I just sat there, in the passenger seat as the sun started to rise and Dean had just told me everything. From him hallucinating about Yellow Eyes to Brittney and Sam coming to the rescue and injecting a Djinn cure to being in some secret lair with his grandfather and some distant cousins and finding out that Sam and Brit have been working with all of them this whole time but no one knows how they came back to life. Then, that was when Dean started freaking out, wanting to get home and find me and Jesse as soon as possible since the Djinn, now knew where we lived.

"But, why didn't they come after me too, then, if you said they went after you, Sam and Brittney?"

"One at a time, maybe? Once they knew I would go crazy with hallucinations then I'm sure they would've gunned for you, next"

I just nodded and stayed silent. I glanced over my shoulder see everyone sleeping and then faced forward again. "What the hell, Dean" I whispered and shook my head.

"I know...I know" he murmured, grabbing my hand to put it up to his lips and hold it.

We got to Bobby's and we all walked up to his door and knocked on the door. It swung open and there he stood. "Damn it" he breathed out.

"It's good to see you too, Bobby" I laughed very lightly.

"It's been a while" Dean added.

"If you're here, something's wrong"

"Bobby, this is my step sister, Abbey and her fiancé, Chris..." I introduced.

"And this is Jesse" Dean finished, putting a hand on his back.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet all of you. Mi casa es su casa" he said, letting us all in. "Maybe you want to just go upstairs. TV's broken, but there's plenty of Reader's digest. Just don't touch the decor, okay? Assume it's all loaded" he instructed and I handed the leash to Jesse so they all went upstairs together.

"So..." Dean started and Sam and Brit walked in.

"Hey, Bobby" Sam said, lightly.

I was kind of expecting some kind...shocked expression...expecting Bobby to maybe push passed us to get to them...but neither of those things happened. Instead, he stood there, calmly and sighed.

"Sam. Brit" he nodded at them.

I furrowed my eyebrows as Dean and I both gave him a hard stare. Bobby looked upstairs and then led us into the kitchen. "You knew? You knew Sam and Brittney were alive?" I hissed.

"Yeah" he sighed.

"How long?" Dean demanded.


"How long?!"

"All year"

"Are you kidding me?" I snapped.

"And I'd do it again"

"Why?!" Dean yelled.

"Because you two got out, Dean! You both walked away from the life. And I was so damn grateful, you got no idea"

"Do you have any clue what walking away meant for me?"

I started to pace with my hands on my hips. "Yeah...a woman, a kid and a family and not getting your guts ripped out at age 30. That's what it meant"

"We went to them because you asked us to" I snapped.


"Good for who?! We showed up on their doorstep half our of our heads with grief. God knows why we were even aloud in"

"I drank too much. She had nightmares every single night..." Dean added, pausing as if to remember all the times I woke up screaming in the middle of the night.

He looked at me with a gentle gaze but re-directing his eyes to all of them. "...we looked everywhere. We collected hundreds of books trying to find anything to bust you out" he finished.

"You promised you'd leave it alone" Sam reminded.

"Of course we didn't leave it alone! Sue us!" I snapped.

"A damn year? You couldn't have put us out of our misery?" Dean asked.

"Look, I get it wasn't easy. But that's life! And it's as close to happiness as I've ever seen a hunter get. It ain't like I wanted to lie to you, kids. But Mel, guys were out"

"Do we look out to you?" Dean hissed.


I walked to the staircase to just get away from everyone and take a breath. I was going to head upstairs and explain what was going on but I couldn't even do that. Dean came over to me and sat next to me. We sat in silence for a moment.

"You okay?" he asked and I just stared at him. "Yeah, me neither"

Then, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to see Abbey and I moved over a little so I was closer to Dean when she sat down on my other side and hooked her arm around mine.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked her.

"We're fine...what about you two?"

We didn't respond though. "I know Bobby's a little crotchety, but he's great...he's gonna look after you guys. Us, Brit and Sam are gonna head out"

"For how long?"

We didn't answer that question either. "Abbey...I'm so sorry" I murmured.

"We both are" Dean voiced.

"For what?"

"Those things were coming for us...we should've known" I looked sown.

"How could either of you have known a monster was gonna show up?"

"We still should've known..." Dean shook his head.

"We should've known that if we stayed with you, Chris and Jesse that something would come. Something always does..."

"We were stupid and can't outrun your past"

She didn't respond right away. "You're saying goodbye" she assumed.

"We're saying...that we're sorry. For everything"

"You know what you both are? Idiots. The two of you. I mean, I know it wasn't greeting-card perfect, but we were all in it together..."

"I was a wreck half the time, though, Abbey. I left it to Mel to pick up my pieces when she was still falling apart..." Dean said and I could hear pain and regret in his voice.

"Yeah, well, my sister and her boyfriend who just saved the world shows up at your door, you expect them to have a couple of issues....and you're both always so amazing with Jesse. You know Chris and I have always wanted a kid but we're not his real parents, we're not the ones that can really connect with him the way you two can..."

"Can I say something?" Jesse's voice came from up the stairs.

Abbey put a hand to stand to her feet and she kissed Jesse's head on her way up the stairs. I moved over, away from Dean so Jesse fit perfectly between the two of us. We both stared at him, waiting anxiously to see what he was thinking.

"Okay...I know I'm not the perfect kid...and you guys may think that you aren't the perfect parents..."

I went to object about how he said he wasn't the perfect kid...because he was...but he gave me a look so I shut up to let him finish.

