Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler...

By InthenameofJoshDun

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Joshua Dun struggled with mental health. When his new friend Jenna introduced him to a certain artist that wr... More

⭒ I ⭒
⭒ II ⭒
⭒ III ⭒
⭒ IV ⭒
⭒ V ⭒
⭒ VI ⭒
⭒ VII ⭒
⭒ VIII ⭒
⭒ IX ⭒
⭒ X ⭒
⭒ XI ⭒
⭒ XII ⭒
⭒ XIII ⭒
⭒ XIV ⭒
⭒ XV ⭒
⭒ XVI ⭒
⭒ XVII ⭒
⭒ XIX ⭒
⭒ XX ⭒
⭒ XXI ⭒
⭒ XXII ⭒
⭒ XXIV ⭒ (new actual update!)
⭒ XXV ⭒
List of songs in this story (ch1-ch25)
⭒ XXVI ⭒
⭒ XXIX ⭒
⭒ XXX ⭒
⭒ XXXI ⭒
⭒ XXXV ⭒
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⭒ XLIX ⭒
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⭒ LII ⭒
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⭒ LXI ⭒
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⭒ LXV ⭒
⭒ LXVI ⭒
⭒ LXIX ⭒
⭒ LXX ⭒
⭒ LXXI ⭒
⭒ LXXV ⭒
NEW SHORT STORY: I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (a short Joshler story)
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♡ On to book 2: Final part of book 1 ♡


186 34 66
By InthenameofJoshDun

Hellooo friends!! I'm back with a new chapter yay!

Maaaan you guys's reactions to last chapter made me so happy 🥺🥹 I love that you're all so excited about them connecting again but mostly also because I chose to do the bus scene as the beginning of their story together! I've been wanting to use the bus scene for this ever since I started this story in 2022 and it makes me so happy that you guys were all so excited about it and thought it was worth it like I'd hoped ♥️

Btw: Ty's tattoo idea (turtle that he got from Steve) was inspired by this:

I'm just imagining a simpler version without the heart and a bit simpler lil paws and a blank shell and just a lil eye, more in this style:

A lil cutie but carrying a vase with a flower 🥺 I loved the idea

Also I do not know who made these designs, there was no credit whatsoever but I'm not claiming them as my own or using them or getting it tattooed so just using it as pics to describe what I was envisioning!

I hope you had a great Christmas if you celebrate! Aaaand we got so much Ty and Josh content compared to the last few months haha I love it! Ty is having another babyyyyyy

Everyone hoping Tyler and Jenna are having a girl next while I'm here like wouldn't it be so cute if Tyler would be an actual girl dad 🥹 but also I really don't care about the gender at the same time either hahaha I just love that they're having another baby and they're happy. Also I'm seeing so many people surprised that they're having more than 2 kids as if Tyler doesn't have 3 siblings and Jenna has 4? They come from huge families themselves haha of course they're gonna have more than 2 kids

Anywaaays let's dive into this chapter ♥️ more Joshie and Ty content! Excited for you to read this. I really enjoyed writing this one!!

Please enjoy, it's a long one!!

All my love and thank you for all of your comments and your votes. I appreciate you so much!

Word count: 5118


"So how did you get here in Denver out of all places?" Tyler asked.

"Uh, well, I've been living back home for well over a year now, working in the family business again and all that. But living in a house with two parents, an adult sister and her boyfriend, a 17-year-old brother and a 15-year-old sister, is just too dang much sometimes", Josh said with a soft laugh. "I kind of felt suffocated and... I don't know, kind of like I was never gonna achieve anything as a college drop out with hardly any savings still living at his parents' place. I just needed to get out of there for a bit, and feel a bit more... well, mature I guess", Josh blushed. "Or more independent. Which is why I didn't bring anyone and I'm here on my own."

"So you decided to drive to Denver?" Tyler said with a soft laugh. "No", Josh blushed. "Not just that. I went to Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Denver to see you play on my own, like a solo trip", Josh said.

"Oh dude, you've been driving all of those distances the past few days just to see my shows? That's crazy", Tyler said. "I'll take that", Josh shrugged with a blush. "And I'm really glad you did", Tyler smiled. "'Cause you're here. I still can't believe you're actually here after so many years. You're right next to me. It's surreal", Tyler said.

"It feels like that for me too", Josh said with a blush. "Figured you'd forgotten about me", he said. "What! Never, that's impossible", Tyler said. "I mean, life has been a shit show for a while and I haven't had much thought to think of anything else... but I'd never forget you", Tyler said. "Absolutely not."

