You Can Never Really Fix A Heart Part 2

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I stared in disbelief as I had tears flowing down my cheeks. She was going to say she didn't blame me...but how could she not blame me? Hearing her say that to me...was like a weight lifted from me shoulders...and I think it put a small damper on Osiris' parade by the look on his face. I saw Dean and Sam were looking over at me with sad looks and Brit was rubbing my back for comfort.

"Well that got too, I call Joanna Beth Harvelle to the stand" he said. My eyes snapped forward again.

"Seriously?" I snapped.

Her ghost appeared. We all just stared at her. "Dean. Melissa. Sam. Brittney. Long time" she smiled. Then, she sat in the seat beside Osiris' throne.

"State your name for the court"

"Jo Harvelle"

"And...what is your relationship to Dean Winchester?"

"We worked together" I could just picture her holding up the rifle to Dean's face and when she showed up on the case for H.H. Holmes.

"Isn't it true that you admired him?"

"Well, as a hunter...yeah. As a guy, he was kind of a jerk"

"And what about Melissa? What was she to you?"

Jo looked at me. "She was the best friend I could've ever had..."

"But, you had your differences in the past"

"Well, yeah but who hasn't..."

"You refused to talk to her for years, that's something"

"Yeah, but I was just angry and I was a kid, I didn't know any better..."

"And the day you died, you knew better" She didn't answer. I hated seeing him talk to her like this. "Did you see them as mentors of sorts?"

"I wouldn't put it like that"

"How would you put it?"

"I don't know. I trusted them. So if you're trying to say that they were bad guys or something..."

"Was it hard?"


"Working with the two of them...considering your feelings"

"No. What feelings?"

"You would have done quite a bit for Dean. Followed him into any battle"

"I know what you're getting at and it's bull"

"So Dean had nothing to do with your first case, the one that started it all"

"It wasn't like that"

"No feelings. None at all. I mean, even when he was with Melissa, you didn't even want to get back at her for what she did to you way back when?" She didn't respond. "You would have chosen the same exact road. Ended up in that hardware store, holding the fuse?"

"Oh, you're a piece of work. You know that? Putting words in her mouth..." Dean started but Osiris lifted a hand and Dean started to gulp a little, not able to open his mouth or speak.

"Keep him under control, counsel...or I'll remove his tongue" he said to Sam and then dropped his hand and Dean let out a big breath.

"Your witness" Osiris said to us.

Sam was about to get up but Brit stood up faster and gestured to Sam. "You sure?" he asked her. She nodded and then walked up and faced her. She hesitated for a second and Jo smiled so Brit couldn't help but smile back.

Killing Me Slowly (Third Book to the Secrets Will Kill You Series)Where stories live. Discover now