"And maybe you think that you shouldn't have come back to be with me, Abbey and Chris...but I'm glad you did. I love Abbey and Chris but I wanted more than anything to have my real parents with me...and I got that wish. So you guys might be saying that it was all bad...but for me? It was the best year of my life"

We were both silent at first, taking in what Jesse just said. "It was the best year of my life too, kid" Dean finally said, putting a hand on his head to get him to look up at him.

"Mine too" I said, gently and ran a hand through his hair, playing with some of his hair on the back of his head like I do with Dean to get him to relax slightly.

I didn't know why exactly but Jesse really seemed nervous and tense but he calmed down instantly when he looked up at my face, smiling at him. Then I hugged him and Dean hugged us both and kissed my head.

I just wanted to keep this feeling I was feeling and to just stay here, in this very moment and make time stop.


So, Dean, Brit and Sam led me to some place that looked almost like an abandoned house. I followed them all in and multiple figures stood to their feet. "Mel, you remember Samuel" Dean said and he smiled at me while he walked my way.

"It's nice to meet you in the present" I smiled back and shook his hand.

"Yeah, you too...especially since your grandfather's my best friend" he said and I gave him kind of a weird look because of the way he worded what he said.

"So...the legendary Stern clan lives on in a fragile, petite, little thing" some girl said to me even though we were pretty much the same height.

"I wouldn't mess, Gwen. Her looks are deceiving" Sam said.

"She'll kick your ass" Brit laughed.

"I'd like to accept that challenge...she's not allowed to use her demon stuff though, it's cheating"

I love how I've suddenly become invisible.

"She's hot" another voice said, coming from some guy.

"Mel, this is Gwen, Mark and Christian. Cousins of ours" Sam said, gesturing to him and Dean.

I grunted in response, nodding.

"Watch your mouth boy, that's my granddaughter you're talking about" a voice said and in walked my grandfather, George Stern, himself.

My eyes widened. "Oh my god" I breathed out.

I could almost see my fathers features in his and it made my heart ache. He grinned and came to me with open arms and hugged me, I hugged back, still in pure shock. "You didn't tell me my grandfather was alive" I hissed to Dean, not able to get a smile off my face.

"Well, I thought it'd be a surprise..."

"Oh, she'll be really surprised alright..." I heard Brit mutter and Dean nudged her hard.

I furrowed my eyebrows but looked back at George when he gripped onto my shoulders. "You're beautiful...I definitely see your father in you" he told me, staring into my eyes.

That compliment made my stomach did continuous flips but it wasn't an uncomfortable, unwanted feeling this time.

"What? You don't think she looks like me?" another voice questioned. It was unfamiliar though and I felt the air tense up as everyone fell silent.

But, then, another figure came around the corner and I recognized her face right away from some pictures I've seen and from when we went back in time and met. I was prepared to see Samuel here...and I was pretty shocked to see George...but I was completely unprepared to come face-to-face with my birth mother, Katherine.

"Surprise" Dean tried to lighten the mood.

I didn't even have it in me to turn around and knock him out. "What? I don't get a hug?" she put her hands on her hips.

I looked her up and down and I felt my face contort in disgust as I saw the similar features we had. She eyed me as she took a step toward me.

"Don't come near me" I took a step back.

She actually looked hurt by my reaction...but I didn't care. I stared her down as she stared back at me with 'sad' eyes. "Mel..."

"No. You don't have the right to call me that. Honestly, I don't even want to hear you say my name at all" I spat venomously.

"Okay, Mel, you need to cool off" Brit pulled me back slightly and got in front of me to make me look at her, diverting my attention away from that bitch.

Just from seeing her standing in front of me, holding onto my arms to make sure I wouldn't attack Katherine...letting me know she was really calmed me down a little. Then, I saw Sam was giving Katherine daggers but made it unnoticeable and Dean got close to my side as well.

"I know this is a lot to take in but we have to stay focused right now, okay?" he said to me. I looked up at him and then just nodded. "So, what's the plan?" he directed to everyone else in the room.

"Well, right now, we stock up, get set" Christian answered.

"So you're saying there is no plan"

"We'll find 'em. Just got to be patient"

"Yeah, okay. Oh, here's an idea. Why don't we go kill the sons of bitches that broke into my home?" Dean snapped slightly.

"Relax, Dean. We got it handled. Djinn are hard to draw out. Now, you and Melissa have been out of the game for a while. Leave it to the professionals"

I crossed my arms. "Yeah, whatever...tiny suggestion though? You see, Djinn are easier to draw out when you got bait. They want Sam, Brit, Dean and me. They know where Dean and I live. Now, we haven't been hunting in a while, but I'm gonna stick my neck out and assume that's a pretty good place for us to go" I said, smugly, sarcastically and snarkily.

"See? It's almost like she's a professional" Dean said, just as smug and sarcastic.


So, we got back to the house to set up...but it seemed like everyone was being nosy instead of getting ready to fight. I saw Gwen pick up a Cosmo magazine that was actually Abbey's. She smirked though.

"This one yours or uh your wife's?"

I noticed she gestured to me. He just ignored her, then he snapped slightly at Mark when he saw he was holding a picture of me, him, Jesse, Abbey and Chris and then Sam teased Dean when he found his golf clubs in the small closet beneath the staircase.

"Hey, are these cookbooks in the kitchen for real?" Brit came in to us, giving me a weird look and then so did Sam. "You don't cook, Mel" she laughed.

"I'm learning" I snapped.

"So...they golf and cook..." Sam said, getting to Brit's said as Dean got to mine and they both eyed us as they were trying not to laugh.

I just rolled my eyes at them and walked away. I walked to the back yard to stand on the deck and look up at the sky that was starting to get dark but it wasn't completely there yet and I still saw some stars.

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