"Well in case you're wondering... I didn't forget about you either", Josh said with a giggle, and it made Tyler laugh. "Clearly not", he chuckled. "Have you been enjoying all the new stuff? Astronaut, December..." Tyler trailed. "Yes, I've been loving all of it", Josh smiled. "And I couldn't believe you blew up like that so quickly suddenly too. It was so awesome to see", Josh smiled. "Though it made me miss the small shows too", he blushed.

"If I'd been able to continue those small shows, I would've realized you're still coming to my shows a lot sooner", Tyler said. Josh shrugged. "That's okay, I- I'm just happy that you're so successful", he smiled. "I know you said that's what you always wanted, and knowing that you've achieved that... it's just really special", he said.

"Thank you, Josh", Tyler smiled softly. "I'm glad you don't blame me for that." "Of course not, silly", Josh said with a soft laugh. "I'm just sad that this was my last show of this tour and I have to wait for the next one again", Josh chuckled. "Oh man, I wish we'd seen each other sooner so we could've seen each other more this tour", Tyler said. "Did I at least play some of your favorites?" He asked.

"You have", Josh smiled. "Though you've never played my most favorite song", he said. "Oh? Which one is it?" Tyler asked. "Uhm, it's Tonight", Josh said. "Oh wow", Tyler said. "I... guess I never really played that song much", he said. "Have I really never played it when you were there?" Tyler asked. "Nope, in all thirty-seven shows - including today's show - you never did", Josh chuckled. "I don't think you ever played it since I started to listen to your music. And it's been quite some years. Maybe you did way in the beginning but you haven't done so for many years", Josh said.

"Oh man", Tyler softly said. "I... wonder if I even know how to play it", he chuckled. "Come with me. Let me try", Tyler said as he got up, waving for Josh to follow him, which he did. He was slightly in shock from what Tyler just said; let me try. Was he actually going to do that? Josh wasn't sure if he was ready for that.

Josh followed Tyler to the back of the bus and he opened the door at the end of the small hall. Tyler flicked the lights on and walked inside, turning around as he opened his arms. "Welcome to my traveling studio", he said with a laugh. "This is usually a bedroom with a double bed but I'd rather have a studio on wheels than a double bed to get even lonelier in so I prefer my bunk", Tyler chuckled. "Sit down", he gestured at a chair and Josh sat down as he looked around.

He'd seen Tyler several times, he'd hung out with him even in private settings. But never did he see any living space that was personal to Tyler, let alone a studio. This was as personal as it was gonna get, and Josh felt so lucky to be in that position he was in at that moment. He looked around, seeing the pieces of paper with scribbles on it and random words and sentences jotted down, the instruments that Tyler used, the computer screen and laptop that he used to write music on. Headphones, pedals, guitar picks, tools and supplies to care for his instruments; it was slightly messy, but in a cozy way, and Josh adored it. It was one of his favorite locations he'd ever been in. This was as if he was inside of Tyler's mind and he loved it.

"Sooo..." Tyler trailed as he sat down behind his keyboard. "Uhm..." he trailed as he tried some chords, then he scrunched up his nose. "That did not sound right", he said. "I wasn't gonna say it", Josh said, which made them both laugh, and Josh blushed. "Let me try again. I'm really about to google how to play my own song", Tyler said as he tried some stuff, then he grabbed his phone and he looked it up.

"Ah, I got it now", he smiled as he put his phone away again and he started to play the piano again.

"The young boy wants to move ahead and the old man sings rewind. I wonder when in his time line, we'll break to the other side. Maybe there's a span of time when we feel we're neither, nor. Not wanting to go back again and not wanting to go forth", he sang.

"...I forgot the lyrics..." he trailed. "The point in life must be..." Josh softly said. "Right", Tyler smiled. "Thank you J", he said as he looked up at Josh with a soft smile. He then looked back at the chords; he hadn't stopped playing.

"The point in life must be pretty dark and hopeless, terrifying. And if you're asking me when that is; it must be tonight", Tyler sang. "It must be tonight."

Josh let out a shaky breath, feeling his eyes tear up as he heard Tyler sing the song for the first time in his life. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to actually hear the song. And Tyler wasn't even playing it at a show, he was playing it for Josh personally. If Josh would leave this bus and get hit by a truck and die on his way home, he'd die happily and content. This was all that he needed and ever wanted. It was making him emotional.

"The old man sits all by himself and thinks of better years, when he used to believe in stars and would dream away his fears. The young boy moves so fast, he doesn't see the stars above. And all his dreams are crushed by old men who didn't dream enough. We must all agree there's a point in life when darkness breaks our brittle hopes and dreams, and I'd say it must be tonight."

Tyler played the chords for a while, losing himself in the song again. He'd missed playing it, and it was hitting him harder than he had expected. "Stay with me", Tyler softly sang.

"Save me tonight. It must be tonight."

Tyler took his fingers off the keys and he was quiet for a while, so was Josh.

"Well", Tyler then said, letting out a soft laugh. "That hit me harder than I thought it would", he said as he wiped a tear away and he looked over at Josh, who also had teary eyes. "I- I was definitely expecting this to hit me this hard", he let out a soft laugh, which Tyler did too. He got up. "C'mere", he said as he pulled Josh into a tight hug when he got up. "I'm so glad I finally got to see you again J", he said softly. "You really turned my whole night around. I'm so, so glad that you're here", he said.

"Even if I was trespassing on accident?" Josh asked softly, voice muffled a bit because he was hugging Tyler so tightly. Tyler let out a laugh. "Even when you were trespassing", he chuckled. "You're still as funny as ever. I missed you", he said. It made Josh blush. "I missed you too", he said softly.

They pulled back, letting go of each other and Josh wish they never had to. "Let's go back to the lounge okay?" Tyler asked and Josh nodded. He turned off the lights and let Josh leave the studio first, before they both walked to the lounge and sat down. They talked about the song Tyler just played, and about the show of that night, when they heard noises downstairs. "Ah there they finally are", Tyler said. "Oh I- I should-" Josh started. "Nah you're good, no worries", Tyler said. "We'll have some more time."

"Hey Ty, I-" Tyler saw Michael appear at the top of the stairs, and then Michael's frown and look of confusion on his face as he saw someone on the couch with Tyler.

"Who the hell is that? Who the hell are you?!" Michael said. "Jeez, calm down", Tyler chuckled. "No!! Why is there a stranger alone with you in our tour bus!" Michael yelled. "Okay look at him again. Anything familiar?" Tyler asked as Josh turned around to face Michael, giving him a slight wave with a blush. Michael frowned, also turning back to Josh, and it took him just seconds before his eyes widened. "Josh?!" He exclaimed. "H-hi Michael", Josh smiled softly. "Holy shit! Oh my god! You're hot!" Michael yelled.

"My thoughts exactly", Tyler laughed, and Josh just couldn't seem to stop blushing. "Waaait dude. Duuude. Your tattoos, they're incredible! Oh my god, come here. Show them off! I wanna see them!" Michael said and Josh let out a soft giggle as he got up and Michael pulled him into a hug before he started checking out his tattoos.

"What's all the yelling about?" Jordan asked as he walked in. "...wait who are you-" he cut himself off with a gasp. "Josh!" He gasped. "Hi Jordan", Josh chuckled. "What! We- we all thought you just- you stopped coming to shows! Wh- my god dude you're almost unrecognizable", Jordan said as he was now checking Josh out as well, making him nervous but flattered at the same time. "I didn't realize I changed that much", Josh blushed. "Oh you really fucking did", Michael muttered. "No one recognized you right away so... yeah, you changed a lot", Tyler chuckled. "So you're all saying it's my fault that you all thought I stopped showing up?" Josh asked with a laugh.

"...I don't wanna say it like that, but... maybe", Tyler grinned, and Josh let out a soft whine. "I just... I wanted to do something that made me feel... better, more... more me", he said. "Well good for you! Because you look gorgeous and I can tell you look comfier like this", Jordan smiled. "Well if I'd known that it'd make you all believe I stopped showing up, I would've never done it", Josh blushed.

"Hey at least we found you again now, and now we know what you look like so we can't be mistaken anymore! Wait how did you even get here?" Michael then asked. "Oh uh, well..." Josh trailed with a blush as he scratched the back of his head. "I was kind of... trespassing?" Josh said. "But not on purpose", Tyler clarified quickly with a laugh. "No! No no I- I didn't know I was", Josh quickly said. "Oh god I am ruining this", Josh muttered.

"No you're fine, go ahead", Tyler said with a gentle laugh. "They know you. It's okay", he smiled as he put his feet up on the coffee table. Josh blushed with a soft smile. "Okay so- so I- the parking lots were full so I was driving around stressing trying to find a parking spot and then a car pulled out of their roadside parking spot so I quickly parked my car there and theeen after the show I knew I had to make a left turn but I forgot when, so I went left the first turn, and then I realized I was somewhere I was not supposed to be and then- then I saw Tyler", Josh blushed.

"Yeah so some idiot didn't close the gates", Tyler said. "But also thank god they didn't 'cause now Josh's here!" He smiled as he threw his hands in the air.

"...okay I am gonna check every venue from now on to see if they shut the gates and entrances", Michael said. "But yay! Bambi's here!" He then exclaimed.

"Oh I totally forgot you used to call Josh Bambi", Jordan said. "I'm still so here for that. He's definitely still a Bambi."

"Once a Bambi, always a Bambi", Tyler hummed. Josh smiled softly, wanting to not show his blush too obviously.

"I do hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... we do really need to leave in about five minutes", Jordan said. "Oh man can't we stay a bit longer? Josh's hereee", Michael pouted. "Nooo, we can't, we are absolutely not gonna be in time for the show tomorrow if we do", Jordan said. "Ah damn it", Michael sighed. "I was so down for a Josh reunion afterparty", he said.

"I could've sung abba songs together all night", Tyler said. "But I guess we'll have to say goodbye then", he sighed softly as he sat up.

Josh felt his heart heavy, but he nodded. "Yeah, I should get going", he said. "We'll give you two a moment", Jordan smiled. "We'll be downstairs."

Jordan and Michael went back down and then it was just Josh and Tyler again.

"Sorry that you have to leave so soon", Tyler said as he got up, 'cause Josh was standing too. "It- it's okay, it's to be expected", Josh smiled softly, but it was more of a sad smile as he shrugged lightly. "I'm just really happy that I got to see you one more time", he blushed. "Me too, Josh", Tyler smiled. "I'll be looking out for you at all of my next shows", he said. That made Josh blush.

"Can I- I ask you for one thing? My sister, she... she's a bit jealous of the items that I got signed", Josh blushed. "Oh! Of course, I'll sign anything you want me to", Tyler said. "Let me get a sharpie..." he trailed.

Josh thanked him as he got the December CD out, along with a shirt he'd gotten for Ashley and a lanyard with a card of the tour, not a ticket but more a collectible, that he'd gotten himself. Tyler came back with the sharpie and sat down on the couch as he signed the items. "What's her name again?" Tyler asked. "It's Ashley", Josh said. "Oh I won't forget that anymore", Tyler smiled. "We got an Ashley with us too."

Tyler wrote a little message on the cd for Ashley too, and just a signature on the shirt. He wanted to write Ashley's name on the card next. "Oh that- that's actually mine", Josh blushed. "Oh! Good thing you let me know right in time", Tyler smiled as he instead wrote to Josh.

He also wrote something else down before he signed it, and he grabbed all of the stuff before he handed it to Josh. "One moment please..." Tyler trailed as he went to the studio and came back with a handful of guitar picks that featured Tyler's name and logo on them. On one side, it had a small signature printed on it too. "Here you go", he smiled as he handed them to Josh. "For you, Ashley, and anyone else you want to have one". He smiled.

"Oh Ty- I- Tyler", Josh quickly corrected himself, which made Tyler chuckle. "Ty's fine", he smiled. It made Josh blush. "That- you really didn't have to do that", Josh said. "I want to. You're cool, the friends of yours that I met are cool, I'm sure your sister is cool as hell too. Take them, I got plenty", Tyler smiled. Josh accepted them and he put them in his bag. "Thank you so much", he smiled.

"I think we should take a picture before you leave", Tyler said. "I- yeah, yes, please", Josh nodded with a smile as he grabbed his phone and they took a selfie. Tyler made a few silly faces but there were also pics with sweet smiles. Tyler's arm was around Josh's neck and he rested his head against Josh's.

Josh then put his phone away and he took a step away from Tyler. "Oh hold on, we're not done", Tyler grabbed his own phone and it made Josh blush softly again as he moved back to take a few more pictures with Tyler - on Tyler's phone this time. His chest was screaming and internally Josh was totally freaking out.

"Alright let's go downstairs", Tyler said. They walked down the steps and they found Jordan and Michael there. Josh gave them a tight hug and they waved him goodbye as Tyler left the tour bus with Josh. He also gave Josh a tight, long hug.

Josh noticed that Tyler still had that same scent of cologne as he had years ago, and he'd missed that. He closed his eyes as he took in the full moment.

"I hope I'll see you again soon", Tyler said. "Me too", Josh blushed as they pulled back. "Just be safe okay? Drive home safe", Tyler said. "I'll be careful, thank you", Josh said. "You be safe too yeah?" He said. "I will. Bye Josh", Tyler smiled. "Bye Ty", he said, then he turned around and he started to walk away.

Tyler lit a cigarette as he watched Josh walk away. He still couldn't believe that he had just seen Josh again after several years. It had been so long, and he couldn't believe it.

Then when Josh was quite far away already but not out of sight, Tyler heard himself yelling something before he even realized it. "Josh, wait!"

Josh turned around as he came to a stop, and then Tyler was jogging up to him. He came to a stop near Josh, who looked at him questioningly.

"Uh... hey", Tyler said. "Hi", Josh blushed. "What uh... what's up?" He asked.

"Well, we Uh..." Tyler trailed. "I- maybe we could- we should grab some coffee some time", Tyler said. Josh smiled softly. "Oh no, it's okay", he said. "Don't worry, we don't need to do that, it's fine."

Tyler quirked an eyebrow, a little taken aback. "Uh... o...kay? You- you don't want to?" Tyler asked, surprised. "Well I mean I would love to if you actually meant it but I know it's just a thing people say to be polite even if they don't really mean it y'know", Josh rambled. "I mean, the sentence 'we should grab coffee some time' is the ultimate textbook example of someone trying to be nice even if they're not actually interested in doing so. They'll just say that and never follow up because they never meant it so don't worry, we don't- don't need to pretend, we just won't get coffee", Josh ended his ramble.

"...Uhm, alright..." Tyler trailed. "I- I should go", Josh said. "They're probably getting impatient back there. Uhm- thanks, Tyler", Josh smiled softly. "For- for not kicking me out right away and- and for signing the stuff and all that. Be safe when traveling, yeah?" Josh said.

"Yeah, yeah I will. You too", Tyler said. "I'll be alright. Bye Tyler", Josh smiled. "Yeah, uhm, bye Josh", Tyler said. Josh smiled at him as he turned around and he started to walk away again.

"Uhm wait- wait, Josh?" Tyler then said, following Josh for a few feet again. Josh stopped and turned around a second time, and Tyler was right there.

"Uhm... okay what about... we should grab a smoothie some time", Tyler said. "Or uh... a milkshake? Hot chocolate? A beer? I don't know, Dr Pepper? Milk? Mountain Dew, lemonade? Wine, red bull, tea? A slushy? Tap water?" Tyler asked.

"Or we could get some food but I- I honestly feel kind of uncomfortable eating in front of people I haven't seen in a while and I think you once mentioned that you also don't really feel comfy eating in front of strangers or people you don't really know or people you haven't known for a long time yet so I don't think that food will be either of our personal choices", he said.

Josh stared at him. "...you were serious?" He asked softly. "About the coffee?" He added. Tyler shoved his hand in his pocket, tapping the back of his cigarette with his other hand as he nodded. "Yeah, I was", he said. "I uh... had no idea it was a thing people said to others just to be nice, but didn't intend to follow up on. I just... just thought it could be nice to grab coffee together some time", Tyler shrugged.

Josh was blushing heavily, letting out a soft groan in embarrassment as he covered his face for a moment. When he removed his hands and when Tyler looked up at him, he averted his gaze. "I can't believe you genuinely asked me that and I told you no", Josh muttered. Tyler let out a soft laugh. "I... I wasn't expecting you to say no either", he said with a soft chuckle. "If you don't want to, that is more than okay, by the way", Tyler told him. "No pressure. I don't want you to feel like that. ...but I just, I would really like to do so. Grab coffee some time. Or apple cider, Gatorade, kool-aid, tomato juice, root beer, ginger ale, iced tea, cold brew, whatever you'd like", Tyler chuckled.

"You know a lot of drinks to name off the top of your head", Josh giggled, and Tyler let out a laugh. "I guess that might be my hidden talent?" He said, making Josh laugh softly. He was smiling widely, trying to downplay it but he was failing. "I- I would love to do so too", Josh smiled. "Cool", Tyler replied. "I'll... message you? Check when we're nearby so we can set something up", he said. Josh bit his lip as he nodded. "Yeah. Alright", he smiled. "I'll look forward to it."

"Now I really gotta go back", Tyler chuckled as he took a drag from his cigarette. "Right", Josh hummed. "I'll... see you later then", he blushed. "I'll see you later", Tyler smiled as he waved at him, and Josh turned around a third time as he started to walk away again, when Tyler walked back to the tour bus. He took a last drag of his cigarette and then he extinguished it with his foot before he went back into the tour bus.

"Is he gone?" Jordan asked. "Yep, he's gone now", Tyler nodded. "That... that really made my whole night", he blushed a little as he looked down.

"Tell me you got his number this time", Michael said. "I... didn't", Tyler replied. "Oh you idiot! Why didn't you get his number?! Go, go get that number!" Jordan pushed, giving Tyler a shove towards the door. "Wh- but-" Tyler tried. "No but's! You refused to get his number and then you didn't see him for a million years. Now go get his damn number!" Jordan said. "You better come back with that number or you're not getting in!" Michael yelled.

"Okay okay! Jeez, fine!" Tyler said as he stumbled down the stairs, making his way back out of the bus.

He didn't see Josh anymore, and so he started running. He then saw that Josh was about to turn the corner. "Wait, Josh! Wait!" Tyler yelled a second time that night, and Josh turned around confusedly as he came to a stop again, his heart beating fast as he saw Tyler running towards him.

Tyler came to a stop in front of Josh, slightly panting.

"Hi", he said.

"Hi Ty", Josh said with a soft smile. "...what's up?" He asked, and it made Tyler let out a soft laugh, as the dialog was repeating itself from just moment earlier.

"Can I get your number?" Tyler asked. Josh's jaw dropped slightly but he tried to quickly pick it back up as he realized he did so. "I- wh- my number?" Josh asked. "Yeah", Tyler said with a soft laugh. "I... didn't do that several years ago and I... may have regretted that a little bit", Tyler said. "...but I also couldn't ever ask Lucas for it 'cause... well 'cause I didn't know if that would be okay with you and because I didn't wanna be that guy", Tyler said. "So... now I'm asking you yourself", he said. "Y'know... to arrange the coffee date and stuff?" Tyler said.

Josh's heart completely gave up on him internally as his eyes widened slightly. Date?! Did he hear that correctly?! No- no, no. Tyler didn't mean that literally. How else would you call having a coffee with a friend? Josh would call it a coffee date even if it was Colin or his sister. That didn't mean anything. He tried to play it off cool, and he felt like he mostly succeeded judging by Tyler's expression.

"I- yeah, of- of course", Josh blushed. "Perfect", Tyler smiled. He quickly made a contact in his phone, adding their selfie to it, and then he handed it to Josh so he could add his number. "Here you go", Josh blushed. "Awesome. Thank you", he smiled. He gave Josh one last tight hug. "Now I'm not gonna run after you again", Tyler chuckled. "We really gotta leave now."

"Yeah stop doing that", Josh giggled. "Don't want them to get angry at you." 

"They're the ones who just kicked me out 'cause I failed to get your number at first", Tyler laughed. "Wasn't allowed back in without it."

Josh let out a laugh. "They're cool guys", he smiled. "Yeah, they are", Tyler said. "So are you."

As they stepped back, they gave each other a wave. "Be safe driving back home", Tyler said. "I will, I promise", he said. It was the third time Tyler had said that, and Josh's reply had been the same each time. "Bye now", Tyler smiled as he waved. "Bye Tyler", Josh returned it with a smile. Josh then moved around the corner out of sight and Tyler ran back to his bus. As he got in, Mark and Ashley had arrived too.

"There he is! Did you get it?!" Jordan asked. "I did", Tyler said with a soft blush. His friends - since Michael and Jordan had told them all about how Josh was here - erupted in excited cheers and Tyler couldn't help but laugh at his friends' silly goofiness. "I hate all of you", Tyler chuckled. "You love us!" Michael smiled. "I do", Tyler smiled. "Let's have a drink. I'm really craving a drink now", Tyler said.




Ty got Joshie's number 😌

What did you thiiink? I'd love to hear!! Ty's friends are the real mvps for finally getting Tyler to ask for Josh's number. And Josh being so awkward when Ty asks for the coffee date is so funny to me haha I loved that idea

I hope you enjoyed it and I really hope to hear your opinions on it!! I'll see you again soon at the next chapter. Can't wait to write so much more!

All my love ♥️

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🌈【𝒶𝓃 𝓂𝓂 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎】 Andrew Parker's life has always felt like a series of tough breaks. Growing up in the remote stretches of Alaska, h...
26.5K 1.9K 33
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! I wanted to write a one-shot for pride month, but I turned it into a short story because pride month and my gay readers deserve mo...